Wii U:
User accounts: Wii U will have individual user accounts, rather than one system-wide account.
NFC: Near Field Communication ("touch" data transmission from accessories, credit cards, etc... sort of like QR/Streetpass combined) will be built-in.
Online: Miyamoto: "Network has to have a totally new concept to be different."
NSMB 3DS announced: Planning to release a totally new side-scrolling action Super Mario in 2D as a key title for the Nintendo 3DS in the next fiscal year.
200 3DS titles in development.
Nintendo first-party DLC: Nintendo considering DLC for their own software, mentions "Super Mario" as an example:
"If a Super Mario user gets tired, we can then sell digital extras which will drive extra revenue, encourage higher communication amongst users, and possible increased satisfaction and hardware install bases."
More Swapnote-like apps? Because of the success of Swapnote, Nintendo is considering other strategies to benefit from this social behaviour.
"Path to profits is improve 3DS and focus on software. Super Mario titles will drive a lot of profitability."
60% of 3DS users have connected to the Internet; wants to expand digital offering, but at "infant stage" now.
Iwata: "Nintendo's priority is to satisfy existing 3DS users, as well as to prepare titles that will expand the user base combined with network."
Third parties: Several new, previously unconsidered alliances/partnerships with third parties.
Communities: You haven't seen the last of them!
Retail title downloads: 3DS and Wii U both support digital download of retail titles, but... they still aren't quite sure how to implement it just yet.
Item billing: "We should not decline third parties if they want to offer item billing" (paying to unlock content).
DLC: Still planning to offer DLC (possibly talking about their own software), but needs more time to complete its feasibility study on the market and its needs.
More sharing: "Digital will include user to user communications and sharing" (More social networking integration? More Swapnote-like apps? More emphasis on Streetpass/Spotpass?).
Better-paced software + DLC: Nintendo has learnt that it shouldn't have stagnant periods between software launches: can fill the gap, and DLC can extend the life of a title.
Asia: Planning products for Asia, local partners (WiiQue U?) yet to be announced; still issues of copyright.
This will be Nintendo's worst financial year, but Iwata thinks the company can reach break-even on 3DS hardware in Q3 of this year.
Miyamoto still around, Iwata angry at Wired. "Miyamoto is saying his basic work is to create a big hit."
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