NDS Itadaki Street [DS]


L09: Professional
22 Jan 2007
So erstelle mal einen Thread zu dem Square Enix Game Namens Itadaki Street. Muss sagen das es mich verwundert das noch kein Thread zu diesem Game existiert

Naja hier gibts erstmal eine kleine Screenzusammenfassung:


Was haltet ihr von den Game?

Billiger mario Party Klon in der portablen Version?
Neues interessantes projekt des sonst stark auf rpgs ausgelegten Herstellers SE ?

sollte die suchfunktion in diesem forum nicht richtig funktionieren und es gibt schon einen thread zu diesem game geben dann closed diesen hier von mir bitte sofort wieder

thx wiichtigtuer
Wiichtigtuer schrieb:
So erstelle mal einen Thread zu dem Square Enix Game Namens Itadaki Street. Muss sagen das es mich verwundert das noch kein Thread zu diesem Game existiert

Denke mal das hat zwei Gründe.

Einmal das Spiel wird hier niemals erscheinen, genau wie kein anderer Titel der Serie es in den Westen geschafft hat.
Zweitens...ähm...naja...da es keiner kennt oder gespielt hat interessiert es wohl nicht so viele.

Aber worum geht es in dem Spiel denn genau - hat es schon wer hier gespielt ? Soll ja sowas in der Art von Monopoly sein :blushed:
Wiichtigtuer schrieb:
So erstelle mal einen Thread zu dem Square Enix Game Namens Itadaki Street. Muss sagen das es mich verwundert das noch kein Thread zu diesem Game existiert
Weil das Spiel so wie die Vorgänger nur in Japan erscheinen wird.

Was soll man gross von halten. Sieht für mich aus wie ein Brettspiel mit S-E Figuren. Das einzigst grosse Unterschied ist, dass es online spielbar ist.
Neuer Scan der Bowser als weiteren Chara enthüllt.

Ich würde gerne mal wissen, was das in dem Kästchen da unten ist. Sieht ganz interessant aus.
Itadaki Street ist in Japan ein ziemlich berühmtes "Brettspiel" wie Mario Party. Es gab schon einen reinen Final Fantasy Ableger mit FF7 und FF8 Charas für die PS2
neue Scans:

Was ich gut finde, dass mein seine Spielfiguren selber einkleiden kann oder Gimicks verpassen kann. Online könnte das echt Spass machen.
werbung zum game:


finde die neuen werbungen über nintendo produkte echt gut, da man anders als auf den japanischen markt üblich (meist 25 sekunden anime oder rendergrafik mit gelaber 3 sekunden ingame + 2 sekunden Name) wirklich ganz simpel und einfach präsentiert bekommt was man zocken wird und grade bei zelda war ich durch den styluseinsatz gehypt und hier reitzt mich der monopoly ansatz:
Man kann ja noch auf ein Wunder (eorpäischer release) hoffen! ;)
Creators Voice - Itadaki Street DS: http://touch-ds.jp/crv/vol4/001.html

Kann das jemand mit so ner Babelfish Maschine oder so übersetzen? O_o
bei mir stehn da dummerweise nur Fragezeichen...

würde gern wissen, was Miyamoto und Hoori (heißt der so?) sich so erzählen.. ^^
Discipulus schrieb:
Creators Voice - Itadaki Street DS: http://touch-ds.jp/crv/vol4/001.html

Kann das jemand mit so ner Babelfish Maschine oder so übersetzen? O_o
bei mir stehn da dummerweise nur Fragezeichen...

würde gern wissen, was Miyamoto und Hoori (heißt der so?) sich so erzählen.. ^^
übersetzt mit google:

Hinweis: Hoori wurde übersetzt mit "moat well". Es kommt auch so im Text vor, also nicht wundern.

Seite 1
First, the following 'as for the strike which is' a subject that coming up we would like to do with DS. So far, [kiyara] of [dorakue] and FF competes with this game and/or it is the red sandal wood, but if “dragon QUEST” and “sou perm Rio” because it becomes “DS”, [mario] in [kiyara] could be used, don't you think? however you say it is with [tsu] [te] joke, when Nintendo Co. and story are done with method of developing, hearing that it is OK, you were surprised tremendously, (laughing).
Miyamoto: ´
Basically, there being [zeruda], there being a dragon QUEST, the rival being handled, because simultaneous thought that it is not. As for those which the moat well makes, always as for consciousness however it had done, the contact point did not think is with at all, it is with the shank. When you heard that [mario] enters into the story of dragon QUEST, you think that you were surprised, however it is, (laughing). Trying being said, 'it receives for the first time and [mario] appears in the street', if it is, the user which you rejoice it is many, it is the kana which is not. It is as a [chi] game fan to be it is possible kana.
So OK did not think comes out with never, (laughing). It was grateful enormously, is. Certainly, with dragon QUEST main part as for becoming very simultaneous it is difficult, however is, because 'the strike which is' is the board game, you thought that it can coexist can prosper as a character.
Simply, how it becomes, being able to represent it was not at all. As a scene however it is good, when performance talking it becomes, how it becomes, to be enormous insecurity is a certain reason. So, with the latest game it being decided that the moat well supervises the lines of [kiyara]. It is the thought in [dorakue] of not making the moat well to the protagonist talk, don't you think?. In the prayer character is not made to talk either inside extremely. [mario] “the thornback” “[ya]” is the extent which is said. There is a sense of relief that you make the nerve use vis-a-vis the notion that where with that, “you talk”, the better seed.

Seite 2
Making the money, you aim toward goal
When contents are explained simply for the person who does not have the fact that you play, 'it receives and you play the street', around it does it is the board game of [ku] type with 4 people. First shaking the die, equal to the number of eyes which come out advances mass. And, Following to the indication of the mass which stops, purchasing the store and stocks, making the money, you aim toward goal, it is.
When the other prayer stop at your your own store, because “shopping charge” can be received, this time while the fund such as that furthermore you increasing your your own store to finances, it competes property. And, accumulating the property above the target amount more quickly than everyone, if it arrives to the bank, it is victory. Especially, this time 'it receives, with street DS', Mini- game only of the world of [dorakue] and [mario]. Because the varieties it has entered, you think that it can enjoy.
DS is easy to play by the fact that it is 2 pictures, the whole of the board being visible, also detailed information being visible, enormously when and, you look at computer play, you can understand the game quickly even with the person who does not know the game. The slot machine the varieties, kingcraft like rule of board game ones has been plugged entirely the like feeling where the stripe shank. To be enormous there is a merit in being digital. When you do with the board, very thing, becoming enormous easily, becoming colorful, either it does not calculate stock price and the [te] is not good. Being able to play with ease, when it is the completion which becomes familiar ones thought now the shank.
The opportunity which makes 'it receives and the street'
As for game industry of that time, in the kind of times when the Daisaku kind of principle where many ten hours are required has occupied main current, among such, we want the game which can be played with the [saku] [tsu] in about 1 hours don't you think?, with what you think, 'was the opportunity which makes the strike which is'. Because you tried that it probably will be easiest to understand to make the board game. Shaking the die, advancing scene, something happening, with in the sense that you say, as for the board game most there is no game which has become accustomed, is? Especially rule does not understand and if you do the [te] and many times, understands, because there is a like place, it is easy to keep entering.
As for me it has been fixed to one timewise monopoly *1 it is with the shank. Exactly, 'the strike which is' occurring after the times when the thread well *2 and the Nakamura *3 and monopoly are done, looking at that, monopoly is possible properly with the computer, when is. Furthermore, the complicated human regardless of, (laughing), it is possible in the form which the [wa] [ri] finishes, thinking, that is, it does with interest hurting. So, did not play there is no idle time alone the [te], excessively, it is. Project of this time with opportunity, in addition, that it probably will touch. Even in the streetcar, it may be able to play is alone, die.

*1. Board game of the American appearance. It shakes the die, it keeps increasing property around, the other prayer and transacting & negotiates such as buying and selling the real estate on the board where place name is written on mass with.
*2. The thread well the village (it is heavily and the grindstone [ge] it debuts with) as 71 year copywriter. “The daily [itoi] newspaper (www.1101.com) it establishes almost” on 1998 Internet. 'Writer of MOTHER' series.
*3. Koichi Nakamura (medium unevenness like this it is, the [chi]) the game chestnut thornback tar, Representative President corporation [chiyunsohuto]. Main programmer of early 'dragon QUEST' series.
I am monopoly lover. That game value of the money is the same to final stage, don't you think?. When “the strike which is” is, however there is no levelling up RPG, if the game is advanced, the first having gold seems that becomes the gold which is done, if it has won, that it is cut off in the umbrella, when you say, or would like to make such game balance it is. Because of that various element such as capital increase and rise of stocks was inserted. Because detailed calculation is entwined, if it is the true board game, the person the very not to calculate, because the [te] however it does not become, is the board game on the computer, calculation is entrusted to the computer. Simply, negotiation of exchange of the store, it is difficult to make kind of those which are decided with human relations the computer calculate. Inserting the rule, 5 time buying *4 with that, intersection crossing, in order you do not do the fact that you say also for the [te] to be completed, it is the red sandal wood.

*4. Buy the store which the partner owns, mandatorily at 5 times that store price.
Origin of naming
As for title you were troubled fairly well, it is. After all, when it stops at the store, there is no reason which receives the money is? As for street with street. The [dasa] [me] has pulling thinking as kana, (laughing). It could also acquire groovy title, but it is when on the other hand, the [dasa] being, is a warmth. At all, but story what which is not relationship there is a theatrical company, adult plan don't you think?. Now already considerably it became famous, but to tell the truth me, from former times calling to the occasionally seeing, the person, Matsuo sea bass *5 of the chairman over there, just a little had touched 'concerning the strike which is' in that book. “As for title [dasa] it is and is funny” the [tsu] [te]. Just a little being delightful, the shank. (Laughing).

*5. Matsuo sea bass (the tin which it waits it comes) theatrical company 'adult plan' superintendence. Other than the actor and production, as a writer such as script, novel and essay it is wide active.
The courage which acquires the name which well, such betta is resigned well is important! The new name [tsu] [te], mostly being born from the place where you attach with while it is spirit of those which we would like to make it increases, (laughing).
Seite 3
[mario] which you talk
[dorakue] does not talk the protagonist, it is. So, [kiyara] of side, talking fairly well, has tried to build the character of the protagonist with that, it is. Because in such sense, [mario] and the various character which this time appear in this game, you are [kiyara] by your, the varieties we want talking with respect to the character, board game, vis-a-vis the prayer doing. So, although [mario] is made to talk, some tone serving is good, you are troubled, the better seed. Reading also the cartoon of various [mario]. When it is cartoon, however “me” you say the [ri] it does, as for [mario] “my” [tsu] [te] the image which is said or…. To tell the truth, “me” [tsu] [te] there being the image which is said in me, when it conveys that to Miyamoto, “there is no me, is”, the [tsu] [te] the answer which is said came, (laughing).
Because I am “slowly the generation of the pine” of the Akatsuka non- [ni] husband *6, when you call “me”, because [iyami] floats in the head, (laughing). Perhaps, you think that you speak, it is, but you flatter to the child strangely and/or and so on without doing, you want. We want making method of kind of talking which the normal father has talked, that. That you adhere, it is not to be, the [te], the adult reading, we wanted making the word which does not become the air shy, how age of [mario], it is. It is topic even inside the company, but liking [mario], about the person who enters, there is a tendency which it keeps making childish, it is. You say that it makes abnormal and to mellow? The original has the fairly well wild place, however it is, don't you think?.

*6. Cartoonist. Master of gag cartoon. The representative work 'genius foolish Bonn' 'is slow the pine' '[hi] seeing [atsuko]' and so on.
After all, don't you think? the Italian “old boy” is it is, (laughing).
So. It starts to step on, drag the turtle, however fairly well it is cruel, (laughing). When making [sumabura], “[mario] being allowed to do, punch whatever it is probably will be?”, the person who worries likely being present, wrapping, it does. When you do that excessively, because in snowman system, the child [ji] you see, so, when we want trying not to become.
In tone, the air was used extremely even in last portion. In last portion “the [ze] which is” “is”, that there is a variety, it is, but but some violence to it does not go the [ze] which is”, politeness violence you aimed toward like atmosphere, it is. After all, when it makes the excessively feature talking, strange feeling arising by any means, wrapping, the shank. Therefore, it should have done to kind of that can be read naturally many strange feeling without as kana you thought, it is.
Character making
In the latest DS edition, in order for you to be able to make the character which become your own scene by your, it is the red sandal wood. When you dress your own character to various favorite appearance and change and opposition are possible with prayer respective original scene funny kana. The dressing changing item there being 150 types or more, well-known ones appears in the world of [dorakue] and sou perm Rio. But you dress with the money which is made in the game and change and it shops are with the shop you think that it became enormously pleasant ones.
Favorite [kiyara]
Don't you think? (looking at the moat well person favorite character) also the parasol of [pichi] princess, is something which becomes method of being visible which is different, (laughing).
Extremely, it is visible naturally, don't you think? (laughing).
I tried making. It is not something of the extent which makes a noise, but (laughing).
(Seeing) extremely with standard the shank (laughing).
So! Extremely it is commonplace (laughing). What it is expected, it is (laughing).
Playing, the [ru] and, in addition, the varieties it stops wanting to change, it is. When it is normal was called to the hat of [mario], the dress of [pichi] princess because the combination which cannot be is possible, by all means, there we want playing, the shank. When opposing with the person, that “you, the strange appearance it has done” while saying, you think that also it is pleasant enormously to play.
Doing being packed element
Basic game constitution has not been different from the present series particularly, but you prepare also the character whose strength S ranking class is tough. Just a little, the maniac it becomes story, but 10 stocks sale *7, the transfer *8 of stocks, also the riding together *9 does, does is fairly well disagreeable (laughing). The latest tournament is the name, “tour mode *10”, but fairly well it is serious. The course which is decided you must keep attaining victory. Until it captures, you think that suitable time you can play. Is and, also shopping can do also the volume of the game itself all the way and, because all the way there is a various element. The so far 'to also the people who play the strike' series which is, you think that you can enjoy not to be wrong first.
*7. One of the strategy which decreases the property of the opponent. 10 stocks or more selling stock holding, it reduces stock price.
*8. When anticipating the profit of the stocks which it has owned, stocks of the area you release stocks, may make a profit are purchased.
*9. Buy the stocks of the area where the opponent has owned stocks. Going on board, you aim for the profit.
*10. The mode for 1P. It opposes with the partner who is prepared beforehand. If the victory it advances, there is a benefit e.g., use [kiyara] increases.
'It receives even around me and, the street' is you playing well, the [ru] is.
Obtaining? So is? Being delightful, the shank. Because this time it is DS, it is possible to also in or on the move the streetcar, don't you think?. When you do, time passes immediately. So, you pass to ride (laughing). To tell the truth, to pass and it probably will sow to be, liking also the [chi] teacher *11, extending 々 doing, the [ru] it seems, because is, (laughing).
*11. It will pass and probably will sow to be the [chi]. Composer. 'Composition of the dragon QUEST' series all work is managed.
Don't you think? when in the background, you observe at that [mario] has moved about, the strange air does the music of dragon QUEST. [tsu]!! Morning of [dorakue] came! Don't you think? how.
This time, music is luxurious. Therefore the board game but atmosphere what which is done extremely freely and easily when tune of [mariokato] depends on there, “it can obtain, -!?”The [tsu] [te] (laughing), the strange feeling does enormously.
Seite 4
The pleasure which spreads in Wi-Fi correspondence
That it thinks, 'it receives and the street' whether it is not a demand that to be strong we would like to oppose with the person, don't you think? it is. If DS gathering, it is possible to oppose with ease, and, because now the work corresponds to Wi-Fi, when being one person even, it is possible to oppose with the person who leaves far.
When in the past, discussing with the moat well, it became story of the net game, it is, don't you think?. That the moat well we would like to make the net game, because it said, I becoming simultaneous, meaning the same thing, it is not funny, because, it is the case that “the fact that it runs to the net game is escaping as a game designer”, (laughing). [/i]
If that appears in society as the conversation 2, in addition, when various opinion probably will emerge vis-a-vis that, understanding, however the [ru] it is. When I would like to say, as for, the time we would like to make the net game, was popularity of the game designer, it is with, being connected to the net, it meant that don't you think? you would like to do the effort which more makes, the part of starting point of play not to presume upon the interest which is born. When making '[mariokato]', when it opposes, understanding, it increased the fact that it is funny. When actual place rises with just that, when playing alone, it stops understanding, whether or not it has become funny, probably will be. Therefore, playing alone, making consciousness the notion that where it is funny, making, exactly it is random. It means putting the nerve in the notion that where, properly, funny ones are made even in a state where it is not connected to the net as the side which makes the game. Now the work 'it receives and as for street DS', 'there being an interest of the strike which is' properly, that being connected to Wi-Fi, in an enormously good way that it spreads, don't you think?.
Opposition, when it is local, becomes the friend, however it is probably will be, when it is Wi-Fi, perhaps, web with it is possible to search the opponent, don't you think? is.
In addition you play with the parent and child with, just a little it is different, don't you think?.
The parent the 遣 [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te], defeats the air the child purposely (laughing). Unexpected certain is couple. With that, the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is the [ri] it does in good quarrel, it is, (laughing).
When you think that your own one are great mutually, as for play of this hand, is funny, (laughing). Adjusting to the partner, when the intention of doing lousy job, the situation becomes bad becoming [muki], it goes to recovery, don't you think?.
This time in individual specification, [pikutochiyatsuto] is supported, it is, don't you think?. Being the place where it is far, doing the game, scribbling is possible with the reverse side of the picture. While even with Wi-Fi chatting with [pikutochiyatsuto], the game it does.
[a], with this shank. In 4 picture correspondences, in real time Circumstances of scribbling are visible It is with the shank. Usually when doing the game, the game picture has come out, but it is when the transmission button is pushed, the picture blinking, writing, the [ru] you know someone.
Moat well Yuji style 'it receives, how to play of the street'
To tell the truth I receive, 'and the street' thinks that basically solo play is main. To be good the media with 'as for the strike which is' when you do with crowd, when it is funny, however there is many a thing which is written, the one which is done privately with 1 with favorite something the shank. After all, the air is not used in the opponent, the [te] from calling (laughing). When the person you play, when doing 5 time buying, “5 times it is possible to do to buy?”With, one by one hearing you must be in the partner, (laughing). Because if so the computer partner, it is possible to attack steadily, don't you think?. I not only not winning simply, would like to conquer all store on the board at my own store, it is. For that, just 2 people going bankrupt with the opponent as a computer, it does not utilize 3 public attention and does not kill, buying the cheap store high, while it keeps buying entirely. Enjoying such with 1, it increases, (laughing).
Even when being local, you can play even with Wi-Fi and, because [pikutochiyatsuto] corresponds to communication opposition, being close, leaving, you hit also the [te], while being the complaint which hits, it is vexatious the [ri], because you can play, it is fairly well pleasant, is. “It is dense the [se] is dense”, that speaking, (laughing).
So far, 'the strike' fan which is fairly well was, however it is, thinking, that it is difficult the one which is not known and, how without you think that the one which it has sidestepped is many it is. Even to so, is not so difficult rule if and, you remember, because you can play with ease, new one and prejudiced one, we would like you to play being by all means, the shank.

Bitte sehr das war ja eine fuck Arbeit. Ich habe es mal so gegliedert, da es sich so leichter lesen lässt. Beri weitem keine perfekte Übersetzung, aber den groben Inhalt versteht man. Man erfährt echt viel zu dem Spiel.
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