VKZ Verkaufszahlen aus Amerika [Circana (NPD)]

Traurig das die Vorgehensweise von WB so massiv belohnt wird, nicht nur was PC-Desaster angeht, sondern auch die offenkundige Patch und DLC-Politik zum Nachteil der Kunden....betrifft ja am Ende alle Gamer.

batman ist nen gutes spiel geworden und hat gute konsolenversionen, also verkauft sichs auch gut

ziemlich simpel
Halo ist der Systemseller der Xbox , ich erwarte einiges im bezug auf VKZ.

ja, im halo launchmonat und im monat danach könnte die xbox vor der ps4 sein in usa

aber man darf die deal von sony bei star wars battlefront und call of duty nicht unterschätzen
Genauso wie MS einen Witcher 3 Deal hatte. Was da am Ende gebracht siehste ja. Das Spiel hat sich auf der PS4 trotzdem erheblich besser verkauft. So wird das auch bei Fallout 4 sein.

Wer sollte auch daran zweifeln? Immerhin ist in den Haushalten weltweit das Verhältnis von PS4 zu One locker 2:1. In diesem Sinne bedarf es keiner hellseherischen Fähigkeiten um vorherzusagen, dass sich die meisten Multi-Spiele auf der PS4 besser verkaufen.

Wird denke ich ein guter Kampf zum Weihnachtsgeschäft und die One hat meiner Meinung die Chancen mindestens gleichzuziehen.
Besser ist es sowieso wenn beide super laufen.

Sehe ich ebenso.

Halo ist der Systemseller der Xbox , ich erwarte einiges im bezug auf VKZ.

Gibt hier aber ebenso User, selbstverständlich vorrangig aus dem Nicht-MS-Lager, die Halo die Fähigkeit absprechen, als Systemseller zu fungieren. Ich denke genau wie du, dass Halo 5 ein Systemseller wird. Ende des Jahres wissen wir mehr.
Der Erfolg der One in Amerika wird ja umso trauriger, weil sie im Rest der Welt NICHTS dergleichen anbieten wie in den Staaten. Ich kaufe die One nicht für 399 Euro, wenn sie in den USA 250 Dollar kostet - da können sie mich mal in ihr Nachtgebet einschließen.
Oooch, hat dir keiner bei der GamerScore-Aktion einen Code gegeben? :cry: Warum wohl.
Und wo kostet die One 399€?:lol:
Der Erfolg der One in Amerika wird ja umso trauriger, weil sie im Rest der Welt NICHTS dergleichen anbieten wie in den Staaten. Ich kaufe die One nicht für 399 Euro, wenn sie in den USA 250 Dollar kostet - da können sie mich mal in ihr Nachtgebet einschließen.

Da die one weder bei uns 399€, noch in den USA 250$ kostet, verstehe ich nicht, worauf du dich beziehst.

Die 500GB One kostet überall um die 350€/$. Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.
ja, im halo launchmonat und im monat danach könnte die xbox vor der ps4 sein in usa

aber man darf die deal von sony bei star wars battlefront und call of duty nicht unterschätzen

Bei CoD bin ich eigentlich eher skeptisch. Das war jetzt ewig mit dem Namen XBox verbunden. Das sitzt noch in den Köpfen.
So schnell ändert sich das nicht.
Bei CoD bin ich eigentlich eher skeptisch. Das war jetzt ewig mit dem Namen XBox verbunden. Das sitzt noch in den Köpfen.
So schnell ändert sich das nicht.

Sehe ich genauso. CoD wird für viele mit der Box so verbunden sein, wie MGS mit der PlayStation. da bin ich auch gespannt, ob sich der Deal von Sony so auszahlt. Cod hat sich auf der PS4 auch ohne den Deal gut verkauft. Ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass Sony die Kohle lieber ins PSN steckt, aber das gehört jetzt nicht hierhin.

So kein Preiscut dieses jahr
Da die one weder bei uns 399€, noch in den USA 250$ kostet, verstehe ich nicht, worauf du dich beziehst.

Die 500GB One kostet überall um die 350€/$. Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.

Naja, bei Saturn und Co (zumindest bei uns) kostet die One 399 als Halo-Paket oder 369 nackisch. War heute vor Ort. Und hier im Thread hat doch einer gesagt, dass die One in USA mit Gutscheinen für 250 an den Mann gebracht wird. Aber egal, warte eh auf die Version mit dem besseren Pad und mehr Speicher.
Naja, bei Saturn und Co (zumindest bei uns) kostet die One 399 als Halo-Paket oder 369 nackisch. War heute vor Ort. Und hier im Thread hat doch einer gesagt, dass die One in USA mit Gutscheinen für 250 an den Mann gebracht wird. Aber egal, warte eh auf die Version mit dem besseren Pad und mehr Speicher.

Dafür wurde die One bei uns mit streckenweise noch größeren Rabatten bedacht (Gamerscore-Aktion). Die Amazon-Aktion (One, 2 Controller, Halo MCC für 299 €) war übrigens auch ein recht gutes Angebot.
ZhugeEx hat immer ein gutes Auge auf die Verkaufszahlen und gute Vergleiche.
Hier mal zwei, Achtung lang:

1. PS4 vs Konsolen mit 40 Millionen+ Hardwarebase
What I've done is created a chart which shows how the PlayStation 4 is performing against all home consoles in the USA that have sold more than 40 million units to date. The PlayStation 2 still remains the cumulative sales leader in the USA with approximately 46.4 million consoles sold.


What this shows is that the PlayStation 4 got off to a great start with high opening sales due to the pent up demand from a long gen 7. Early adopters and core gamers were keen to get their hands on the latest PlayStation console and stores were sold out even into early 2014. However, we are now at a point where Sony have got the supply chain exactly how they want it and are producing as many consoles as they need with ease in order to satisfy demand.

The PlayStation 2 launched after the huge success of the original PlayStation, early adopters and gamers got their hands on the system early on which faced production and supply issues for quite some time. As it was the only next generation system on the market at the time there was little to no competition and the price was the same as the PS1 launch price. Sony drove PlayStation 2 sales through excellent software and through great deals and price cuts during this period. Ultimately the momentum that PS4 and PS2 have had has been fairly similar however the PS2 did have better holiday sales due to no competition in year one (where as PS4 had the Xbox One cheaper) and the reason the PS2 starts to pull away at month 20 is because of the $100 price cut.

The Nintendo Wii was a product that resonated both with early adopters/core gamers but also with the casual market as well. Whilst the PS2 saw more casuals adopt later in the life cycle the Wii saw them all at the front door from day 1. In fact Nintendo couldn't make enough Wii's to keep up with demand so that line could be a lot steeper. The PS4 has not yet got to a point where it will see mass casual adoption and so in the first 36 months I do not see the PS4 getting anywhere near that Wii line. Of course the Wii does have a drop in sales later in the gen where the PS4 can pull back a bit.

The Xbox 360 started off slow.... in fact the console actually sold a bit worse compared to the original Xbox for a bit. The PS2 was the main competitor and there weren't any real reasons to buy a 360 on day 1 over a PS2 unless you were an early adopter or had the original Xbox. Ultimately the 360 benefited from the year headstart over the PS3, the lower price point and exclusive software which caused it to pick up some steam later in the gen (+Kinect) but early on it was overshadowed by the Wii and the Xbox brand wasn't at a point where people would buy it day 1 just yet.

Ultimately the PS4 is at a comfortable position and will continue quite easily on its current trajectory. Give it a price cut this year and whilst I don't think it'll get back up to the PS2 line (at the 36 month point) I do believe it can get close. One issue at the moment is competition from the Xbox brand as to how well it sells during the holiday or throughout 2016 as Microsoft have been very aggressive on pricing and marketing in order to drive sales of their own system and a lot of 360 owners will obviously consider the Xbox One as their next console when they look to buy. There has been a measurable effect shown where some consumers have purchased an Xbox One over a PS4 due to price and marketing. In the PS2 era Sony overcame this by being aggressive on pricing and marketing in order to create a large lead in the US at the expense of margin but make back the money through software sales. This gen the US is still important, but not as important so Sony are choosing to play safe by creating high margin on both hardware and software and the strategy, whilst different, is paying off as Sony remain the cumulative sales leader in the US but also the worldwide market by a good margin which is the ultimate goal for Sony.

The PS4 is set to be the leader this gen but what will really matter is the extension tools used by Sony later in this gen to keep the PS4 selling and whether it actually can defy standard trends like the 360 did or make in roads into the next gen market like the PS2 did.

2. Juni 2015 Analyse
June 2015 NPD - PlayStation 4 remains best selling hardware in the USA.

Please note that all numbers quoted below are based on estimates and therefore this report may not be 100% accurate.

The PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system sold the most hardware this month with about the same number of units sold through to end users as the Xbox One and Wii U totals combined. The PlayStation 4 continues to be the cumulative sales leader in the USA with more than 8.2 million units sold through to end users.

Unit sales were up across all 3 next gen consoles this month thanks to the release of Batman and an increased number of bundles and trade in deals on PS4 and XB1. The Wii U got it's increase thanks to the success of Splatoon. Total next gen home console sales were up 120% Month on Month and up 21% Year over Year. The below takes a look at how console unit sales have done through the first 6 months of 2015 compared to the same time period in 2014.


As can be seen from the chart above, the PlayStation 4 has seen sales remain flat for the first 6 months of 2015 compared to sales in the same time-frame a year prior. The PlayStation 4 entered 2014 after a successful holiday season and remained hard to find on store shelves for the first quarter, sales were very healthy during the first 6 months of 2014 and we've seen that happen again this year despite the console remaining at the same price.

The Xbox One has seen a 17% increase for the first six months of 2015 compared to the same time frame last year. The console price has dropped $150 and new bundles have been introduced in order to promote the console and encourage additional sales. Whilst sales are up this year the cumulative total and half year total remains behind the PlayStation 4 which has remained at the same price and is now a higher price than the Xbox One. It'll be interesting to see how the console performs in the second half of the year which is usually much stronger than the first half for Microsoft.

The Nintendo Wii U saw sales decrease 10% YOY. The Wii U hasn't sold well in the USA with the install base less than half of the PlayStation 4 despite launching a year earlier. Last year the console received a sizeable boost during the Mario Kart 8 launch whilst this year we haven't seen that same boost despite very strong Splatoon sales. This shows that the Wii U install base isn't set to grow too much over the second half of the year as the majority of consumers who want a Wii U already own one at this point.

In total, the number of unit sales for gen 8 home consoles was up 4% YOY for the first half of 2015 with approximately 3.25 million units sold to end users.


The chart above shows how the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One have performed over the first 20 months of their life cycle in comparison to the first 36 months of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 life cycle. What can be seen straight away is how the PS4 and XB1 had amazing launches in the US which instantly put them higher than their predecessors.

Hindered by a high price and bad rep, the Xbox One failed to perform well during its first 12 months and looked like it could fall under the Xbox 360. However some price cuts and bundles + new titles ensured that the Xbox One had a great first holiday and has allowed the Xbox One to continue selling at a healthy pace ahead of the Xbox 360. However, it does look like the Xbox One is set to fall behind the 360 at some point which started off slowly but increased drastically later on.

The PlayStation 4 has seen continually healthy sales which has allowed it to remain the cumulative sales leader in the USA. There has been no price cut for the PlayStation 4 just yet and it really hasn't needed one. The PlayStation 4 is set to remain ahead of both the PS3 ad 360 when launches are aligned and is on track to have an excellent holiday season.


When looking at monthly sales we can see that the PlayStation 4 has consistently outsold the Xbox One each month since launch with the only exception being the holiday season and a couple of other months. Microsoft have been very aggressive during the holiday season and the results have shown that the Xbox brand still has a huge following in the US where it has been most successful over the years, however despite the lower price and large amount of value on offer the PlayStation 4 continues to remain ahead every month.

The second half of the year will be interesting to watch, especially after what happened last year. Microsoft are throwing their all at the Xbox One this holiday with Halo 5 and Tomb Raider launching exclusively on the system. Microsoft has done well to come close to the PlayStation 4's total which is something we haven't seen in a prior console generation and they'll certainly be looking to keep up with the PS4 if not over take it to become the cumulative sales leader.


As mentioned above, the PlayStation 4 has maintained a good lead over the Xbox One and that has grown this year. There is now 770,000 more PlayStation 4's in the hands of consumers compared to Xbox One's and this gap is set to grow even more. Microsoft will be hoping for a repeat of last year where they were able to close the gap down to around 500,000 and will be even happier if they can reduce the PS4 lead even more. However the Xbox One has had to go through a lot to keep up with PS4 in terms of unit sales and it won't have been cheap.

To date the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One have sold more than 15.7 million units combined.

When looking at yearly sales the PlayStation 4 sold 4.7 million units in 2014 whilst the Xbox One sold 4.4 million units in 2014. In total the PlayStation 4 sold 300,000 more units that year. This year the PlayStation 4 has a lead of 300,000 units already and is set to grow that lead. It'll be interesting to see which console will sell more in 2015 and by how much as trends indicate that it could be a closer battle this year than last year.


At this point I'm forecasting that more than 7 million PlayStation 4's and Xbox One's to be sold in the USA during the second half of the year leading to a total of approximately 10 million sales across both consoles for CY2015 in comparison to 9 million for CY2014. I believe this will be fuelled by strong Xbox One sales during the holiday thanks to increased value, exclusive titles (Halo) and increased marketing. I also expect the PlayStation 4 to receive some sort of price cut this year, either temporary or permanent & either standalone or bundle in order to push console sales this year. Couple that with the exclusive titles for PS4 and third party partnership games and we are set for the PS4 to have an amazing holiday as well.

*All numbers used above have been rounded.

Quelle: neogaf
die ps4 ist also aus der stratosphäre zurück in den sichtbaren himmel gefallen, ohne dass es einen großen unterschied in dieser gen machen würde. xD
Wichtiger Part:

Ultimately the PS4 is at a comfortable position and will continue quite easily on its current trajectory. Give it a price cut this year and whilst I don't think it'll get back up to the PS2 line (at the 36 month point) I do believe it can get close. One issue at the moment is competition from the Xbox brand as to how well it sells during the holiday or throughout 2016 as Microsoft have been very aggressive on pricing and marketing in order to drive sales of their own system and a lot of 360 owners will obviously consider the Xbox One as their next console when they look to buy. There has been a measurable effect shown where some consumers have purchased an Xbox One over a PS4 due to price and marketing. In the PS2 era Sony overcame this by being aggressive on pricing and marketing in order to create a large lead in the US at the expense of margin but make back the money through software sales. This gen the US is still important, but not as important so Sony are choosing to play safe by creating high margin on both hardware and software and the strategy, whilst different, is paying off as Sony remain the cumulative sales leader in the US but also the worldwide market by a good margin which is the ultimate goal for Sony.

The PS4 is set to be the leader this gen but what will really matter is the extension tools used by Sony later in this gen to keep the PS4 selling and whether it actually can defy standard trends like the 360 did or make in roads into the next gen market like the PS2 did.

Just according to the keikaku, playing the long game
Wie gesagt: Halte es vielleicht aktuell sogar für klug den Preis erst für Morpheus zu senken (imo muss er da runter, weil das Ding selbst genug kosten wird)...bei den Zahlen und Multi-Titeln im Winter spielt es wahrscheinlich nicht einmal eine Rolle wenn man im Weihnachtsgeschäft von der One eingeholt wird.
Ich bezweifele sehr das es ein Price cut mit Morpheus Zusammenhängend wird
Sony wird wohl über Marktforschung analysieren ob durch eine Preissenkung der Absatz weit genug erhöht werden kann um den geringeren Umsatz zu rechtfertigen. Inbegriffen in der Entscheidung auch andere Pläne.
sagen wirs offen:

die usa sind nicht mehr wichtig genug, um sie um jeden preis halten zu müssen, und sony hat gerade alle karten in der hand.
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