3.Playstation 3 - NUR Playstation 3

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
ich habe zwar aktuell einen Wii vorbestellt, aber bei den aktuellen bildern der PS3 werde ich wirklich schwach. und dann noch die vorstellung, meine alten PS2 spielen in HD spielen zu können :o werde wohl den Wii stornieren und mir eine PS3 zum launch holen. einen Wii kann ich mir ja auch noch später kaufen.
gibt es noch irgendwo diese PS3 bundles zum start? wollte mir eine PS3+Ridge Racer 7 vorbestellen.
solid2snake schrieb:
ich habe zwar aktuell einen Wii vorbestellt, aber bei den aktuellen bildern der PS3 werde ich wirklich schwach. und dann noch die vorstellung, meine alten PS2 spielen in HD spielen zu können :o werde wohl den Wii stornieren und mir eine PS3 zum launch holen. einen Wii kann ich mir ja auch noch später kaufen.
gibt es noch irgendwo diese PS3 bundles zum start? wollte mir eine PS3+Ridge Racer 7 vorbestellen.
Also ein spiel umsonst kriegste sicher nicht mehr. Aber warum holst du dir nicht lieber ein spiel das man schön online im MP zocken kann?
Also ein spiel umsonst kriegste sicher nicht mehr. Aber warum holst du dir nicht lieber ein spiel das man schön online im MP zocken kann?
Ridge Racer kann man mit bis zu 14 Player online Spielen. Außerdem wird es viele andere Dinge geben wie weltranklisten newsticker usw.
Sonny Black schrieb:
solid2snake schrieb:
ich habe zwar aktuell einen Wii vorbestellt, aber bei den aktuellen bildern der PS3 werde ich wirklich schwach. und dann noch die vorstellung, meine alten PS2 spielen in HD spielen zu können :o werde wohl den Wii stornieren und mir eine PS3 zum launch holen. einen Wii kann ich mir ja auch noch später kaufen.
gibt es noch irgendwo diese PS3 bundles zum start? wollte mir eine PS3+Ridge Racer 7 vorbestellen.
Also ein spiel umsonst kriegste sicher nicht mehr. Aber warum holst du dir nicht lieber ein spiel das man schön online im MP zocken kann?

Ridge Racer 7 wird doch auch online gaming haben. glaube 20 leute gleichzeitig werden unterstützt. stelle mir dies sehr geil vor :)
außerdem bin ich riesiger RR fan, gehört einfach zu jedem playstation launch dazu.
Ich würde mir ja auch gerne eine PS3 holen.
Das Geld würde dabei eine nicht allzu große Rolle spielen.
Doch im moment fehlt mir einfach noch der große Knall.
Der Titel, das Highlight welches mir sagt, dass ich diese Konsole haben MUSS!

Wie stark vertreten wird eigentlich die 500€ Variante der PS3 in Europa sein?
Als Starttitel würden mich derzeit nur Ridge Racer 7 und Motor Storm interessieren.
Sonst spricht mich jetzt direkt nichts an glaub ich.
Immerhin, Motorstorm würde auf 2007 verschoben (soweit die Liste von Gamestop) stimmt... dann bekommen´s die anderen au net lang vor uns... ;)

Was jedenfalls ein absoluter Multiplayer-Knaller wird, ist Warhwak... Flugzeuge, Soldaten, Panzer... das wird genial... :D
Resistance wird sicher prima. Dann Motorstorm, dass wird zweifelsohne spitze. Auf Formel 1 freu ich mich auch ziemlich. Ansonsten mal abwarten, wann sie hier nun wirklich genau kommt und was bis dahin draußen ist... wer weiß, vielleicht kriegen wir ja auch ein Heavenly Sword zum Lauch... ^
Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Resistance, RR7, Virtua Fighter 5 dürften alle ziemlich gut werden.
Genji 2 und Lair finde ich auch interessant.

Hab schon PS3 und 2 Spiele bei dem Saturn Angebot mit dabei, aber ich denke mindestens 1 weiteres Spiel wird folgen! Die Spielauswahl zum PAL Start wird sicher alles andere als dürftig. Und das sind alles nur Exklusivtitel.

Dazu kommen natürlich noch diverse Sportspiele, Call of Duty 3, Assassin's Creed etc. Die dicken Titel hole ich mir aber auf jeden Fall.
frames60 schrieb:
Resistance wird sicher prima. Dann Motorstorm, dass wird zweifelsohne spitze. Auf Formel 1 freu ich mich auch ziemlich. Ansonsten mal abwarten, wann sie hier nun wirklich genau kommt und was bis dahin draußen ist... wer weiß, vielleicht kriegen wir ja auch ein Heavenly Sword zum Lauch... ^

Von Formel 1 halte ich auch sehr viel :)
Das schaut wirklich klasse aus.
Von Heavenly Sword konnte ich einfach noch zu wenige Eindrücke sammeln.
Gibts da schon erweiterte Gameplay Movies?
Motor Storm wird wohl wirklich sehr gut.
Ich hoffe nur, dass sie in die Strecken noch etwas Abwechslung reinbringen.
wegen Genji würd ich dir das hier empfehlen.


Aber auch sonst kommen bis März noch Geniale Spiele hier mal das bisherige Launchlineup seitens Sony. Also wird HS vermutlich auch ein Europa Launchtitel sein^^ Genauso wie Def Jam oder auch Burnout 5

Ich glaube schon allein durch die 7 verschiedenen Klassen wird man jeweils auf ein und derselben Strecke ein völlig anderes Fahrerlebnis haben. Ansonsten kommts natürlich auf die Abwechslung und Vielseitigkeit der Strecken an. Persönlich fände ich einige wenige, dafür hochklassige und spßige Strecken besser als 40 verschiedene Strecken, die sich aber irgendwie alle gleich spielen.

Wenns noch 4+ Strecken zum Download gibt, dann bin ich absolut zufrieden mit der Auswahl.
Mhhh wie siehts eigentlich mit Fatal Inertia aus?
Da habe ich lange nichts mehr von gehört.
Zuletzt wirkte das Game zwar grafisch wirklich klasse, aber das Gameplay schien etwas lahm.
Ich suche eben so Titel, die mir auf meiner Xbox 360 fehlen.
Daher eher keine Shooter, sondern Future Racer.
Ist vielleicht sogar ein Jet Ski game geplant, wie damals Splashdown?
Dann wäre die PS3 schon gekauft.
Ich stehe da total drauf ;)
IGN schrieb:
GT Force Set For PS3

October 22, 2006 - Worried about having to control your PS3 launch racers with the Sixaxis controller? In Japan, racing fanatics will have a better option from day one thanks to Logitech (or, as the brand is known in Japan, Logicool).

Retailers in Japan have revealed that the GT Force RX steering wheel peripheral will hit the PS3 at launch. The peripheral will be retail for 9,980 yen and will be in shops on 11/11. Sadly, aside from this, we don't have any details on the wheel at this time.

Logitech has yet to announce a US version.

Mal sehen wie es ist. Aber klasse, dass es schon ein Lenkrad ab dem Launch gibt. :)
hier nochmal alle Infos zum Launch zusammengefasst^^

As part of its Gamer's Day event today Sony Computer Entertainment America has outlined its initial line-up of PlayStation 3 titles, as well as revealed some more details on its PlayStation Network and PS3 peripherals.

Sony currently expects to have over 20 titles available for the next-gen system through the holidays, although only three of those will be first-party games. Most titles are expected to retail for "under $60," which we assume means the standard $59.99 next-gen price point. Although it's not clear how many of these will be available immediately on November 17 when the console launches, here's a rundown of the official "launch window" list:

First-party games

Resistance: Fall of Man

NBA 07

Genji: Days of the Blade

Third-party games

Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII (Ubisoft)

Call of Duty 3 (Activision)

EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 (Electronic Arts)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda Softworks)

F.E.A.R. (Vivendi Games)

Full Auto 2: Battlelines (Sega)

Madden NFL 07 (Electronic Arts)


Mobile Suit Gundam: CROSSFIRE (NAMCO BANDAI Games)

NBA 2K7 (2K Sports)

Need For Speed Carbon (Electronic Arts)

NHL 2K7 (2K Sports)


Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (Electronic Arts)

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas (Ubisoft)

Tony Hawk's Project 8 (Activision)

Untold Legends Dark Kingdom (Sony Online Entertainment)

"Our line-up of PS3 games that will be available through the holidays is unprecedented in terms of volume, variety and innovation, surpassing any previous competitive launch catalog and even our own original offerings for other PlayStation platforms," commented Kaz Hirai, SCEA President and CEO. "We are pioneering a new era of true next-generation gaming through such titles as Resistance: Fall of Man, a visually arresting game that takes advantage of the large storage capacity and exceptional visual clarity offered by Blu-ray Disc (BD); and NBA 07, running at full 1080p for the highest resolution image possible, creating hyper-realistic characters and gameplay never seen before."

In addition to revealing its games line-up, Sony also discussed its online plans. The PlayStation Network will offer "basic features" for free from the get go. The online network will also continue Sony's policy of an open platform (as opposed to Microsoft's tightly controlled Xbox Live network), which Sony believes gives developers "more freedom and creativity in the development of their games and online/network services."

Similar to Xbox Live Marketplace, part of Sony's online strategy also includes a PlayStation Store, where users will have access to demos, downloadable content, and casual games. Like Xbox Live Arcade, PS3 owners will be able to purchase simpler, arcade-like titles, including those developed by Sony Computer Entertainment World Wide Studios exclusively for PS3; the first such title has been revealed to be Blast Factor. After setting up a unique PlayStation profile (sort of the equivalent of a gamertag), PS3 users can communicate with other gamers and use an electronic wallet to purchase content. Sony said that downloadable first party games will cost less than $15 at launch and that "more content will be added on a regular basis."

SCEA also confirmed that its XMB (Xross Media Bar), similar to what you see on the PSP, will be used to navigate through the PS3's options. PS3 owners will use this XMB to go online with the PlayStation Network, to select a game or movie to play, to playback music, view photos, download content, browse the web, chat with other players and more.

Finally, Sony detailed some of its peripheral pricing and announced that the first 500,000 PS3 units shipped will be bundled with Sony Pictures Entertainment's Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby on Blu-ray Disc to highlight the PS3's hi-def movie playing capability. This is similar to the company's initial PSP promotion. If you recall, the first batch of PSPs came packed with a UMD copy of Spider-Man 2.

Gamers will undoubtedly want to purchase a second controller for the PS3 when they get the system. SCEA is making the Wireless Controller (SIXAXIS) available for $49.99. Additionally, those interested in the next-gen console's backward compatibility feature will likely want a Memory Card Adaptor for transferring game save information from both their PS1 and PS2 memory cards onto the PS3 HDD; the adaptor will cost $14.99. A BD Remote Control is also "coming soon" for $24.99.

Sony noted that "video output in HD requires cables and an HD-compatible display, both sold separately," so it appears that neither component cables nor an HDMI cable will be included.

GameDaily BIZ will be speaking with Sony live from the event today. We'll be updating with more detail/comments, so stay tuned.

[UPDATE] Sony has confirmed that the PS3 in North America will come with a multi-AV cable with composite just as it does in Japan. Unlike the Xbox 360 (which was ridiculed by some for its large power brick), Sony mentioned that the PS3 will come with a simple AC cord, meaning that the console's power supply is internal. The system will also come with a USB mini cable and an Ethernet cable.

In addition, unlike much of Microsoft's first-party software on the Xbox 360 (which typically retail for $49.99), Sony's first-party titles have been confirmed to have a $59.99 price point.

[UPDATE 2] Sony has confirmed that the PS3 (like the 360) can be turned on with the controller. In demonstrating the network functionality, Sony showed off the friends list feature which can be used free of charge, and the web browser will be free out of the box as well. Microsoft, to date, has not announced plans for a web browser on the 360. Nintendo, however, is offering an Opera web browser for free download on the Wii initially.

Sony also demonstrated some connectivity between the PS3 and PSP. The PS3's XMB can apparently be run on the PSP and media on the PS3 can be streamed to the PSP.

[UPDATE 3] Sony apparently got help from Sony Online Entertainment for its PlayStation Store design. SOE president John Smedley showed off the interface that publishers will be able to incorporate into their games, including Featured Items, Demos, and Downloadable Games. Additionally, classic PS1 titles will be made available for download on the PS3, which can then be transferred to and played on the PSP. Sometime down the line, those games will be playable on the PS3 itself, but not at launch.

Downloadable movie trailers will also be available, free of charge. And Sony is preparing a number of free demos for the system's launch as well. A MotorStorm demo was showcased and it's likely that demo plus three or four others will be available come November 17.

Also worth noting is that as part of Sony's retail initiative, rather than simply having a retail clerk pop in a disc in the PS3 kiosk, Sony will actually be able to stream content into the units at retail.

Finally, God of War director David Jaffe came out to voice his support for the PlayStation Store and to unveil what he's been working on: Criminal Crackdown. The game is being developed along with Incognito and is apparently influenced by the old-school 16-bit era titles like Bomberman. The goal is to catch criminals and put them in jail. It will support four-player splitscreen and 1080p resolution. The game is tentatively slated for the February - March timeframe.

[UPDATE 4] Following today's Sony event GameDaily BIZ tracked down SCEA senior vice president of marketing Peter Dille to talk about some of today's announcements.

BIZ: How many of the launch titles will actually be available on day one?

Peter Dille: Each of the three titles we have will be available on day one... All these titles we've talked about are still in various forms of submission or manufacturing and I don't want to be in the position of speaking for the third parties about which ones will make it on day one or which ones will be three days later or five days later... But between launch and holiday you've got 22 great titles.

BIZ: In terms of the pricing, SCEA titles in the past have often been cheaper (for example, $39.99 on PS2) but now it seems your first-party games will be in line with next-gen pricing of the third parties at $59.99. Why is that?

PD: Well, that's exactly right. They're in line with next-gen price points. And consumers have already shown that it's a price point that they accept. And there's an awful lot of great content in PlayStation 3 games, so we think consumers are ready, willing and able to show up and pay 59 bucks for a title like Resistance: Fall of Man. or any of the other titles. Again, I don't want to speak for the third parties but we're very comfortable with our price point.

BIZ: I found it a bit surprising that the system out of the box is not really HD ready. You opted to include composite A/V cables over component or HDMI. What went into that decision?

PD: It's really about addressing different consumer situations, so not everyone has a hi-def television today, and for those who do they're probably going to opt for the HDMI. But we talk a lot about future proof, so we believe this system is going to be around a good ten years. If you look at some of the adoption rates of HDTV and when people sort of expect that to really explode, it's probably in 2008 when it really becomes the mass market phenomenon, but right now there's an awful lot of people who just can't get enough hi-def content and they're going to gravitate toward that right away. So the other cables really allow someone who wants to jump onto next-generation gaming with the PS3 but hasn't yet upgraded to a hi-def television in their home. And I frankly think that we're going to sell a lot of hi-def televisions via PS3 just because people are going to see what this thing looks like in store fronts, with the retail interactives and televisions in there. And it's almost like when you see a hi-def football game at a friend's house—once you see it's kind of hard to go back.

BIZ: So did the cost of cables have anything to do with it?

PD: Well, the cost was a consideration... The addition of the HDMI would probably be another 50 - 100 bucks, and we weren't looking to add additional cost to the unit.

BIZ: When Sony says that the "basic features" of online are free of charge, what exactly does that mean?

PD: Really everything related to online that you can do is free—accessing the Internet, web browsing, communication (chat, text messaging, video chat), and online gaming. It's all free. Where the commerce comes into play is when consumers have an interest in downloading additional gaming content, whether it's in the form of microtransactions—like in Resistance if you want additional maps, levels, or in Gran Turismo, cars, parts, etc.—or downloadable games. We talked about two types of downloadable games that we'll charge for. Some of those were developed specifically for PS3 like Blast Factor or David Jaffe's Criminal Crackdown... and all of those will be available under $15. The third bucket is PS1 content, and these are games that initially you'll download to your PS3, slide them over to your PSP and they'll be playable on the PSP. In the very near future, probably just after holiday, they'll be an upgrade to the system that will allow emulation for downloadable PS1 games to be playable on the PS3. And those games will be less than ten bucks, and many of them probably under $5.

BIZ: I know you guys have previously talked about a PSP emulation service where PS1 titles would be downloaded directly to the PSP (for example, if someone didn't own a PS3). This new PS3 download service of PS1 titles, which involves transferring to the PSP, is not going to replace the previous PSP emulation plan is it?

PD: You are correct. We'll still have that. We have the PSP downloads site now, and you're right; these PS1 games will be available either from the PSP downloads site directly, so you don't need a PS3 to get them or if you do happen to be one of the lucky guys that gets a PS3, you can download the games to your PS3 hard drive and then slide it over to your PSP. Both services will be up and running.

BIZ: Sony will only have 500K units for day one. How is the manufacturing process going as you prepare for launch? And how many units do you expect to have by the end of this year?

PD: We're on track; everything's gone smoothly from a manufacturing perspective. We're focused on making sure that we've got strong supply on day one, but also making sure that there is steady stock of hardware for the retail channel, so that there aren't long periods of droughts between shipments. And the numbers that were talked about for a while still stand; the 2 million units by the end of the calendar are still forecast and everything looks to be on track with that number.

BIZ: That 2 million is worldwide, right? What about North America - do you have a number for that specifically?

PD: No, we haven't broken that down. I know there were some initial discussions from Ken Kutaragi even about how it would be split up from day one. What we'll do is we'll actually look at the flow, and then book it up between the territories based on the need as we go forward. Those are decisions that happen almost in real time... so we can adapt to each market.

EDit Hier etwas aus der neusten PSM
+The PS3 can be powered on by pressing and holding the Playstation logo at the cenetr of the PS3 controller!

+When the PS3 is on, you can press and hold the PS3 button,when you do that you get a screen thta shows the charge level of the controller battery

+They siad the PS3 actually feels lighter than that PS2 and Xbox 360!

+ They said the PS3 is very silent.

+The PS3 slot loading is very quiet as well.
Formel1 ist Pflichkauf für mich. Ist außerdem das erste Formel1 Spiel für die PS3 und zugleich Schumis letzte Saison. Das darf man sich als Formel1 Fan natürlich nicht entgehen lassen. Ridge Racer 7 ist auch Top, Pflichtkauf und läuft außerdem mit 60fps. Ein sehr gelungenes Launchspiel.
Resistance und Motorstorm werden besonders online sehr rocken.
Von den Spielen wird das ein guter PS3 Launch. In den USA sollen 21 Games zum Launch erhältlich sein. Was schätzt ihr wie viele Spiele uns zum EU Launch erwarten werden?
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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