3DS Nintendo 3DS - Softwarethread

Ich hoffe es ist ok wenn ich hier Frage :-).

Welche Rpgs/srpgs könnt ihr mir noch für den 3Ds und normalen Ds empfehlen?

Bis jetzt habe ich

alle FF Spiele
alle DQ Spiele
alle Pokemon Spiele
Magical Starsign
Bravely Default
Fire Emblem
Chrono Trigger
Tales of the Abyss
The Worlds Ends with You

Sonic Chronicles - The Dark Brotherhood :v:
Langrisser 3DS theme song singer, new character announced

Masaya Games has announced the theme song singer and a new character for its 3DS Langrisser revival.

Masami Okui will sing the theme song, which will be revealed in full during her Birth Live 2015 Neo Stage event on March 13, where she will perform it live.

Find details on the new character below.

Licorice (voiced by Nao Touyama)

A “fated girl” and the younger sister of the protagonist Ares who disappeared at a young age. She is a kind girl with a certain love for humanity, and could never hate any living thing. She also has a strong sense of responsibility, and always carries her work out to the fullest. She is polite, but also somewhat shy, and never locks out the heart of another person. She just isn’t great at dealing with other people spoiling her. She liked seeing vegetation grow in the ruins of old buildings destroyed from the war. There are reasons as to why she and her older brother have to separate, but sometime down the line, they could reunite, although deep down she harbors some sort of secret….

Langrisser is due out for 3DS in Japan this summer.



Terra Formars: Akaki Hoshi no Gekitou

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Assassination Classroom: Grand Siege on Korosensei 3DS Famitsu Review In Detail

While Famitsu enjoyed a couple of things in Assassination Classroom: Grand Siege on Korosensei, there were a couple of things that were holding the game back.

You can check out the strip below to see their thoughts. Assassination Classroom: Grand Siege on Kurosensei releases next week on March 12th.


Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight USA Termin

11.03.15 - Atlus gibt bekannt, dass das Rollenspiel Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight im Sommer 2015 in den USA im eShop und Fachhandel auf den Markt kommen wird. Preis: USD 49,99.

-Quelle Gamefront.de

Kennt jemand 3DS-Games von denen man allerdings nur ein Game-Modul braucht, die man aber im lokalen Online-Modus (also quasi nebeneinander, nicht über das Internet) gegeneinander zocken kann?
Langrisser Legend Edition geplant / JAP Termin

16.03.15 - Masaya Games gibt bekannt, dass das Strategie-Rollenspiel Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei Mitte Juli 2015 in Japan ausgeliefert wird.

Gleichzeitig wird auch die limitierte Sonderauflage "Legend Edition" veröffentlicht. Sie enthält zwei Figuren (Rosalia und Licorice), den Original Soundtrack auf zwei CDs: Die Musik besteht aus über 20 Songs, darunter aus Langrisser I, II und Der Langrisser. Schließlich gibt's auch noch ein 64-seitiges Artbook.

-Quelle Gamefront.de
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