das wurde alles gedowngraded
Wii color saturation is much higher & resembles ordinary cel-shaded games rather than Ukiyo-E paintings. Some people like the brighter colors, but they no longer match the real inks used in those paintings. This can't entirely be fixed by adjusting your TV's settings.
The save screen & some other menu backgrounds look like GIFs with a crappy 16-color palette.
There's also a hugely obvious error with 1 frame of the dialog box's wiggle-outline turning green for no reason whatsoever. It's always the "pink" color on PS2.
In the intro, when the sky turns black for the first time, that circle at center-screen is clearly the blazing sun on PS2. It's somehow a nebulous transparent red circle on Wii.
Bleeding ink effect didn't make it. This is not the wiggling outlines, those are in. This refers to the way any black in textures (not outlines) & the red halo from fire could "bleed" into the surrounding colors as the camera moved. Most easily noticed in darker areas.
When Amaterasu leaps in front of "bleeding" black ink (or the night sky) s/he used to leave a trail of ink until landing, as if his/her tail were a brush. This effect is completely missing.
The red "halo" from torch fire used to interact with nearby objects behind it, wrapping around their shapes and bleeding into their colors. This effect is completely missing.
Paper texture is extremely subtle, to the point where it is barely noticeable.
Light bloom is extremely subtle, to the point where it is barely noticeable.
The day sky is different. It's hard to describe, but it used to not just be an intense blue during the day.
Obvious control differences.
The icon showing how much time until Ammy drowns was changed from the "sun" health symbols to a new water swirl symbol. Slight improvement. IMO.
Default sound balance is different. New game on PS2: "speech" is audible over the music & sound effects. On Wii: sound effects are able to drown out the "speech". This can be adjusted.
I refuse to believe this is the norm, but on my Sony Wega KV30H510 (a 30" Trinitron 16:9 1080i-capable tube) using all component video (YpbPr), the Wii version in 480p is definitely blurrier than PS2 in 480i. Other Wii & cube games look spectacular, so this gets a "what the heck?".
und zwecks der verkorksten steuerung
1up schrieb:
The original Okami for PS2 is one of my very favorite games -- a stunning achievement in both artistry and entertainment. And it's still the same beautifully told, endlessly creative, epic adventure that I immersed myself in two falls ago. While the Wii version should be the ultimate way to experience the game -- the Wii Remote seems destined to serve as the perfect input for the Celestial Brush mechanic used throughout -- its quirks and imprecision are just problematic enough to ensure that the original retains its place as the Okami that should be remembered for years to come.
("obwohl die wii remote eigentlich wie für die pinsel mechanik geschaffen sein müsste sorgen ihre eigenarten und unpräzision dafür dass das ps2 original wohl als beste version in erinnerung bleiben wird")
gametap schrieb:
There are a few issues from the PS2 original that have carried over. The camera occasionally gets a little out of whack, and while you can use the D-pad to swing it around manually, its not something thats easy to do in the middle of a battle. Wielding the brush is a little trickier than it is on the PS2 version, although it grows easier with practice
("die kamera kontrolle ist net das wahre,vor allem in kämpfen.....das pinsel führen ist schwieriger als auf ps2,aber es wird leichter mit übung")
nintendo power schrieb:
One of Okami's main hooks is the ability to learn Celestial Brush techniques, which are activated by drawing symbols; it's a natural fit for the Wii remote, and while pointing and drawing is faster and allows for more freedom than using an analog stick, it's harder to be precise, resulting in the game having a tougher time recognizing your brush strokes. More significantly, the combat feels awkward. Slow, timed swipes of the remote are required to score consecuctive hits with many weapons; if you swing too fast you won't be able to attack at all. And where's the motion-based fishing? For shame!
("während die wii remote viel mehr freiheiten beim zeichnen gibt als der analogstick ist es schwieriger präzise zu sein,was resultiert in dass das spiel die pinselstriche nicht erkennt")
gametrailers schrieb:
Ironically, the Wii’s versatile remote, while fine for your primary attack, is not the best place for Okami’s celestial paintbrush techniques. Simple procedures, such as drawing a straight line for the power slash technique, requires multiple tries due to unfair inconsistencies.
("ironischerweise ist die wii remote nicht optimal für okamis pinsel techniken,simpelste sachen wie eine gerade linie zeichnen benötigt mehrere versuche")
computerandvideogames schrieb:
Circles are more problematic, and it can be extremely fiddly to draw the precise lines needed to connect specific objects that are necessary in some of the brush techniques you learn later in the game.
("kreise zeichnen ist problematisch,es kann extrem knifflig sein präzise linien zu zeichnen um bestimmte objekte miteinander zu verbinden")
videogametalk schrieb:
It's not all great though, as you need to be incredibly precise with your brush strokes at times, which can lead to frustration. One attempt to simply revive a tree by drawing a circle took six or seven tries, as the symbol either didn't hit just right or wasn't complete enough.
("die mangelnde präzision kann zu frustration führen,einen stinknormalen baum wiederbeleben,durch zeichnen eines kreises,hatte 6 bis 7 versuche benötigt")
also wenn dir irgendjemand sagt die wii version sei besser ists ein N fanboy und lügt dich an,es ist nicht nur n massiver downgrade (fakt),die steuerung funktioniert ja ebenfalls nicht wie man es sich vorgestellt hätte (siehe genug reviews oben)
die ps2 version ist die einzig wahre version
<3 glover/platinum
![Blushed :blushed: :blushed:](/styles/sanleiassets/cwsmilies/m-blushed.gif)