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Strong Bad's Cool Game Update
We really can't handle his style.
by Daemon Hatfield
IGN recently got an updated peek at Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, and it only made us more excited for the WiiWare title. This is looking like a gift from the heavens for Homestar Runner fans. If that's not you then you may be a little lost. The game is overflowing with jokes from the web series and doesn't spend any time explaining things to newcomers. But for the initiated, this just might be everything you could ask for in a Homestar game.
The title screen is laid out like the homepage at the official website. Options are in a list on the left side of the screen and Homestar says something amusing when you run the cursor over each one. Fans know that the website is riddled with secrets and hidden Easter eggs, and the game will be no different. An "achievement" system is built into Strongbad's Cool Game, and you can keep track of your progress on your 'How Much I Rule' chart. Completing objectives and discovering secrets will raise your Awesomeness ranking. Whenever something is unlocked an old-school dot matrix printout will pop on screen -- the same seen at the end of Strongbad emails.
Our hero.
As the game begins, credits roll while Strong Bad serenades us with a song called "Quit Trying to Handle My Style." All of the music is provided by the Chapman brothers (creators of Homestar Runner). He winds up in front of his familiar computer, checking his email. A fan asks why Strongbad hasn't beaten the snot out of Homestar, yet, which sends our hero out on his first objective. When an objective sends you to a new location, you'll be able to place that location anywhere you like on your map. So as you play you build the game world however you see fit. Soon, you'll discover that the overall objective of episode one is to find a way to enter a big race that is being held in town.
Players use the remote to aim a context-sensitive icon. Objects and people Strongbad can interact with are indicated by the reticule. Even though Strongbad is also coming out on PC, developer Telltale is building the game with the Wii in mind. While it plays similarly to Sam & Max, Telltale's other graphic adventure, certain features have been tweaked to be more console friendly. Instead of dialogue trees, a word bubble will appear above Strongbad's head with images representing possible choices. So instead of text reading "Tell me about the park," you'll see a picture of the park. It doesn't dumb the game down and, visually, it fits well with the world Telltale has created. Sometimes you'll have the choice of giving a "nice" or "mean" response, represented by an angel or devil.
Each episode in the Strongbad series will include its own retro mini-game from the Videlectrix team. Episode one will feature Snake Boxing, an Atari 2600-style boxing game that pits you against a venomous reptile. One of the sidequests involves finding the game manual where Strongbad has written down the secret code to unlock Snake Boxer's controversial hidden mode.
One of the most popular aspects of the Homestar Runner site are the Teen Girl Squad comics, which are drawn by Strongbad and involve stereotypical teens meeting gruesome ends. In Strongbad's Cool Game, players will be able to make their own Teen Girl Squad episodes. There are various cards available that trigger events in the comic. In each panel, the player can drag a card onto one of the girls and something will happen. There are only a few cards available at the beginning of the game, but more can be found scattered around the game world. The object is to kill all four of the girls, and while you can use any card on any girl, there is one combination that will result in success.
There are several different costumes waiting to be unlocked. Players can maneuver Strongbad into a photo booth to try on different outfits then take a snapshot to email to people on their friends list.
Strongbad's Cool Game for Attractive People is one of our most anticipated WiiWare titles. Episode one is due next month.
IGN Preview
Fett, hoffentlich erscheint es nächsten Monat auch bei uns![]()
Und hoffentlich synchronisieren sie es net - hätte gerne die original englische Sprachausgabe. Glaub net das sie auf deutsch den gleichen Charme rüberbringen können werden![]()
es wird wahrscheinlich bei der englischen sprachausgabe bleibenkann mir nicht vorstellen das die so ein aufwand für ein wii ware titel betreiben werden um ins deutsch zu synchronisieren.
Stimmt auch wieder - wobei kommt ja auch fürn PC ud da bekommen die Telltale Games doch auch immer ne deutsche Synchro oder ?
Naja egal - hoffe auf englisch ^^
...und Squad Girls(?) "geguckt".
Freut mich, zu sehen, dass das auch endlich raus ist. 1000 Points sind relativ viel, wie lang ist's denn in etwa?
Wie ich gehört hab so 3-4H![]()
Dann gäbe es da noch TokiTori, das du mind. 15 Stunden bis Open End spielen kannst.Lost Winds war ja auch nicht wirklich länger ^^ Ich denke 3-4 Stunden ist WiiWare-Standard. Außer Final Fantasy natürlich, aber das wird ja eher künstlich in die Länge gezogen![]()
mein spiel führt jedes mal bei einem bestimmten punkt im game (der "siegerehrung") zum absturz der Wii...
habe das spiel schon einmal gelöscht und erneut heruntergeladen, aber der fehler bleibt. jetzt kann ich es nicht durchspielen und bin doch ganz schön abgepisst.
habt ihr bereits von abstürzen bei Strong Bad gehört, oder habt ihr das selbe problem? was tun?
will mein geld zurück oder das komplette spiel zocken können :aargh2: