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Cate West: The Vanishing Files - Cate West's Allies


Northampton, UK. 9th September 2009: As Cate West continues the press tour of her first European story, Oxygen Games, on behalf of her publicist Wesley Carr, are pleased to release new information on the Allies and Enemies Cate encountered in her search for the solution to the Vanishing Files mysteries:

Ben Shepherd
Age: 31 Occupation: Arcadia City Police Detective

Ben is a seasoned veteran of the ACPD. He started law enforcement as a beat-cop in New Jersey, though after a series of quick promotions brought him to Arcadia City to as senior detective.

His cynical and sometimes cold demeanor hides a strong sense of justice and duty. In contrast to others in the force, Ben chooses to not carry a gun. This is not because of an accident in the past that Internal Affairs is on his case for, but due to his firm belief that crimes can be solved peacefully with great detective work as opposed to bullets.

He lives alone with Sabi, his Basset Hound.

Jogging and working out, playing (and winning at) chess and listening to old Jazz records.


Elliot McCaffrey
Age: 31
Occupation: Arcadia City Police Detective

Elliot has been Ben's partner in the ACPD for the last 6 years. Quick to show his emotions, he's very loyal to those whom he consider his friends. Elliot is of Irish descent and loves to wear an old leather jacket in respect of popular 70s TV shows about hard-working, hard-hitting detectives. His colleagues have often joked about his “borrowed” clothes and investigating style.

Sailing, boxing, playing basketball, 70s Cop shows and going to the movies.


Judge Hilary J Silver
Age: 62
Occupation: Judge

Judge Silver majored in law studies at Harvard College and graduated with honors from Harvard Law School. After a short career as a lawyer in New York, he was appointed as a Federal District Judge in Arcadia City

The mayor of Arcadia City said … “Judge Silver renders his service superbly -- with dedication, intelligence and energy. He crafts justice with a disciplined compassion forged through thorough understanding and commitment to this nation’s common law and constitution.”

Theatre, opera, radio chat shows and swimming.



per mail
A group of guys from TLWiki have started work on an unofficial English translation for Konami's dating simulation game "Love Plus" TLWiki is apparently dedicated to translating erotic games, visual novels, and doujin software. I wish these guys good luck and hope they have the motivation to complete a full translation no matter how long it takes them.

quelle ds-scene.net
Famitsu bestätigt: Bomberman kommt für DSiWare


Ein explosiver Evergreen zum Multiplayer-Wettstreit erscheint jetzt definitiv für DSiWare: Bomberman, das wohl größte Franchise aus dem Hause Hudson! Man deutete eine Umsetzung bereits an, die offizielle Bestätigung blieb jedoch verborgen. Solange, bis jemand einen Release-Eintrag in der aktuellen Famitsu fand, welcher außerdem erste Angaben zu „Itsudemo Bomberman“ (frei übersetzt „Bomberman Anytime“) enthielt. Demnach erscheint der Download-Spaß für 500 Punkte im Oktober 2009 in Japan und vermutlich noch dieses Jahr hier in Europa.

Aardman goes Flipnote Studio: Kurzfilme angekündigt


Seit geraumer Zeit ist nun Nintendos „Flipnote Studio“ kostenlos über den europäischen DSiWare-Shop beziehbar. Und bei all den kreativen Schöpfungen, die bereits auf der offiziellen Website präsentiert wurden, wundert es nicht, dass sich jetzt auch der ein oder andere Promi meldet.

So hat Nintendo Tim Ruffle vom Animationfilm-Studio Aardman („Wallace & Gromit“) für die Erstellung von 12 „Flipnote Studio“-Kurzfilme begeistern können. Der erste davon wird ab dem 16. September auf der offiziellen Website des Spiels vorfindbar sein und den Titel „The Sandwich Twins“ tragen. Von da an erscheint im wöchentlichen Rhythmus je eine neue Animation von Tim Ruffle.

SanDisk ships official SDHC cards for the Nintendo DSi


How would you like an official Nintendo/SanDisk DSi SDHC card? Well, you can go out and grab yourself one, as they're out on the streets right now. You even get a 5-year limited warranty, thanks to that Nintendo Seal of Quality.

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