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Phantasy Staro Zero, Mario & Luigi 3 & more - details

Phantasy Star 0

- “the most ambitious, compelling, and robust online offering on the handheld to date.”
- “true spiritual successor to the original Phantasy Star Online.”
- fully realized single-player campaign, but the multiplayer modes are the big draw.
- Online or local play with up to four players. Free. No territory restrictions. Friend codes or random party assignment.
- Lobby area. Random map variations and cannot move from one level to another without going back to the lobby.
- “multiplayer modes have no overarching narrative”
- “remarkable graphics engine”
- can map actions to Y, B, or A, and to R+ Y, B, or A.
- “accuracy increases with each successful hit during a combo, making it easier to land heavy attacks (by going light-light-heavy, for instance).”
- “(Ardent fans of the series will be delighted to know that Phantasy Star Universe’s miguided linkage of Technics to certain weapons has been discarded.)”
- Visual Chat - Draw any type of message you want, like “Heal me!” Up to 20 messages can be saved to shortcuts. Friends-only. Random teams are limited to keyboard chat and premade symbols.
- Added the ability to dodge.
- Camera control could be an issue with the lack of an analog stick.
- “more than 350 unique weapons, the majority of which are brand-new.”
- Character designs are by Toshiyuki Kubooka, from the Lunar series.
- Mags are present.
- Can use same character in multiplayer and singleplayer, and experience/items carry over between the two modes.
- No comment on downloadable content/updates.

Valkyrie Profile

- “It’s a strategy-RPG, with a much bigger emphasis on combat than before.”
- Control of when each character attacks is still in.
- Hit gauge at the bottom fills up with successful strikes. When full, a character can do a “Soul Crush” which also feeds back into the Hit gauge.
- Bonus when two characters are flanking an opponent.
- Grid movement in an isometric view.
- Doesn’t have a traditional overworld or dungeons to explore. The game is mainly about the combat.
- “What may be harder to take as the game goes on are the story’s darkness and the ruthless gameplay that grows out of it. … Wylfred is very much the anti-hero, and it’s hard to say whether players will sympathize with what he does and why he does it.” (Wylfred wants to kill the Valkyrie to get revenge for losing his father. He’s helped by Hel (from Viking Hell) who is using Wylfred for her own ends, thus the “Covenant” part of the title.)


- Former Quest Corporations staff helped the team (already a lot of strategy-RPG fans among them) with the shift in gameplay to a strategy-RPG.
- “Where in other games it has always been in players’ best interests to defend the lives of their allies, Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume forces palyers to ponder the value of sacrifice in view of the greater goal.”
- “we really wanted to recapture the gravitas of the original Valkyrie Profile and tell the tale through the eyes of a dark hero who opposed the Valkyrie … I think those who see the full story will ultimately find the message to be an uplifting one, so I hope they’ll play it all the way through.”
- Just under 30 tracks from the original VP and 20 new tracks.

Dragon Quest V

- “What luck! The crown jewel of the Dragon Quest series is finally coming to Western shores.”
- “[Dragon Quest V] quickly became Horii’s favorite game in the series, and it holds that distinction still. Too bad Horii’s enthusiasm didn’t rub off on his coworkers at Enix America, who decided to stop localizing Dragon Quest jsut as the series hit its creative peak.”
- “Hand of the Heavenly Bride begins with the hero as a young boy … But the hero’s happy childhood cannot last forever, and his path to adulthood will be marked with both triumphs and tragedies.”
- “Horii has a gift for brevity that is rare among his peers, and he doesn’t need cut-scenes or lengthy conversations to tell an emotionally involving story. Nor does he need to pile on the pathos to make you feel something - the handful of dark and tragic moments in Dragon Quest V hit hard because of the many lighter moments that have drawn you into the quest and made you attached to its likeable cast. Dragon Quest V may lack the sophistication of more-modern titles, abut few RPGs since have matched the warmth of its soul.” (The article was written by Casey Loe, and I think that’s a fine piece of writing right there.)
- There is a monster catching aspect (60+ in this version of DQV) that the article says was part of the inspiration for Pokemon. (probably DQMonsters, too ) After capture, they fight for you as regular party members. They have level caps, though, so they’ll have to be rotated out for later captured monsters.
- Uses DQIV engine, but uses more color to diversify the towns.
- “The battles remain fast-paced and richly animated, with weapons that can hit entire groups (or the entire battlefield) adding a bit of spice to the otherwise-straightforward, hammer-on-the-attach-button battle system that has long been the series’ trademark (Expect that to change a bit in the upcoming remake of the more tactical Dragon Quest VI)”

Sands of Destruction (World Destruction in Japan)

- “Not since it turned Anakin Skywalker into a whining, complaining wuss ahs sand been so volatile.”
- Ferals (race of beastmen) use humans as slaves. “It seems like the only escape of the humans in Sands of Destruction is to end it all, and that’s where the story kicks off …”
- The World Annihilation Front is led by a 16-year old girl named Morte.
- Duel-screen boss fights with multiple attack points, some more vulnerable than others.
- Random, turn-based battles. Attacks can be upgraded.
- You are Kyrie who’s just out trying to find Mushrooms for his uncle. He’s then summoned to the Feral mayor’s house, placed under arrest, and then a power inside him wells up and melts all the bad guys. :O He’s drained, placed in prison, rescued by Morte, and the story’s off!
- Travel the sand covered world on sand ships. Fight sand whales. Team up with a Feral who looks like a cuddly Teddby Bear, but is actually a veteran bounty hunter who would kill anyone for the right price. Imagine this guy coming to kill you.
- Learning catch-phrases gives you status boosts.
- Fully voiced cut-scenes. 50 tracks from Procyon Studio with 20 by Mitsuda himself.
- “Who knows? If these were the sands that Anakin had been exposed to, maybe Darth Vader wouldn’t have been such a jerk.”

Mario & Luigi RPG 3

- Mario are Luigi are inside Bowser. They can affect Bowser’s actions by their work within him. Control Mario and Luigi with A, B, and Bowser with X, Y.
- Ailment sweeping the land causing citizens to balloon in size, so Bowser swallows Mario and Luigi. Hmm, makes sense.
- When playing as Bowser, you can even activate a touch-screen attack to use Goombas against your foes.

Avalon Code

- The code of items/enemies can be changed, resulting in changes such as dropping all Goblins HP from 500 to 200 to 50.
- Turn normal items into highly powerful items by changing their codes using secret recipes.
- Dungeons are eschewed in favor of time trials (e.g. solving simple puzzles or fighting through waves of enemies.)
- “Power-ups are rarely found; they’re most often earned for juggling foes so high that they actually leave the planet’s atmosphere.”
- Romantic subplots, fortune-telling, boss battles consistenting of most of your time being spent rewriting the boss’s code to make them weaker.
- Coming in February from XSEED and Marvelous USA.

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New Pokemon Dungeon Mysterty game confirmed by Coro Coro

A few weeks back, it was rumored that Japanese magazine Coro Coro would have a look at a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game. That information has been confirmed to be true. The first details (keep in mind that these details are unverified) on the next installment in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series have been transcribed and can be read below:

- Will be called Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky
- Game is being developed for the DS
- New starter Pokemon include: Phanpy, Eevee, Riolu, Shinx and Vulpix
- Might not be an actual sequel, but more of an update of Exploreres of Time/Darkness like Pokemon Platinum
- Unclear if there will be one or two versions yet
- Some believe game will include Shaymin and its Sky form

More GTA: Chinatown Wars info

- Team working on Chinatown Wars “twice the size” of the one that worked on Vice/Liberty City Stories
- Has “more lines of code” than San Andreas
- The Satellite navigation system is “identical” to GTA IVs in appearance and functionality
- Ammunation has gone online! You order weapons with your PDA and they show up at your safehouse
- You can replay any mission by selecting it from a menu in the safehouse
- Grenades and molotovs are thrown using the touch screen - you touch one and drag it, with an indicator on the top screen (where the action is) showing you where it’s going to land
- The A button is used to fire weapons
- One minigame involves assembling all of the parts of a sniper rifle with the touch screen, before using it to assassinate a designated target
- Another touch-sensitive mini-game will be paying bridge tolls - you push the coin into the slot to get through the barrier
- While some might perceive them to be gimmicky, EDGE describes the mini games as being “short” and “smoothly integrated”
- Game already finished with development - going through final bug testing

Neue Bilder zu Mario & Luigi RPG 3



Mehr Bilder und Infos
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Electronic Arts released the Lord of the Rings: Conquest game for Nintendo DS (among other platforms) today. Seems like we missed last week's batch of "first screenshots" of the game.

In a partnership with New Line Cinema, The Lord of the Rings: Conquest is an action-packed game created by the same Pandemic Studios team behind the best-selling Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront II titles. Set in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" universe as depicted by the Academy Award-winning films, players will finally fight the entirety of these epic battles any way they want. In addition to crusading as the heroic forces of good, for the first time ever in a The Lord of the Rings action title they'll conquer Middle-earth while playing as the legions of Sauron's evil army, including Cave-trolls, Oliphaunts, the Balrog and Sauron himself.

All-new Evil Campaign
Fight for Good or play an all-new Evil campaign - What if Sauron regained the Ring?
Battle for Middle-Earth
Battle for Middle-earth as an archer, warrior, or mage.
Unlock and Play
Unlock and play as Agagon, Ringwraiths, and other heroes and giants.
Wage War
Wage war with or without a friend over wireless.





SpongeBob Squarepants Frantic Fry Cook fü DS

THQ gibt bekannt dass es eine Umsetzung des Konsolentitel SpongeBob Squarepants Frantic Fry Cook für Nintendo DS geben wird. Das Game soll bereits im März diesen Jahres in den USA erscheinen, einen Termin für Europa gibt es bisher nicht.

Rhapsody : A Musical Adventure

Square Enix annonce l’arrivée de son RPG musical Rhapsody : A Musical Adventure pour le printemps 2009 sur le territoire européen. Voici alors de nouvelles images ainsi que le communiqué de presse tout chaud tout frais !


Paris, le 14 janvier 2009 - Square Enix Ltd., l’éditeur des produits de divertissement interactif de Square Enix® en Europe et dans les autres territoires PAL et Koch Media, société de distribution et d’édition de jeux vidéo et de programmes multimédia annoncent aujourd’hui que le titre de Nippon Ichi Software : Rhapsody™ ~A Musical Adventure~ sera disponible au printemps 2009 dans l’ensemble des territoires PAL en exclusivité sur la console Nintendo DS™.

Si musique rimait avec amour, vous seriez déjà épris de Rhapsody ~A Musical Adventure~ ! Disponible pour la première fois sur Nintendo DS, ce RPG musical a été repensé pour tirer pleinement parti des capacités interactives de cette console.

Ce jeu au rythme endiablé est accessible à tous, y compris aux débutants dans l’univers des RPG. Il offre notamment un système de combat intuitif utilisant les deux écrans et une carte de navigation très facile à utiliser. Avec une jouabilité simple et amusante, des personnages adorables aimant chanter et danser, et un style « manga » de grande qualité, Rhapsody ~A Musical Adventure~ saura plaire à tous les joueurs !

John Yamamoto, PDG de Square Enix Ltd., commente : « Suite à l’annonce de la sortie de Disgaea® 3 et Disgaea DS, nous sommes heureux de continuer à renforcer notre relation avec Nippon Ichi en publiant Rhapsody ~A Musical Adventure~ en Europe et dans l’ensemble des territoires PAL. Ce jeu a été spécialement conçu pour plaire aux joueurs de tous âges ! »

À propos de Rhapsody ~A Musical Adventure~


Bienvenue dans le royaume de Marl, la terre des espoirs et des rêves !

Notre histoire conte les aventures de Cornet, une jeune fille capable de communiquer avec les marionnettes. Comme toutes les filles de son âge, Cornet rêve du prince charmant et espère un jour tomber éperdument amoureuse.

Un beau jour, elle entend une rumeur... La famille royale de Marl organiserait un concours pour trouver une personne digne d’être l’épouse du magnifique Prince Ferdinand.

Cornet et sa meilleure amie, une marionnette nommée Kururu, embarquent alors pour un long voyage afin de conquérir le cœur du prince de Marl...

...Mais avant d’atteindre son objectif, elle devra d’abord affronter des hordes de sorcières et de mages maléfiques !

L’opération « séduction du prince » risque ainsi de s’avérer plus délicate que Cornet ne l’espérait !

-Un jeu repensé pour tirer parti des deux écrans.

-ne nouvelle carte de navigation facile à utiliser pour permettre aux joueurs de se
déplacer avec aisance dans les donjons.

-Des commandes intuitives utilisant l’écran tactile pour contrôler toutes les actions, y
compris les déplacements du personnage

-Un système de combat sur deux écrans, simple et intuitif.

-Des personnages jouables supplémentaires."



Argos, DSGi profits down, but gaming doing well

There was more doom and gloom on the High Street this morning as two major players in the entertainment retail sector reported significant sales declines over the Christmas period, The Retail Bulletin reports.

Argos suffered a 7.5 per cent like-for-like decline in the 18 weeks to January 3rd compared to the same period a year before, with total sales falling 3.6 per cent to £1,850m. However, the retailer pinpointed consumer electronics and gaming in particular as a notable highlight.

Currys and PC World owner DSGi saw like-for-like sales for the two weeks ending January 10th fall by ten per cent. However, the firm did add that the performance of its new look stores “exceeded expectations”. The firm remains committed to making £95m worth of savings in the next year.

Koei talks Monster Racers, DS market

A portion of a Gamasutra interview with producer Hisashi Koinuma and Koei sales and marketing manager Jarik Sikat…

GS: Looking at the art for Monster Racers, there seems to be some Pokémon influence there. Was that an intentional aim to capture that market, or was it a coincidence??

HK: Before, the object wasn’t to make a Pokémon game. First, there was the vision to make a kids game; to focus on games that were more geared towards younger boys. So, when thinking about younger boys’ games, there may be some references to Pokémon.

And, also [with] the fact that this game uses monsters, there is also that overlap in similarity with Pokémon. But we don’t necessarily think that all monster games are Pokémon games, so it’s difficult to make a kids’, boys’ monster game and not have people relate it to Pokémon, so that’s very difficult for the team.

Another historical background of the game is Koei released a title [in Japan] ten years ago called Monster Racer that included monsters. It was quite successful, and is what this game is based off of. An additional reason why Koei decided to make this game is that our Nintendo category is weaker than our other platforms, so this –

GS: …as a developer-publisher, how do you feel about the DS market right now?

HK: In Japan, the DS sales have come to a point where it’s so large that it’s not just a target audience; you can’t limit it to a younger generation or older generation, it’s gone beyond a certain audience, to where they even have a term called ‘touch generation’.

So, it’s something that has become a very commonplace electronic device that can be assumed that everybody already has, and I think that will be the same in US and Europe as well.

So for a device that is becoming not just a game device, but actually a communication tool, as publisher and developer, you can’t ignore that platform and not develop any software for something that is becoming not just a gaming device.

Full interview here
Kirby Super Star Ultra too greedy

Nintendo offers a buffet of images exposing Kirby Super Star Ultra for Nintendo DS. This remake of the Super Famicom production takes its comfortable and hopes attractive with new mini-games, a better graphical look and some beautiful cinematics 3D. Released on November 22 in the USA, the small pink ball come on in the first 2009 quarter.

hier gibt es noch mehr zu bestaunen
Gardening Mama

IGN diffuse une nouvelle série d'images de Gardening Mama sur Nintendo DS. Mettant en scène le personnage de Cooking Mama, ce titre sera l'occasion de la retrouver et de l'aider ici au jardinage. L'écran tactile qui sera utile pour creuser, planter ou encore arroser vos plantes ou fruits et légumes. Un mode multi-joueurs jusqu'à 4 a été ajouté et ce avec l'utilisation d'une seule cartouche.

Sortie pour le printemps 2009 sur le territoire Européen.


GTA: Chinatown Wars: Neue Infos, Eindrücke und Bilder

EDGE hat neue Einzelheiten, Eindrücke und Bilder zu GTA: Chinatown Wars von Rockstar veröffentlicht.


- Das Team, das für die Entwicklung des Spiels verantwortlich ist, ist doppelt so groß wie bei GTA Liberty City Stories (PSP) und GTA Vice City Stories (PSP).

- Der Programmcode ist größer als bei GTA San Andreas (Xbox, PS2).

- Der Held heißt Huang Lee. Sein PDA wird auf dem Touch-Screen dargestellt.

- Das PDA zeigt eine Minikarte, die identisch mit der in GTA IV ist.

- Mittels PDA ruft der Spieler Emails ab, schaut sich die Hauptkarte an und bestellt Waffen bei Ammu-Nation, die zum Unterschlupf geliefert werden.

- Der Unterschlupf dient nicht nur zum Speichern, er hält auch verschiedene Trophäen bereit, die man im Spiel erhalten hat. Außerdem sieht man eine Wandtafel, auf der sich Fotos sämtlicher Kontaktpersonen und magnetische Buchstaben befinden. Die Buchstaben lassen sich via Stylus bewegen und aneinander setzen.

Außerdem kann man durch das Antippen auf ein Foto Missionen starten, die sich auch öfters spielen lassen. Ebenso sind Online-Ranglisten einsehbar.

- Waffen wählt der Spieler im PDA-Bildschirm aus: Ein Tipp auf ein Symbol pausiert das Spiel automatisch, bis man die passende Waffe ausgesucht hat.

- Granaten und Molotov-Cocktails werden über den Touch-Screen geworfen. Dazu wird ein Symbol auf dem Touch-Screen berührt, wonach ein großer Kreis erscheint. Darin wird durch Antippen die Richtung bestimmt, in die der Spieler eine Granate werfen will.

- Ein Minispiel besteht daran, ein geparktes Auto mit einem Schraubenzieher kurzzuschließen oder eine Straßengebühr zu zahlen, indem eine Münze in einen Schlitz geworfen wird.

Eindrücke (+/-)

+ Liberty City erstrahlt in flüssiger, sauberer 3D-Grafik.

+ Die Autos haben ein unterschiedliches 'Handling' und Fahrverhalten.

+ Die Flugbahn von Schüssen ist am Mündungsfeuer der Waffe und an Linien der Zielerfassung gut auszumachen, so dass der Spieler weiß, aus welcher Richtung er beschossen wird bzw. er die Schussrichtung seiner Kugeln erkennt.

+ Die Minispiele sind kurz und sehr gut in das Hauptspiel integriert worden.

+ Sollte das Missions-Design mithalten können, dann könnte das die beste Handheld-Version eines GTA Spiels sein.



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