Wind Shrine
This can be a frustrating dungeon to tackle without a walkthrough as it
requires a lot of trial and error. Please follow the instructions carefully:
Head east to the end, then north and the ground will collapse. Enter the hole
to drop again. Collect the [Sage Robe - Œ«ŽÒ‚̃��[ƒu] and exit to the north.
You arrive back at the entrance. This time go north, veering east toward the
split, and you'll fall down a level. Go north, and drop into the hole.
Collect the [Star Light - �¯‚ÌŒõ] and exit the room.
From the start, go north, veering west at the split, and walk into the cracked
ground just north of the next split to fall down a level. Drop into the hole
to the south and collect 5000s.
Back at the start, go north, veer west, and instead of dropping into the last
hole you made, carefully walk under it to the east. Avoid the next patch of
cracked ground you see to the north and continue east through the tight space,
then north onto the cracked ground, dropping you to the next level.
Drop into the only hole available, and when you exit the room, instead of being
back at the start, you'll be in a different place.
Walk east a few steps and the ground will crumble. On the lower level, exit
You'll see two stalagmites. Each one needs to be pushed into an opening in
the rock. There are four black, triangle-shaped openings. We only need the
two on the west side of the room.
To push, hold the circle button and walk in the direction you want to go. If
you mess up, exit the room to the south and reenter. DO NOT walk through the
northern exit or you'll have to come all the way back here from the beginning.
I recommend saving in case you accidentally exit the wrong way.
When you've pushed a stalagmite into the proper hole, there will be a short
dialogue sequence. Likewise after the second one is pushed into place.
Pushing a little bit at a time is best.
When you're finished, use Return Song and head back to Lyton.
Enter the house north of Althena's statue and speak to the old man. Leave the
house, heal at the statue, and follow the stone path north to the exit.
Talk to either Jessica/Kyle or Mia/Nash and they'll attempt to sing. After
one group tries, talk to the other. After the second attempt, select the
bottom dialogue choice when prompted.
After the scene, enter the Blue Dragon Temple.