NDS DS - Newsthread (Keine Kommentare)

Rares Handheld-Team weiterhin am arbeiten

Das Handheld-Team bei Rare wird weiterhin beschäftigt. Das teilt Rare in der britischen GamesTM mit. Damit reagiert Rare auf Meldungen, nach denen die Handheld-Abteilung geschlossen wurde.

Das Team würde auch an neuen Projekten arbeiten, wobei es sich hierbei nicht um Handheld-Spiele handelt. Derzeit sei auch kein Spiel für Handhelds in Vorbereitung.

UK: Installierte Hardware-Basis bei 8,8 Mio. St.

In Großbritannien hat Nintendo mittlerweile 8,8 Mio. Nintendo DS verkaufen können (Stand: 31.12.08). Das hat GfK-ChartTrack ermittelt, der Handheld kam am 11.03.05 auf den Markt.

Tactic Slayer

D3 Publisher wird das neue SRPG Tactic Slayer vertreiben, das Game wird vom Entwickler Ninja Studio produziert und soll noch 2009 in Japan erscheinen.














Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars : more screenshots


Grand Theft Auto : Chinatown Wars
is displayed with small images. The first incursion of the series on Nintendo DS is decisive for Rockstar Games, which saw an opportunity to estimate the good profitability or otherwise of such a license in the Kyoto company.



My World, My Way

My World, My Way ist ein RPG von N.C. und wird von Atlus vertrieben. Im Spiel steuert ihr die Prinzessin Elise der es zu Haus bei ihrem Vater zu langweilig ist und beschliesst von dort weg zu gehen um viele Abenteuer in der weiten Welt zu erleben.





Zuletzt bearbeitet:
First GTA: Chinatown Wars multiplayer info

If there’s one thing that the developers of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars have made clear, it is that the game’s Wi-Fi connectivity will be an important feature. Rockstar hasn’t revealed too much information regarding multiplayer, but today, the first confirmed details have come out thanks to a flyer from New York Comic Con.

The Nintendo Wi-Fi mode will allow gamers to participate in “head-to-head and co-op multiplayer mayhem” and Chinatown Wars also has “stat tracking and leaderboards that track your criminal career.” In terms of general gameplay information, there is an “all new replay feature” in which players can replay missions. Lastly, Rockstar states that the game will have an epic storyline, many side-missions, addictive mini games, and hidden collectibles.

Music - the first real music teacher on DS


Get some more about the 1st real music teacher on DS through this 1st and exclusive batch of screenshots. Discover how you’ll succeed in learning how to play music on your Nintendo DS™.

Screenshots content :
- some lessons
- some tests
- terminology
- calendar
- mini games
- Pieces for piano


Music remains a major frustration for most of us. Only the bravest and those who could stand those boring and tough music lessons are now able to play music and live that unique experience. For the rest, you can still try to touch that feeling by playing a rhythm based video game and shaking a plastic guitar … but it will never be (sound) the same.

BUT now with “MUSIC”, a new edutainment game for the Nintendo DS coming out in April 09, you could learn and play music in a FUN and EASY WAY!

“MUSIC” brings a serious music learning method on DS developed by Shiro Tsuji a famous Japanese music teacher.

Learning music at all ages is now possible on DS!!!

Game features

• Smoothly learn the basics of the music theory with 21 lessons.

• Monitor your progresses and learning curve with 18 quick tests.

• Work out your musicality and skills across a series of fun mini games designed to practice your sense of rhythm, your memory, your musical ear…

• Practice what you’ve learnt on virtual instruments (the piano, the drum…).

• Plan your learning and practicing through your coach calendar.

Europe-Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure available in March


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Square Enix Ltd., the publisher of Square Enix® interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, today announces that Nippon Ichi Software’s Rhapsody™ ~A Musical Adventure~ will be released by Square Enix across PAL territories on 20th March 2009, exclusively on the Nintendo DS™ handheld system.

If music be the food of love, then prepare to fall all over again for Rhapsody ~A Musical Adventure~. Available for the first time on Nintendo DS, this musical RPG classic has been redeveloped to utilise the interactive capabilities of the handheld console.

Fast-paced and easy to understand, even for those new to the RPG genre, the game features a simplified yet intuitive dual screen battle system, and an all-new easy to follow navigation map. The game’s simple and fun gameplay style, loveable characters that will sing and dance during key moments, and the quality of the anime art style, will make Rhapsody ~A Musical Adventure~ appeal to many types of gamer.

John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd. comments, “Once again Square Enix is delighted to be bringing another one of Nippon Ichi’s quality titles to Europe and other PAL territories. Rhapsody ~A Musical Adventure~ is another fun addition for anyone’s Nintendo DS collection”

For more information about Rhapsody ~A Musical Adventure~ please visit the official website at www.rhapsodygame.com

About Rhapsody ~A Musical Adventure~


Marl Kingdom, the land of hope and dreams!

This story follows the adventure of Cornet, a young girl who can communicate with puppets. Cornet is just like any other girl, dreaming of her perfect prince and hoping one day to fall helplessly in love…

Then one day, she hears a rumor that the Royal Family of Marl Kingdom will hold a contest to find a suitable wife and Princess-to-be for the dashing Prince Ferdinand.

Cornet and her best friend, a puppet named Kururu, set off on their quest to meet and fall in love with the prince of Marl Kingdom.

But before she gets that far, Cornet will encounter gangs of evil witches and sorcerers.

And so, Cornet’s “Operation Snag a Prince” is destined to become more complicated than she ever expected…


„X Redeveloped to take advantage of the dual screen layout

„X An all-new easy to follow navigation map allows players to look around and navigate dungeons with greater ease

„X Intuitive Touch Screen controls allow you to control all actions including character movement

„X Simplified yet intuitive dual screen battle system

„X Additional playable characters

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Europe - Disgaea DS available in April


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Square Enix Ltd., the publisher of Square Enix® interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, today announces that Nippon Ichi Software’s Disgaea® DS will be released by Square Enix across PAL territories on 3rd April 2009 on the Nintendo DS™ system

Simple yet highly addictive, Disgaea DS is an updated portable version of the classic Strategy RPG Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, previously available on the PlayStation® 2 computer entertainment system. Since its release Disgaea has won over a loyal following of fans that have grown to love the quirky humour and deep, long-lasting challenge.

Disgaea DS doesn’t just let you take the Disgaea madness on the road, but introduces exciting innovations such as the new duel system multiplayer, complete with masses of customisable rules and game options. You’ll also be able to connect to your friend’s Nintendo DS to swap and share items, take your battles to a new strategic level with Geo Cubes and there’s an added exclusive new story mode dedicated to Etna and her quest to become Beauty Queen Ultimate Overlord.

John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd. comments, “Nippon Ichi’s Disgaea DS delivers a unique portable gaming experience which can be enjoyed by everyone. Thanks to the series’ trademark cheerful and fun style, Disgaea DS is set to appeal to all players across Europe and other PAL territories”

For more information about Disgaea DS, please visit the official website at www.disgaea-ds.com



The Netherworld – a place darker than a pitch-black cave, located deeper than the depths of the seas. It is a cursed land where evil reigns and foul beings dwell. Nobody knows its whereabouts, but everybody fears its existence…
The story takes place two years after the death of King Krichevskoy, the ruler of the Netherworld. His son Laharl slept for two full years, unaware of his father’s death, while demons fought for supremacy over the Netherworld. With the help of his vassal Etna and her underlings, the egocentric, megalomaniac Prince Laharl fights his way to become the next king.


• Discover who is the best strategist with the all-new duel system for multiplayer battles
• Multi Customisation lets you customise the multiplayer mode, with changes to game rules, field and win/loss conditions and much more
• Geo Cubes. These cubes have very special effects and are dealt equally to each player, use them carefully as they can both delight and infuriate
• Shop and Share with Wireless Communication Mode, trade with friends and share your item data
• Exclusive New Story. A dedicated story for Etna and an all-new ending if you defeat this mode
• Guest Appearances – you never know who you’ll run into next with hidden characters waiting to be unlocked

Spooky Story: Grusel-Comedy-Abenteuer von XIDER für den Nintendo DS


Kaarst, 13. Februar 2008. An Freitag dem 13. gruselt es so manchem vor
plötzlichem Unglück. Einen Unglückstag erwischt auch Arty Fishal, Held
des neuen DS-Abenteuers Spooky Story: In einer stürmischen Nacht kommt
er auf dem Rückweg von einem chaotischen Wochenende mit Freunden von der
Straße ab und setzt seinen Wagen gegen einen Baum. Allein, ohne Telefon
und weit ab von jeglicher Zivilisation, muss er einen Weg finden, Hilfe
zu holen. Das exklusiv für den Nintendo DS entwickelte Adventure von
XIDER erscheint Ende April 2009.

Arty landet vor der Tür eines uralten Gruselschlosses, dem einzigen
Gebäude in der verlassenen Gegend. In dem mehr als unheimlichen Gemäuer
muss er sich bald mit einer bunten Sammlung verrückter Geister und
Untoter herumschlagen und jede Menge Rätsel lösen. Zum Glück hat der
coole Arty dabei immer einen lockeren Spruch auf den Lippen.

Eine völlig neue und spannende Geschichte trifft auf bewährtes Gameplay:
In Spooky Story erwartet den Spieler viel schwarzer Humor, abgedrehte
Comic-Grafiken und abwechslungsreiche Rätsel. Spooky Story wurde
speziell und exklusiv für den Nintendo DS entwickelt und ist nach dem
bewährten „Point & Click“-Prinzip komfortabel per Stylus spielbar.

Nach dem preisgekrönten Edna Bricht Aus und den legendären
Ankh-Abenteuern, erwartet die Spieler ein neues
Comic-Adventure-Highlight von XIDER mit zahlreichen liebevoll
handgezeichneten Locations, skurrilen Charakteren und jeder Menge
„geistreicher“ Dialoge!

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