Film Die Königsklasse des Entertainments - Kino 2019

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After the record-breaking box office run of “It,” director Andy Muschietti has found his next project.

Muschietti will direct a feature film adaptation of “Attack on Titans” for Warner Bros. The studio finalized a deal with Japan-based publishing company Kodansha on Monday.

Attack on Titan,” written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama, has become one of the best-selling manga series with over 76 million copies in print since debuting in 2009. It is set in a world in which humanity lives in cities surrounded by enormous walls protecting themselves from gigantic humanoids that are referred to as titans.

David Heyman (“Harry Potter,” “Fantastic Beasts”) is producing the film with Masi Oka (“Mega Man”) and Andy’s sister Barbara Muschietti (“It” and “Mama”).
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Eine FORTSETZUNG von Gladiator...
Gladiator 2...., im Ernst jetzt? Würde im Leben nicht drauf kommen, Ridley Scott und eine Fortsetzung vom Gladiator in einem Satz zu benennen ...

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