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,,Event: North American GameCube Launch Coverage
The GameCube launches in North America on November 18th, 2001. Be prepared to get cubed.
Full Name Location Dates
North American GameCube Launch North America Nov 18 - Nov 18, 2001
Day 1 Coverage
Quiet Launch in Jasper, Alabama 7:43 PM CST by: Jonathan Metts
Big surprise. Read on for Jonny's launch story.
Show us your LAUNCH! 3:07 PM CST by: Billy Berghammer
You got your cube. Your Nintendo dreams have come true! So what's next? Tell us about it!
Gainesville, Florida Launch Report 9:41 AM CST by: Mike Sklens
Mike S camped out all day yesterday to get his GameCube! Check out what he did there.
GameCube Launch in Dayton, Ohio! 8:44 AM CST by: Max Lake
Just like everywhere else, people can't wait for the Cube!
Baltimore-Area Launch Report 5:48 AM CST by: Justin Nation
34 degrees outside, 4:00 AM, and a group of people standing outside shivering their asses off? Must be launch day...
Local Launch Report 4:16 AM CST by: Ty Shughart
How come I don't have a memory card? Whine, gripe, groan.
GameCube has LAUNCHED! 2:32 AM CST by: Billy Berghammer
The GameCube has launched in North America! WOOHOO! So what was it like to be at a Midnight sale? What?! Shortage? Hey, we did warn you...
Pre-Show Coverage
Launch lines are forming! 11/17/01 by: Billy Berghammer
Across the country lines are forming already for tomorrow's official launch! Some stores are also selling at Midnight!
Goody's got it! 11/16/01 by: David Trammell
Some Sam Goody stores have begun selling GameCube's today.
Nintendo hypes the 18th 11/15/01 by: Michael "TYP" Cole
Nintendo brags about its games and Shigeru Miyamoto reminds us what games are about in the latest NOA press release.
Yay for mainstream press! 11/14/01 by: Billy Berghammer
While most people out there still haven't gotten their cubes yet, we got something to pass the time. You'll laugh, cry, and blow chunks...
Clearing up early launch scuttlebutt ... 11/13/01 by: Rick Powers
We're getting a lot of angry e-mail suggesting we're mistaken. Actually, we TOLD you it was a long shot ...
Stores to sell GameCube early! 11/12/01 by: Rick Powers
We've received word that Nintendo has allowed stores to sell the GCN as soon as it arrives! PROOF!
Marketwatch on the game industry 11/11/01 by: Mike Sklens
CBS Marketwatch has an excellent article up about the future of the game industry including a video interview with PETERMAIN.
NOA Promotes 4 new VPs 11/09/01 by: Max Lake
Nintendo of America has announced the promotion of four indviduals to vice president positions.
Today was the Day
11/05/01 by: Max Lake
Back at E3, it was announced Nov. 5th was the GameCube launch date. The upside is that we are now into the final drag!
Rogue Leader arrives early! 11/05/01 by: David Trammell
Many people who ordered Rogue Leader from Lucasarts.com have gotten the game in today. Now if only they had GameCubes...
New GameCube commercials! 11/05/01 by: David Trammell
Nintendo has begun advertising individual games. Read on to find out how the new commercials relate to the previous ones.
Will Star Wars help blast GameCube competition? 11/01/01 by: Rick Powers
C|Net conducts an interview with Tom Byron of LucasArts ...
Red Octane to Rent Cube Games 11/01/01 by: Max Lake
Starting November 18th, Red Octane will be renting NGC games online.
Nintendo Power Rating surprises ... 11/01/01 by: Rick Powers
Nintendo has ratings in on some of the GameCube launch titles, and they're quite a surprise!
Happy Halloween! 10/31/01 by: Max Lake
A Boo to you from Planet GameCube!
Playable Cube Kiosks Arriving at Last! 10/31/01 by: Max Lake
Weve just got first word that GameCube kiosks are hitting stores. Updated! Weve got a full list of the kiosk contents!
Save Your Hands Part Two! 10/30/01 by: Max Lake
Nintendo has released another clip in its amusing Internet advertising campaign.
GameCube's clock is Ticking 10/30/01 by: Mike Sklens
Finally, a reason to watch MTV!
GameCube bundles available! 10/30/01 by: Michael "TYP" Cole
There are pre-orders available, but only if you have a little money to spare.
No Component Video Cable in stores 10/29/01 by: Billy Berghammer
If you're one of the lucky and you've got a sweet TV, and you're planning on getting a GameCube Component Video Cable...you'll want to read this.
Just Enough Memory Cards at Launch? 10/29/01 by: Mike Sklens
According to retail sources, Nintendo Memory Cards may be sold on a one to one basis.
Tony Hawk 3 FOR LAUNCH 10/29/01 by: Jonathan Metts
We all suspected it, but now Activision has confirmed that Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 is a GameCube launch title. Update: Info on the Skatepark Editor!
A Demo in Luigis Mansion? 10/26/01 by: Max Lake
Luigis Mansion contains lots of ghosts and a kidnapped sibling. It also seems to contain a demo of an upcoming game?! Details inside.
Rogue Leader coming out early! 10/25/01 by: Michael "TYP" Cole
Super Monkey Ball isn't the only game to come out before the system anymore!
Save the Hands! 10/24/01 by: Billy Berghammer
My question is, how are you going to be able to go to the bathroom?
GameCube promo CDs available now! 10/18/01 by: Billy Berghammer
Need to get your GameCube fix? Your lazy butt might not even need to leave your couch. Don't put down your dew! Just chill...
Amazon Pre-Orders, Round Two! 10/17/01 by: Max Lake
Tomorrow, Amazon will be holding its second online GameCube pre-orders. Better get ready!
Catch the Born to Play Cube Commercial! 10/17/01 by: Max Lake
NOA has posted its first GameCube commercial online, as well as a schedule for when you can watch it on TV!
EB Online Pre-Orders are All Gone 10/16/01 by: Max Lake
Yesterday we told you EB online was doing pre-orders. As predicted, they sold out IMMEDIATELY.
EB Online pre-orders LIVE 10/15/01 by: Billy Berghammer
Probably by the time I post this, they will be sold out. Electronic Boutique has now begun to sell pre-orders for GameCube bundles, and more!
Pre-Ordering at EB? Better Hurry... 10/15/01 by: Justin Nation
Having just returned from the local EB, Justin's here to say that quantities are limited and people are interested.
GCN preorders at Best Buy - SOLD OUT 10/11/01 by: Rick Powers
Best Buy HAD GCN bundles available ...
Rogue Leader has officially gone gold! 10/10/01 by: David Trammell
As of today, Rogue Leader is 100% complete and ready for mass reproduction. Read on for more details.
GameCube Print Ads! 10/10/01 by: Max Lake
Nintensity has managed to snag pictures of all the translucent cube ads appearing in print magazines.
Amazon/TRU GCN Preorders TODAY! 10/08/01 by: Rick Powers
Amazon opened up preorders today ... GONE IN FIVE MINUTES!
THPS3 Grinding for launch? 10/06/01 by: Michael "TYP" Cole
Could THPS3 be coming out at launch? Some seem to think so...
What would you do for a GameCube? 10/01/01 by: Billy Berghammer
If you are reading this, probably most anything. Be creative--and nuts, and you'll nab you GameCube for free...plus a GBA and $5000! That's a lot of game money!
Speaking of Pre-Orders ... 08/28/01 by: Rick Powers
An anonymous "large retail chain" employee give us the skinny on Nintendo's pre-order plans ... or lack thereof!
EXCLUSIVE! Nintendo to ship GCN on November 15! 08/23/01 by: Rick Powers
Nintendo must ship on November 15 to meet Nov. 18 street date. Plus, Color Quantities ...
New GameCube and controller colors 08/23/01 by: Billy Berghammer
I'm not sure if Nintendo checked out our poll or not, but we've got the beef on the new colors and controllers that will hit the US this November!
GameCube Launch Numbers 08/23/01 by: Billy Berghammer
Unfortunately, "truckload" isn't an official measurement. Check out the official numbers from Nintendo!
GameCube DELAYED 08/23/01 by: David Trammell
Relax, relax. It's only two weeks. The longest two weeks of our lives.
GameCube Launch Quantities Announced 07/30/01 by: Jonathan Metts
Nintendo shells out the big numbers for North America. Plus: Japanese launch colors confirmed.
GameCube to launch in colors!? 06/30/01 by: Rick Powers
IGNCube's interview with Perrin Kaplan sheds a little (emphasis on little!) light on the color situation ...
GameCube to launch at $199!? 05/21/01 by: Rick Powers
Rick has been e-mailed the most interesting of links, seemingly confirming the $199 launch price. Read for yourself ...
Xbox and GameCube head to head? 05/16/01 by: David Trammell
Nintendo's GameCube and Microsoft's Xbox aren't just launching close to each other, they are launching 3 days apart, but at what price?
N2000 Announced 05/12/99 by: Billy Berghammer
Information overload



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