
L12: Crazy
7 Feb 2002
In the press report a new bigger memory card, the Memory Card 251, has been given a US June 24th date, meaning a probable Summer release here. The release of Eternal Darkness and the Wavebird on that same day is still planned.

Also wenn ich das jetzt richtig interpretiere heisst das das es ein Memory Card mir 251 möglichen files gibt oder??? Außerdem Eternal darkness soll um die gleiche zeit rauskommen geil!
Ich habe eine von BigBen Interactive bestellt!
Sie ist 16x MAL grösser und hat ein Speicervolumen von 8 MegaByte!
Ja nur leider wirst du bei der nur 179 Files waren es glaube ich Speichern können da das beim Cube so ist wenn du willst kann ich noch mal nachschauen!
GameCube Memory Manager Flaw
Nintendo's memory card limitations creep up.

March 22, 2002 - Today we thoroughly tested InterAct's Mega Memory 16x. While doing so we ran into a problem. Whether you knew it or not (even we didn't) the GameCube only allows for 127 save files.

Turn to page 18 of your GameCube instruction booklet and you'll see it notes: "You cannot move or copy files...when you have reached the maximum of 127 files on the memory card that you are trying to move or copy a file to (Note: This limitation is only for future memory cards that have 127 or more blocks available to save files to)."

The notation is a bit confusing as it seems to accidentally swap the terms "files" and "blocks." We managed to use all 127 files for well over 1000 blocks, amounting to 8MB. We're willing to bet a bigger memory card could store more if you could store enough large files (i.e. 127 files of 295 block ASB 2003 saves.)

Needless to say, the limitation could pose problems for those interested in using larger memory cards. Furthermore, we have no idea how Panasonic's SD-Memory Card 59 adapter would behave with large cards such as 64MBs. We can only guess the 127 file limitation would be removed via software somehow.

We have no official word on the situation from either InterAct or Nintendo. If you're looking into purchasing a higher density memory card from a third-party, however, keep this in mind. It's not the memory card that limits your save space, but the GameCube's inherent design.

Ich weiß nicht es soll glaube ich dann irgendwie doch möglich sein! Also da müssen wir abwarten! Aber es ist ja so du kannst zwar nur höchstens so viele Files machen aber es können auch größere sein! Verstehst du das heisst von den Spielständen wo du dannn 4 oder 5 auf ne normale Card bekommst weil sie so groß sind kannst du dann endlichmehr Speichern!
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