Every experience has a beginning...
... And today it's yours. Or rather, it's Nintendo Revolution's developement story that i'll begin today on this blog. I know that, when you'll be reading this, you'll think "Uh, i'm bored of these fakes on the web". Think so if you want. I dont't care.
I decided creating this blog to inform all Nintendo fans about Revolution developpement, and anyway, about THE thing that makes all of you crazy : the controller.
I did not work on Revolution during the earlier states of developement, during which several ideas were proposed. The main goal in the developement of Revolution was creating a completely new controller. First, it had to be wireless. When you have several consoles at home, it's so boring to have hundreds of wires...
But this is not a very revolutionnary step. We had to think a higher concept. The player had to be in the environment of the game, he had to feel the game. The first idea of controller for Revolution naturally came... You all know it, it is Nintendo DS.
It could be the end of the Revolution controller development, as Nintendo DS seemed to be the perfect thing : the touch screen allowed the player to interact with the game environment, and even speak with characters in games. The alliance of a new voice-recognition specially made for Revolution with the micro of Nintendo DS lead us to think that a totally-new generation of games could born, particularly RPG's. You could directly interact with others characters and so on. Finally, Nintendo DS is wireless, and can communicate with Revolution easily. So, what could we ask more ?
Something that would be more immersive than that... Something more original, wich would be a totally new way to play... But this story is another story.
Stay tuned...