Rollercoaster Tycoon World



Wie kacke sieht das bitte aus :ugly:
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Die ersten 15 Sekunden sehen gut aus. Aber ich würde gerne wissen warum man danach ein Video von Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 zeigt :v:


Sie haben neue devs, da sie nicht damit zufrieden waren was die alten devs mit dem Game vor hatten und es nicht nach nem guten sequel aussah ( siehe erste veröffentlichten Bilder)

Neue Infos

-4 coaster tracks - Wooden, Launch, Hyper and Inverted
-over 10 coaster types with subclasses (which are like themes - not totally clear on it)
-Over 30 flat rides - Junior, Thrill, Family categories
-Transport rides are in, but they aren't talking about it.
-Underground building will be added for free after launch.
-There will be free updates, dlc and expansion packs.
-Works on Windows 10, Steam OS and with a controller.
-No default grid for building, but you can add it if you want everything straight.
-Safety is a category along with Excitement etc...
-Steam Workshop support at launch. Scenery, Peeps, tracks and custom rule sets at launch. More mod types later.
-Multiplayer coming after launch.
-Special animation for when coasters crash and kill peeps.
-Medical staff member.
-Mechanic stations for coverage in specific locations.
-Less micro management.
-Can still charge for the bathroom.
-Stay tuned for water rides and dark ride news.
-They're in the "polish stage", so maybe we're closer to a release than we think.
-VR support is being talked about.
-Preorder will get you beta access. Seems like this game is November/December.
-Paths can be widened.
-No fireworks creator at the moment.
-Picnic tables in the game for food courts.
-Visit friends parks at launch.
-Themed rides have attributes. If you create a western ride and deck it out with western scenery, peep who like western rides will go there.
-Custom scenery can access the theme attributes.
-Using CS in campaign mode will not list you on the leaderboards.
-There will be a physical boxed edition.
-Catwalks in the game lol.
-Peeps will line up for coaster cars (front row, back row etc.)
-Mac version eventually coming.

Sieht jetzt besser aus wie gedacht, zum Glück haben sie die pfeifen ersetzt, jetzt bin ich voll gehyped :D

Eventuell VR support :banderas:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Schaut wie ein solider RCT-Nachfolger aus (also wie Vorgänger in hübscher).

Interessanter finde ich trotzdem erstmal Planet Coaster.
Sieht wirklich gut aus.
Bin mal gespannt wie es am Ende wird.
Sitzt ja jetzt aktuell bereits das dritte Entwicklerstudio dran.
Ob das jetzige alles noch mal neu angegangen ist?
RollerCoaster Tycoon World release date set for December 10th

After ten long years (not to mention several different developers) the fourth major installment in the RollerCoaster Tycoon series, RollerCoaster Tycoon World, will arrive on December 10. Prior to launch, there will be two beta weekends for those who pre-purchase the game to get an early look.

I spoke on Monday with Atari CEO Fred Chesnais, COO Todd Shallbeter, Senior Director of Marketing Tony Chien, and RCTW producer Matt Labunka. While RCTW's multiplayer mode will not be ready in time for launch, they told me it is planned as an free update in the future. In the meantime, there will still be some online functionality when the game is released. You'll be able to visit your friends' parks and utilize other social features like sharing screenshots and videos.

They also confirmed that RCTW will include Steam Workshop support at launch—which has certainly done wonders for extending the lifespan of city-building sim Cities: Skylines. RCTW will allow players to upload and share the coasters they build, custom scenery, and other assets, along with saved games and parks. According to Atari, creating your own scenery and "peeps" (park visitors) can be done with any 3D editing program compatible with Unity. Atari couldn't quite confirm there would be deeper mod support in the future, to allow custom-made rides or other changes to the core gameplay, though producer Matt Labunka told me it is "certainly something we're looking at."
Früher als gedacht, aber doofes Datum ;)

Mal schauen, wenn nicht zum Release (da bin ich noch an Fallout 4 / Xenoblade dran), dann zum Weihnachtsurlaub. Hoffe das schlägt genauso ein wie Cities: Skylines
Wurde das Spiel nicht gerade erst von einem neuen Entwickler übernommen? Wie können die dann so schnell schon fertig werden damit?
Haben nur ne neue engine genommen und bessere physik, denke das grundgerüst vom spiel war in Ordnung und sie haben es nicht groß geändert.
Mod support von anfang an wird es eh bombe machen :)
Betatest für Vorbesteller am kommenden Wochenende

The first RollerCoaster Tycoon World Beta Weekend is Coming October 30th!

Coaster Builders,

Put on your hard hats – it’s almost time to build some coasters!

The first RollerCoaster Tycoon World Beta Weekend will begin for all PC pre-order customers on Friday, October 30th and run until Monday November 2nd. The RollerCoaster Tycoon World Beta is a technical demo focusing on our coaster building system and will show tycoons just a small taste of the sandbox experience and great parks you will be able to build when the game launches.

Habs zwar nicht vorbestellt, bin aber auf die ersten Eindrücke gespannt.
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