Super Smash Bros Meelee Concert Von Nintendo

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L13: Maniac
1 Mai 2002


Conductor Taizo Takemoto

While the concert focused on tracks from the top-selling fight game, fans at Japan's Tokyo Bunka Hall enjoyed plenty of great music from Nintendo classics.

Here are the personal comments of Mr. Masahiro Sakurai, who directed Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Planet Corneria
I personally consider all music from SNES Star Fox to be timeless. This particular track blends tunes from the last stage (Planet Venom) and from Space stages. When we were developing Super Smash Bros. Melee, everyone on our music team agreed right away when I brought up the idea of using a medley of SNES Star Fox music in the game. The orchestral nature of this music made me realize we could organize a concert.


Masahiro Sakurai

Jungle Garden
When I first heard this tune from SNES Donkey Kong at a U.S. game show, I was immediately drawn into the world of Donkey Kong. This utterly unique tune summons the mystery of the jungle with its effortless transitions from active to calm and back again. Irresistible! When I listened at the concert hall, I felt as if Donkey Kong himself was about to come onstage!

Great Bay Shrine
This tune is from The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II for the NES.

Some players may think this an unusual choice, but we do have privilege -- It's our game! Even if you never heard this tune, I believe you may become hooked. “Great Bay” is a stage name in Super Smash Bros., but this tune is used as a main theme of the Legend of Zelda stage. Someday I'd like to hear the tune with an arrangement based on the theme from a Taiga Drama, an epic samurai TV show here.

Dr. Mario
I like the music from Dr. Mario so much that I included him as a character in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Mr. Hirokazu Tanaka, who was in charge of composition, told me, “In Dr. Mario, your can go very quickly from an easy to a demanding situation. I put many different types of music in the tune so a player can interpret it in different ways.” Although I was told this only after Super Smash Bros. Melee was completed, our concept of the game was same as Mr. Tanaka's. My hope was that the Dr. Mario music would hook players.

Original Medley
Medley of original score for Super Smash Bros. Melee, including
All Star Rest Area and Menu

All Super Smash Bros. Melee players must be familiar with the game's Menu medley.

Fountain of Dreams
Super Smash Bros. Melee features music from the Crash! Gourmet Race level in SNES Kirby Super Deluxe. In Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land for the Game Boy Advance, this score, but with a different arrangement, is used when Kirby and King DeDeDe fight in front of the Fountain of Dreams in the game's last stage.

Ten years ago, I worked on Kirby’s Dream Land, in which Kirby first received his famous copying ability. So much has happened since then -- but it feels just like last week. No wonder I feel old!

Pokémon Medley
Tunes from Pokémon, including
Fight vs. Trainer (Red and Blue versions)
Fight vs. Gym Leader (Red and Blue versions)
Fight vs. Wild Pokémon (Red and Blue versions)
Opening (Red and Blue versions)
Fight vs. Wild Pokémon (Gold and Silver versions)
Fight vs. Elite Four (Gold and Silver versions)
Fight vs. Rival (Gold and Silver versions)

We were able to add depth to these familiar tunes simply by using a symphony's full range of instruments. Note the beautiful sound of strings in the first part of the medley.


This is the music from demo movie, just after turning on the power. The music and visual images are inseparable. Because this was my first demo movie, I experiment with everything during development.

We first chose the timing of the music, then worked on sketches based on the game. I heard this unforgettable score countless times when making the opening movie. There must be many players who enjoy this score every time starting Super Smash Bros. Melee.

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