- Set in Atlantis
- Other locations include Siberia, Agartha, Washington D.C.
- Team is focusing on art/story
- New gameplay types for online
- Bounty Hunter mode returning
- Different character classes, each has unique attributes
- Can unlock suit upgrades (ex: robotic legs that let you sprint farther)
- WiiSpeak support
- High Voltage, for now, has decided “to have one primary suit slot and two secondary slots where you can equip upgrades, but that may change in the final game.”
- Will be able to change character’s appearance
- 2-4 player splitscreen option for all competitive
- Co-op Invasion mode: Up to 4 players (online or local), has unique challenges
- New weapons: Vortex Cannon and Phase Rifle
- Vortex Cannon: Sends bullets back at enemies with a more powerful force
- Phase Rifle: Shoot through walls
- Old weapons will be returning
- Some old weapons are seeing a facelift
- About 7 new weapons
- Big boss battles
- ASE also returning
- ASE used for more things other than puzzles (can do a lot of scanning, which is recorded)
- Can use TPC ammo as mines
- SEGA publishing again
- No release date