2.Playstation 3 - NUR Playstation 3

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
2:14 - Full graphical effects in Motor Storm, a racing, buggy vehicle type of game.
2:15 - Mud in the game reacts seamlessly with the changes in the environment.
2:16 - Mud drys and can effect one's driving.
2:16 - Suspensions are fully interactive to curves and bumps.
2:17 - Moving on to Motor Bike and an ATV game.
2:18 - Amazing physics shown.
2:19 - Ted Price of Insomniac Games takes the stage.
2:10 - New PS3 title revealed, first person shooter, huge weapons, physics in the game effect those shot and the environments completely.

Probably I-8 under its real
Für die PlayStation 3 verspricht er 1080p sowohl in den NTSC- als auch PAL-Territorien. Weiters betont er abermals das Vorhaben im November weltweit zu launchen, genauso wie die standardmäßig enthaltende Festplatte.

Aber MS sagt es ist unmöglich....:rofl3:
Ist die Veranstaltung eigentlich nur von Sony, oder gibts 'ne Chance, dass es auch Spieledemos von Drittherstellern geben könnte?
11:23 AM PDT- A clip showing a futuristic city is shown, with a blimp reading Ratchet and Clank. The camera pans through the city with enemy robots and flying vehicles overhead. It is also revealed that I-8, their first PS3 project, is now called Resistance: Fall of Man, and looks incredible.
Der finale Controller wird wohl erst auf der E3 enthüllt...
IGN schrieb:
We should soon learn more about the mysterious PS3 controller, as Sony will reveal the final design in May. Many have suspected that the futuristic boomerang controller Sony has shown so far is merely a conceptual design.
Wan sehen wir den Spiele endlich..??,aber eines ist sicher morgen muss Nintendo was sagen!!!!!!!!!!
March 22, 2006 - In his platform keynote address at GDC 2006 this morning, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios President Phil Harrison presented the new PS3 game Heavenly Sword. Developed by Ninja Theory, the PS3 title was one of the most amazing in the E3 2005 presentation reel, with internet talk on the game hot and heavy after its showing. The demo then was not realtime, but this one was.

In the game, the presentation from E3 of warriors was shown again, this time with thousands being blown up and thrown about as before. This time, though, it was in realtime, with real physics and realtime sound production. The camera in the demo zoomed out to show characters as if ants miles away, then zoomed tight for amazing close-ups.

We'll have tons more info on Heavenly Sword as soon as we can from GDC and after

2:23 - Ratchet and Clank Video shown. Looks amazing as well.

Jobe's demo showed a plane flying around and fighting at dusk, complete with a nice, orange sky. One of the focuses of the game is to provide a sense of "ambient warfare," meaning there will be plenty of fighting going on, not just the conflict or dogfight that you're currently engaged in, though details on how crowded the sky will get seem a little scarce.

The demo's focus put the player's plane up against massive airships that hover above a procedurally-rendered ocean surface. Getting in close to the airship reveals some impressive detail, like weathered metal surfaces and very nice lighting effects. The game also appears to be able to push particles around very well, as there's a great deal of tracer fire being shown in the demo, as well.

While light on info about how the game will actually play, we can tell you that you will use a square reticle to target your enemies. Earth-shattering, we know. But the visual detail and particle effects are definitely impressive, and we're looking forward to seeing more.

11:23 AM PDT- A clip showing a futuristic city is shown, with a blimp reading Ratchet and Clank. The camera pans through the city with enemy robots and flying vehicles overhead. It is also revealed that I-8, their first PS3 project, is now called Resistance: Fall of Man, and looks incredible.
11:23 AM PDT- A clip showing a futuristic city is shown, with a blimp reading Ratchet and Clank. The camera pans through the city with enemy robots and flying vehicles overhead. It is also revealed that I-8, their first PS3 project, is now called Resistance: Fall of Man, and looks incredible.

Ratchet and Clank für Playstation3?!! STRIKE!
IGN schrieb:
Blu-Ray Spotlight
Every language from all over the world, on one disc?

The functionality of the Blu-Ray disc concentrated on size, as has in the past, but this time a realtime demonstration of what size might mean to the console was shown. Blu-Ray was said to promise 200 times more space for gaming than other platforms. With this much space, one global SKU (or version of the game) could be developed for all regions across the globe.

To show off PS3 and Blu-Ray, a demo from the makers of The Getaway was once again shown, in realtime on the system. Displaying London's Picadilly Circus in realtime, the system pulls data from the Blu-Ray disc to display all of the detail and data and population of the hotspot. As was mentioned at the PS3 business meeting earlier this week, other realtime world data could then be fed in to make that game cityscape real to the moment of London itself.
Ich will mehr von MGS4 sehen ;)

Das alte Video hat mir sehr gut gefallen... Dieser Robo von Otacon... :lol:
2:26 - In the future Sony wants to move away from disk based software distribution to an entirely digital scheme.
2:27 - Packaged games still the main focus, but they really want to push downloadable content. Talk of in game ads and how they could be beg money for publishers.
2:28 - Subscriptions from third parties allowed on Sony's Network. Think MMORPG's.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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