Nachfolger zu dem beliebten GBA/PSP-Klassiker, erscheint diesen Dezember über Atlus in Japan.
Das Spiel ist anscheinend das Remake eines Ablegers für Handys, welches für den DS aufpoliert wurde.
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Das Spiel ist anscheinend das Remake eines Ablegers für Handys, welches für den DS aufpoliert wurde.
Not long after the announcement of the PSP remake of Yggdra Union, a larger mobile phone game effort was released called Yggdra Unison: Beat Out Our Obstacle. The game features a territory conquering system similar to that found in games like Emperor: Battle for Dune. There are eleven armies vying for 36 territories in the game, each taking a turn in which they can attack a neighboring territory, potentially conquering it and thus increasing their presence on the continent. In battle, characters move around in real time, and when two opposing enemies encounter each other, a skirmish more similar to those found in Fire Emblem is initiated, with the units attacking each other. With proper timing a Unison attack can be activated, in which all allies within a circular range of the skirmish will also engage. The cards featured in the original Yggdra Union are also activated within skirmishes.
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