- Seit
- 11 Aug 2006
- Beiträge
- 55.296
hier mal ein paar eindrücke von der TGS seitens 1up
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alles sehr interessant besonders das Motorstorm auch mit 60fps laufen soll^^
Stike-Edit: War-Material entfernt!
The big question on my mind going into TGS was PS3. I was hoping to go to the show and see stuff that would demonstrate why I'd spend an extra $200 on a console...and I did. Virtua Fighter 5, White Knight Story, and especially MotorStorm (OMG) ... I don't know if you can really tell from the videos we posted, but MotorStorm is just so damn impressive. Every once in a while I'll see a game and just take a step back and think to myself how far the visuals of games have come. Titles like the original Virtua Fighter arcade game, the Daytona USA arcade game, Metal Gear Solid 2 -- with each of these, I distinctly remember having those feelings. MotorStorm was the same for me. The high-res graphics running at 60 FPS with all of those special effects (like mud on your windshield) -- it just looks real.
Julian Eggebrecht of Factor 5 told me that they've only just scratched the surface of what they can do on PS3, and he fully expects all second gen PS3 games -- or certainly all third gen PS3 games -- to run in 1080p.
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alles sehr interessant besonders das Motorstorm auch mit 60fps laufen soll^^
Stike-Edit: War-Material entfernt!