With an announcement to surprise, Infinity Ward has rilasciato the first concrete images and information on the fourth episode of Call of Duty, entitled The Black War. The team, already in charge of the development of the first two understood them, has made to know that the jobs on this new episode are already begin you after the first one, but after the escape of Call of Duty 2 they have only been able to concentrate to the maximum on the graphical technologies that the new generation of consul can offer. The first substantial change resides in the period, passing from the second world war to the Gulf War. In the campaign single player we will command only to the soldiers Americans, while null he is still known on the modalities multiplayer that they will come offered. The graphical motor is of new conception, and to said of the programmatori it will offer to the player a degree of involvement never tried before hour in a war game. Effects like the water, the smoke and flames are dynamic and calculate to you in real time. The animations of the soldiers are adapted based on the game land, will see therefore a soldier to run in various way on one asphalted road and the mud. The team has riposto very many cure in the realization of the vegetation and the external structures, and is much satisfying of turns out to you caught up up to now. Currently the title turns it to one medium of 20 photograms to the second, but Infinity Ward has assured that to the date of escape in the storees, fixed temporary to the next autumn, the game will be lacking in rallentamenti of every risen, without to specify if they aim at the 60 photograms or not. The images are taken from the real-Time trailer that will come rilasciato 7 December, and who has visionato it in preview has said to have only noticed the loghi of 360 Xbox and Playstation 3 to the term of this last one.