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25 Feb 2011
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Zwar hätte ich nur kleine Beschwerden gegenüber CW gehabt, doch seit gestern ist mein Fass und manch Anderer zum Überlaufen gebracht worden.

Zwar ist auf CW geregelt das:
# Sonderregelungen
Bei folgenden Vergehen kann je nach Schwere des Falls ein sofortiger permanenter Ausschluss von Consolewars erfolgen:

- rechtsradikale, ausländerfeindliche Äußerungen, Verbreitung ebensolchen Gedankenguts

doch ist nicht geregelt was passiert wenn ein User nur ein Berg von angeblichen "Fakten" postet ohne die Quelle anzugeben.

Um mal die Situation zu schildern:
Gestern hat ein User diesen Text im Politikthread gepostet:

List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2012.03.11 Nigeria Chugwi 3 3 Three Christians are shot dead by Muslim gunmen in a targeted attack.
2012.03.11 Iraq Tarmiyah 5 0 Two girls and two women are among five family members brutally shot to death in their own home.
2012.03.11 Nigeria Jos 11 22 A suicide bomber detonates at a Catholic church during mass, killing at least eleven worshippers.
2012.03.11 Iraq Baqubah 2 1 A Mujahideen bomb in front of a cafe leaves two civilians dead.
2012.03.11 Pakistan Badabher 15 40 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, sending fifteen mourners to Allah.
2012.03.10 Pakistan Khadim Solangi Goth 1 0 A father hacks his 24-year-old daughter up with an axe on suspicion of a sexual affair.
2012.03.10 Kenya Nairobi 6 40 al-Shabaab Islamists throw three grenades into a bus station, killing six people.
2012.03.10 Pakistan Bara 4 15 Four children bleed to death following a militant rocket attack on a residential compound.
2012.03.09 Nigeria Gombe 1 0 A tribal leader is assassinated by Religion of Peace radicals outside a mosque.
2012.03.09 Thailand Yala 2 12 Muslim 'rebels' kidnap two local soldiers from their post, tie them up and then execute them.
2012.03.08 Nigeria Sokoto 2 0 Fundamentalists murder two European engineers in captivity.
2012.03.08 Nigeria Ashaka 7 3 Civilians are among seven dead when Boko Haram cadres attack two banks and a police station.
2012.03.07 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 4 10 A woman and two children are among four civilians ripped apart by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle.
2012.03.07 Iraq Tal Afar 14 23 Fourteen people near a restaurant are obliterated in a double bomb attack by Holy Warriors.
2012.03.07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 3 A Taliban bomb planted in a sewer takes out a 9-year-old child.
2012.03.07 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 An Ahmadi is gunned down in a targeted attack at a market.
2012.03.07 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two young women are murdered on suspicion of being lesbians.
2012.03.06 Dagestan Karabudakhkent 5 2 Five traffic cops are blown to bits by a female suicide bomber.
2012.03.06 Nigeria Bilala 2 0 At least two civilians are killed as Boko Haram devotees blow up a church and a police station.
2012.03.06 Thailand Yala 1 1 One member of a security team for teachers dies from a shrapnel injury to the head from a Muslim 'insurgent' bomb.
2012.03.06 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 0 Nine local police officers are murdered in their beds by Taliban gunmen.
2012.03.05 Pakistan Akkakhel 1 0 Hardliners behead a local tribesman.
2012.03.05 Yemen Bayda 1 2 An al-Qaeda attack leaves one local soldier dead.
2012.03.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 7 Muslim terrorists detonate a bomb at a market, killing a 37-year-old boat driver.
2012.03.05 Iraq Haditha 27 3 Twenty-seven Iraqi police are massacred by al-Qaeda in a series of attacks.
2012.03.05 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Suspected al-Shabaab murder two surrendered terrorists.
2012.03.05 Afghanistan Parwan 2 4 Two children bleed to death following a suicide attack that is 'in revenge' for a Quran burning.
2012.03.05 Iraq Mosul 3 2 Terrorists fire rockets into a market, killing three civilians.
2012.03.05 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 12 A Shahid suicide bomber manages to kill one other person.
2012.03.05 Nigeria Kano 2 2 Boko Haram assassins take down two guards at a residence.
2012.03.04 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 0 5 A suicide bomber on foot racks up five casualties.
2012.03.04 Yemen Zinjibar 15 12 A al-Qaeda suicide bomber sends fifteen other souls to Allah.
2012.03.04 Nigeria Benue 21 13 Women and children comprise the bulk of twenty-one members of a Christian farming community slaughtered by Fulani 'mercenaries' wielding machetes and burning homes.
2012.03.04 Pakistan Larkana 2 0 An 18-year-old girl and her boy friend are killed by her brother on suspicion of sex.
2012.03.04 Yemen Zinjibar 185 91 A surprise attack by al-Qaeda on a local security base leaves nearly two-hundred occupants dead and mutilated
2012.03.04 Nigeria Gamborou 2 0 A tailor and trader are executed in cold blood by Boko Haram gunmen.
2012.03.04 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Islamists shoot a middle-aged woman and her 10-year-old daughter to death in their home.
2012.03.04 Dagestan Khasavyurt 3 0 Three guards are machine-gunned outside a polling station by Islamic extremists.
2012.03.04 Syria Aleppo 1 4 A child dies from injuries suffered from a bombing blamed on Sunni militants.
2012.03.04 Yemen Hadramout 1 0 A local cop is assassinated in an al-Qaeda drive-by.
2012.03.03 Yemen al-Bayda 2 5 Two local security men are killed in separate al-Qaeda suicide blasts.
2012.03.03 Pakistan Peshawar 2 2 A 5-year-old girl is among two innocents slain by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.03.03 Philippines Jolo 2 13 Abu Sayyaf militants detonate a bomb in front of a grocery store, killing two civilians.
2012.03.03 Syria Dara 3 20 Three civilians are taken out when a Holy Warrior blows himself up at a traffic circle.
2012.03.03 Algeria Tamanrasset 0 23 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates outside a government building.
2012.03.03 Afghanistan Nangarhar 4 0 Islamic hardliners shred four family members with a roadside bomb.
2012.03.02 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A husband and wife are shot to death in their home by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2012.03.02 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A 38-year-old intelligence officer is assassinated by the Taliban.
2012.03.02 Nigeria Kano 1 0 Boko Haram shoot a man at close quarters as he is walking home from work.
2012.03.02 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamic militants kill a local soldier with a roadside bomb.
2012.03.02 Pakistan Tirah Bazaar 25 18 Two dozen people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber outside a mosque.
2012.03.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two American soldiers are shot in the back in retaliation for an unintentional Quran burning the week before by others.
2012.03.01 Pakistan Bara 10 3 Ten local soldiers are killed when Lashkar-e-Islam militants attack a base.
2012.02.29 Bangladesh Madarganj 0 3 Three missionaries are injured when a mob, stirred up by an Islamic seminary, throw stones at them.
2012.02.29 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 A 22-year-old Shiite is gunned down by Wahhabis.
2012.02.29 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Jihadis set off a car bomb next to a shopping area, taking out three Iraqis.
2012.02.29 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 1 Witnesses report seeing four dead following a Boko Haram bombing attack on a market.
2012.02.29 Pakistan Hyderabad 1 1 An 80-year-old member of the Ahmadi minority is murdered over his religious beliefs.
2012.02.29 Pakistan Bara 3 5 Two women and a child are disassembled by a Taliban roadside blast.
2012.02.29 Afghanistan Lashkargah 0 7 Children are among the casualties of a Shahid suicide bombing.
2012.02.29 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A journalist trying to open a radio station shut down by Islamists is murdered outside his home.
2012.02.28 Iraq Falluja 1 1 al-Qaeda gunmen murder an Iraqi.
2012.02.28 Kenya Mandera 1 8 An unarmed police man is killed by al-Shabaab assassins at a market.
2012.02.28 Nigeria Adamawa 1 0 Boko Haram radicals gun down a cop.
2012.02.28 Pakistan Kohistan 18 0 Jundallah fundamentalists pull eighteen Shiite civilians off a bus and execute them in cold blood.
2012.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Sectarian Jihadis shoot four young family members to death.
2012.02.28 China Kashgar 10 5 A second assault by knife-weilding Muslim terrorists in a shopping district leaves at least ten more innocents dead.
2012.02.28 China Yecheng 3 0 Three ethnic Chinese are hacked to pieces by a Muslim mob.
2012.02.28 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two foreign civilians are gunned down at a market by Taliban militants in a targeted killing.
2012.02.27 Somalia Mogadishu 3 7 Mujahid bombers take out three people at a soccer match.
2012.02.27 Nigeria Bundumi Rimi 4 4 Four villagers are murdered and mutilated by Islamic fundamentalists.
2012.02.27 Pakistan Nowshera 5 26 Terrorists dismantle five people at a political rally.
2012.02.27 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A local official is assassinated by Boko Haram gunmen.
2012.02.27 Dagestan Karabudakhkent 5 0 Islamic extremists execute five hunters.
2012.02.27 Nigeria Bauchi 3 0 Islamists firebomb a police station, killing three occupants.
2012.02.27 Nigeria Adamawa 3 1 Radical Muslims shoot three police officers to death at a checkpoint.
2012.02.27 Afghanistan Jalalabad 9 10 A Shahid suicide bomber murders nine people at an airport.
2012.02.27 Nigeria Kagoro 2 0 Islamists chant religious slogans as they butcher two people.
2012.02.26 Pakistan Kot Meerath 0 1 A Christian woman is brutally tortured and paraded for harboring alleged 'anti-Islam' views.
2012.02.26 Nigeria Jos 4 38 A suicide bomber detonates during a church service, killing four worshippers including a woman and a father and 18-month-old child.
2012.02.26 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 6 A Muslm, angered over an inadvertent Quran burning, throws a grenade at a group of Americans, killing one.
2012.02.26 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 1 Suspected Lashkar-e-Islam bombers kill two local cops.
2012.02.26 Pakistan Hussainabad 1 0 A Shiite bakery worker is the victim of a targeted sectarian killing.
2012.02.26 Iraq Buhriz 2 4 A Mujahideen bombing at a market leaves two civilians dead.
2012.02.26 Pakistan Tank 1 2 The Taliban shoot a drummer to death in this home.
2012.02.26 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two young women, suspected of having relations by choice, are mudered by their families in separate honor attacks.
2012.02.26 Pakistan Akakhel 4 3 Three girls, ages 2 to 10, and a woman are blown apart by a mortar round fired into their home by suspected Islamic militants.
2012.02.25 Nigeria Gombe 12 5 Ten civilians are among twelve found dead after Islamists attack a police station with petrol bombs.
2012.02.25 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two American staffers are shot to death by fundamentalists 'in revenge' for an accidental Quran burning.
2012.02.25 Yemen Sana'a 26 10 al-Qaeda kills nearly thirty Yemenis with a suicide blast by a Saudi bomber.
2012.02.25 Afghanistan Muqur 6 16 Six Afghan sappers are killed by a Taliban bomb.
2012.02.24 Pakistan Peshawar 4 6 Fedayeen suicide bombers take out four people at a police station.
2012.02.24 Pakistan Bara 3 3 Taliban militants open up on a car at point-blank range, killing three occupants.
2012.02.24 Afghanistan Laghman 0 20 Twenty people are injured when a mob hurls stones in protest of an alleged Quran desecration.
2012.02.24 Nigeria Kano 5 0 Boko Haram radicals spray the inside of a mosque with bullets, killing a rival and four others.
2012.02.23 Afghanistan Kabul 2 4 Two American troops are killed 'in revenge' over reports of an accidental Quran burning at another base.
2012.02.23 Iraq Sulaiman Beg 2 1 Two local cops are gunned down by terrorists.
2012.02.23 Pakistan Kohat 15 35 A Religion of Peace car bomb rips through a bus station, leaving at least a dozen dead.
2012.02.23 Iraq Diyala 11 16 A series of suicide attacks and shootings leave at least eleven dead.
2012.02.23 Iraq Beaver Ridge Canaan 20 198 Authorities report dozens of additional casualties from a wave of al-Qaeda bombings and shootings against Iraqi Shiites.
2012.02.23 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Six policemen are machine-gunned at a checkpoint by Islamic 'insurgents.'
2012.02.23 Iraq Musayyib 3 75 Children are heavily represented among the casualties of an al-Qaeda car bombing near an elementary school.
2012.02.23 Nigeria Niger State 2 0 Two cops are gunned down by Boko Haram.
2012.02.23 Iraq Kirkuk 7 24 Jihad car bombers take out seven Iraqis in two attacks -one in a residential neighborhood, the other at a bank.
2012.02.23 Iraq Jalawla 3 21 Sunni bombers attack Kurds, taking down two women and one man.
2012.02.23 Philippines Lapuyan 6 9 Young children are among the casualties when Muslim militants strafe a house with gunfire, killing six.
2012.02.23 Iraq Karrada 10 27 Body parts are strewn across roads as terrorists kill at least ten people with a bomb in a residential Shiite neighborhood.
2012.02.23 Iraq Mandali 2 1 Two children are taken out by an al-Qaeda bomb at a soccer field.
2012.02.23 Iraq Balad Ruz 3 7 Three family members are disassembled by an 'insurgent' bomb attack on their home.
2012.02.23 Pakistan Enjani Kali 2 3 Taliban militants hit three houses with rockets, killing two residents.
2012.02.23 Iraq Baiji 3 5 Sunni militants place a bomb near a court that leaves three dead.
2012.02.23 Iraq Balad 7 33 An al-Qaeda car bomb leaves seven dead and thirty-three more in agony.
2012.02.23 Iraq Kadhimiya 6 18 Six patrons are taken apart by an al-Qaeda car bomb at a restaurant.
2012.02.23 Nigeria Kano 4 0 Islamists fire at a passing police patrol, killing two officers.
2012.02.22 Pakistan Sipah 3 0 Lashkar-e-Islam militants kill three people with a landmine.
2012.02.22 Afghanistan Urgun 1 0 A local journalist is lured to a meeting by the Taliban and then beheaded.
2012.02.22 Pakistan Akkakhel 3 0 Three civilians are killed in separate terror attacks.
2012.02.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Islamists slit the throat of a pastor's 75-year-old mother and leave a note in Arabic for her son.
2012.02.21 Nigeria Damaturu 3 0 Boko Haram is thought responsible for an attack that leaves three innocents dead.
2012.02.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A peaceful Muslim is stabbed to death for declining to join the Jihad.
2012.02.20 Afghanistan Robat 2 2 Terrorists in uniform open fire on foreigners at a meeting to discuss opening a school and health center.
2012.02.20 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A villager is gunned down in a Religion of Peace drive by.
2012.02.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 30 3 Women and children are among the dead when caliphate advocates storm a market and shoot traders and patrons alike.
2012.02.20 Yemen Zinjibar 2 0 al-Qaeda gunmen take out two local cops.
2012.02.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out one other person.
2012.02.19 Philippines Kidapawan 3 4 Three civilian bystanders are killed during an attack by Moro Islamists on a jail.
2012.02.19 Nigeria Sulieja 0 5 Sharia advocates set off a car bomb next to a church.
2012.02.19 Israel Jerusalem 0 1 One person is injured when Muslims hurl rocks at Christian tourists from their mosque on the Temple Mount.
2012.02.19 Afghanistan Washir 4 0 Four civilians are beheaded by Sunni fundamentalists.
2012.02.19 Algeria Bordj Menail 4 10 Islamic bombers take out four bus passengers.
2012.02.19 Iraq Baghdad 19 28 Twenty young Iraqi police recruits are sent to Allah by Shahid suicide bombers.
2012.02.19 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 al-Qaeda gunmen murder three women and one man inside their home.
2012.02.19 Pakistan Landikotal 9 5 Nine people are left dead following a Lashkar-e-Islam bomb blast.
2012.02.18 Mali Hombori 1 0 A 77-year-old man is kidnapped and murdered by suspected al-Qaeda.
2012.02.18 Kenya Nairobi 30 0 At least thirty Kenyan civilians are murdered by al-Shabaab Islamists in various attacks.
2012.02.17 Pakistan Tirah 3 0 Three local security personnel are killed by Mujahideen bombers.
2012.02.17 Nigeria Konduga 1 0 A cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals in front of his family at his house.
2012.02.17 Saudi Arabia Mount Arafat 0 12 A dozen people are injured when religious groups fight each other at a Muslim holy site.
2012.02.17 Pakistan Parachinar 43 41 A Sunni suicide bomber takes out over three dozen Shia outside their own mosque following prayers.
2012.02.17 Nigeria Geidam 1 0 Boko Haram gunmen 'execute' a local official in front of his home.
2012.02.17 Lebanon Tripoli 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is killed by a stray bullet when rival Muslim groups clash following urging by their clerics.
2012.02.17 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Drive-by terrorists take out two Iraqis.
2012.02.17 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two religious activists are gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2012.02.17 Kenya Fafi 1 1 A police officer is gunned down by al-Shabaab Islamists.
2012.02.16 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 Muslim bombers take out the owner of a mobile phone store.
2012.02.16 Pakistan Upper Dir 3 9 A suicide bomber detonates at a market, leaving three other persons dead.
2012.02.16 Nigeria Minna 2 1 Islamists stage a bloody assault on a police station that leaves two officers dead.
2012.02.16 Pakistan Peshawar 0 5 A Fedayeen detonates himself along a city street.
2012.02.16 Dagestan Gurbuki 13 17 Islamic militias kill thirteen police officers.
2012.02.16 Yemen Hizam 3 0 Three members of a family, including a child, are disassembled when al-Qaeda militants fire a rocket into their home.
2012.02.16 Yemen Hizam 11 0 Eleven tribesmen are blown to bits by an al-Qaeda rocket attack on their convoy.
2012.02.15 Nigeria Suleija 1 0 A policeman is murdered by Boko Haram.
2012.02.15 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 3 1 A 1-year-old baby is among three shot dead when Islamic terrorists storm a policeman's home.
2012.02.15 Iraq al-Bubali Island 1 2 One family member is killed during an 'insurgent' home invasion.
2012.02.15 Iraq Ramadi 1 3 Islamic militants set off a bomb outside a home, killing one resident.
2012.02.15 Nigeria Koton-Karifi 1 0 A warden is killed when Boko Haram militants storm a jail.
2012.02.15 Yemen al-Baydah 5 0 Ansar al-Sharia gunmen open fire on a car at point blank range and send all five occupants to Allah, including a teen boy.
2012.02.15 Saudi Arabia Dammam 1 3 Sunni police open fire on a Shia religious festival, exterminating a participant.
2012.02.15 Pakistan Jamrud 1 5 Terrorists set off a bomb at a market, killing at least one patron.
2012.02.15 Pal. Auth. Bait Oula 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is strangled in her sleep by her mother over a (false) rumor of sexual impropriety (occurred weeks earlier).
2012.02.14 Iraq Mashtal 1 6 A roadside attack leaves one civilian dead.
2012.02.14 Nigeria Kaduna 1 2 A policeman is killed trying to defuse a Boko Haram bomb outside a mosque.
2012.02.14 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Sunnis are gunned down in a suspected sectarian drive-by.
2012.02.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 48-year-old man is slain by Muslim 'separatists' while sitting in his pickup truck.
2012.02.14 Thailand Bangkok 0 4 A woman is among the casualties of a grenade attack by an Iranian.
2012.02.14 Iraq Mosul 2 12 An al-Qaeda bomb blast ends the lives of two Iraqis.
2012.02.13 Pakistan Haripur 1 0 Wahhabi gunmen murder a Shiite activist.
2012.02.13 Russia Dagestan 3 6 Three police officers are gunned down by Islamic 'separatists'.
2012.02.13 Russia Pyatigorsk 1 0 A cleric is taken apart by a Religion of Peace car bombing.
2012.02.13 Iraq Mosul 1 1 'Insurgents' kill a woman and injure her child.
2012.02.13 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 Three Iraqis are gunned down in cold blood by Muslim assassins.
2012.02.13 India New Delhi 0 4 A woman is among four injured when terrorists detonate a bomb outside the Israeli embassy.
2012.02.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Three civilians are beheaded by Boko Haram Salafists..
2012.02.12 Yemen Jaar 3 0 Three civilians are beheaded by Ansar al-Sharia.
2012.02.12 Yemen Hajjah 30 12 Thirty people are killed when Shiites attack Sunnis.
2012.02.11 Afghanistan Uruzgan 5 1 Sunni hardliners send five local cops to Allah with a roadside bomb.
2012.02.11 Nigeria Potiskum 2 0 Two Christian brothers are murdered in cold blood by Islamists in white robes.
2012.02.11 Pakistan Khwezai 1 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban murder an abductee.
2012.02.11 Afghanistan Khogyani 2 6 An 8-year-old girl is among two killed when Muslim gunmen spray the inside of a house.
2012.02.11 Yemen al-Bayda 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen shoot an intelligence officer to death.
2012.02.11 Iraq Fallujah 6 0 A two-year-old is among six Iraqis murdered by suspected al-Qaeda bombers.
2012.02.11 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 'Insurgents' assassinate a government official in his car.
2012.02.11 Philippines Basilan 0 1 Abu Sayyaf gunmen fire on a group of road construction workers.

doch hat er dabei die Quelle nicht angegeben. Stellt sich die Frage ob es erlaubt sein soll überhaupt solche Daten ohne Quellenangabe im Politikthread z.B. zu posten, aber das sei erstmal dahintergestellt.
Als ich mal recherchiert habe von welcher Seite dieser User den Text gefunden haben könnte um die Seriosität zu prüfen, bin ich auf diese Seite gestoßen.
Zensiert ;)- edit by mod

Die Seite selbst gehört der PI-Seite, ist ähnlich aufgebaut und verbreitet Rassistische bzw. Islamophoben Thesen und Aussagen. Der User hat diese Quelle bestätigt und es passierte nichts. Ein schlichtes "Ja, das ist die Quelle" und "Die Daten lassen sich sicher überprüfen" von dem User haben mir das Fass zum überlaufen gebracht, doch wie schon gesagt, es passierte nichts.

Später wurden zwar die Beiträge entfernt, aber das sicher nur aus dem Grund, weil sie den Diskussionslauf sonst beeinträchtigt hätten. Verwarnung usw. hat der User anscheinend nicht bekommen.

Jetzt stellen sich mir drei Fragen:

1. Sind Quellen von solchen Seiten die religionsfeinliches Gedankengut verbreiten erwünscht (PI) ?
2. Soll ein User Quellen posten dürfen auf guttenbergscher Art ergo Datenklau ohne Quellenangabe?
3. Können User, die sogar hierbei kein Problem sehen Quellen aus solche Seiten zu verwenden welche religionsfeindliches Gedankengut verbreiten, als Gefährlich eingestuft werden ?
Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet:
ich kann mich dem nur anschließen.

diesen müll einfach nur auszublenden und es dann dabei zu belassen ist genauso hirnbefreit wie die berühmten stoppschilder von zensursula.
Zu den Fragen:

1) Nein

2) Quellenangaben sind erwünscht aber eigentlich kein Muss, wobei es natürlich einer Diskussion zuwiderläuft, wenn man Artikel als sein eigenes Gut ausgibt oder so über einen Umweg extreme Anschauungen postet.

3) Nein

Ich werde mich der Sache annehmen.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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