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L08: Intermediate
7 Mai 2006
Xbox Live
"We were warned from the start that the version that we were playing was essentially a skeletal framework of the final product. It was running on GameCube development kits, because Nintendo had only sent out Wii dev kits a few weeks prior to the event, and frankly, no one can realistically throw down a playable demo on brand new dev kits in three weeks and not have it crash more times than a demolition derby. So, having gotten that out of the way, the presentation was less about trying to wow us visually or launching a thousand message board threads on how the Wii could run on GameCube hardware. It was all about demonstrating exactly what the experience of playing a shooter on the new system could be."

The final version on Wii will have much more polished graphics, and since we were blowing away targets, we don't know how the physics will work on a newer build.

Da bin ich wirklich mal gespannt, wenn Red Steel bereits jetzt so einen klasse Eindruck bei mir hinterlassen hat! :D
Das wurde schon im Wii Thread geposted.

Und bitte net zu jeder Kleinigkeit nen Thread machen - unnötig :)
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