PQube is excited to announce that we are working with Bigben to release FlatOut 4: Total Insanity, the latest instalment in the popular demolition derby racing franchise, in the UK. FlatOut 4 is coming to PlayStation®4 and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system in March 2017.
Developed by the Paris based studio Kylotonn Racing Games (WRC 5, WRC 6) and combining classic fan-favourite features and modes with all new gameplay modes, Flatout 4 is set to take the arcade racing scene by storm.
FlatOut 4: Total Insanity is a return to the franchise's adrenaline-pumping arcade destruction roots. Featuring an exciting blend of white knuckle speed and wild out-of-control racing tracks, FlatOut 4 promises an intense death-defying demolition derby game featuring muscle cars, race cars, trucks and even a rocket boosted ice cream van!
FlatOut 4: Total Insanity races onto PS4 and Xbox One in March 2017!
Und da folgendes Game bei Pegi für PS4 gelistet ist auch dieser Trailer Eekeemoo: Splinters of the Dark Shard - Gameplay Trailer
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