Ist die ps3 nur ein BR-player?

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L11: Insane
17 Sep 2005
The PlayStation 3 isn't for games: it's for business. The Blu-ray business
Today's Guardian Technology has a short piece (by me) titled "Is the PS3 a Trojan horse to help sell Blu-ray films?"

Unlike almost all stories with a questionmark in the headline, the answer to this one is "yes". (Apologies, the thumbnail is out of focus. Click for the full size, in-focus version.)
Now, despite the PS3 being the fastest-selling console in the UK in the history of, oh, history, by any objective estimation it's still a bloody pricey bit of kit, especially in the UK.
But here's the thing: it doesn't really need a Blu-ray drive to do its stuff. Oh, sure, "store the game.." Tell us, how big are those games really? You don't need a Blu-ray disc to store them. Else why have a teraflop processor inside?
In retrospect, it's clear that Sony took a very considered decision to make the PS3 as late as it could, as pricey as it could, in order to get the Blu-ray drive inside it. The reason: Sony can make far more money in the coming decades from Blu-ray than from the PS3. Remember, Sony owns a film studio too. Going for Blu-ray might reduce piracy. (We only said might.)
If the Xbox 360 had come with an HD DVD drive, then that format would have got the whole war settled - done and dusted. Except the Xbox360 wouldn't have sold anything like the 10 million it has; you'd be lucky if it had sold a quarter of that, because the price would have been vast.
The shot above is from a slide prepared for Sony by the research company Understanding & Solutions. It shows high-definition market growing fast in a couple of years. But it won't get there if there are two formats competing for it, or if nobody goes there because nobody has won.
I spoke last week to Matt Brown, who is a former Dreamworks executive who now works for Sony in the UK and Europe aiming to get Blu-ray sold. And he's happy. Blu-ray players now outnumber HD DVD in Europe - because of the PS3. Blu-ray players outnumber HD DVD players in North America. If you include the PS3. And that's the key. People buy HD DVD drives because they really want them; they don't buy Blu-ray drives - they find them inside their PS3, which is sold on the basis that it offers high definition. Brown was very happy: Blu-ray titles, he said, are now outselling HD DVD by 3 to 1.
(Sony's figures suggest that by the end of this year there will be 6.5m Blu-ray players in North America, vs 1.63m HD DVD players; and in Europe, nearly 4m Blu-ray players vs 55,000 HD DVD players. The gap doesn't close. Of course, that includes PS3s. I'd bet that in fact the majority will be PS3s. In Europe, it forecasts Blu-ray films and discs outselling HD DVD ones by 10 to 1 by 2009.
The news that the Xbox 360 Elite won't include an HD DVD drive means that, in my view HD DVD hasn't got a chance. It won't get the critical mass, or even a rolling start. Microsoft, which backed HD DVD, will lose.
It may be that following last Friday's launch that this means the high-definition video wars are already over. Yet the intriguing thing is that Blu-ray is the format that Bill Gates rejected because he felt it was too restrictive. So think, as you play on your shiny new PS3, how you've been a player in one of the most valuable format wars in years - and you helped decide the winner. And don't ask how you play the film on multiple TVs at once. You can't. That's the DRM. Enjoy!

PS3 to Game Ratio-0.98

PS3 Boosts European Blu-ray Sales
Prior to the release of the PS3 in Europe, HD DVD was comfortably outselling Blu-ray discs on a weekly basis. But now, less than two months since PS3's release, Blu-ray has gained a 64% share on the year, and consistently outsells HD DVD weekly. Specifically, last week's data shows Blu-ray having a weekly sales ratio 3-to-1 over HD DVD, a ratio Blu-ray in the US has only managed once (when Casino Royale was released).

For many months, top executives from Blu-ray exclusive studios have claimed that there is no format war because of how well Blu-ray is selling outside of the United States. Their comments have now been backed by data suggesting that Blu-ray in Europe may soon rise to the popularity it has in Japan (where Blu-ray owns 96% of the HD movie market).
Bei uns im mediamarkt wird er als hifi gerät angepriesen,deshalb fiel auch die ps3 in die aktion mit hinein "100€ gutschein für alle hifigeräte ab 500€".
Schade leider das es ddas starterpack noch ned gibt :(
effektiv 500€ wären ein guter preis gewesen.
shit happens....
Als Home Entertainment System hat die PS3 neben exzellenten Spielen auch die Möglichkeit, BDs abzuspielen. Ich finds cool.
schön, aber darunter leiden die spieleverkäufe. schau dir mal den game/console ratio an: 0.98 (gab es soetwas schon mal?). :oops:
Die Grafik ist interessant. Wer sagte nochmal, in zwei bis drei Jahren seien HD-Medien „Standard“? :lol:
Ist die Wii nur ein Fitnessgerät für Rentner?
Ist die Xbox 360 nur Recycling von Elektromüll?

Bitte closen :)

Die Wahrheit ist traurig, hm?
Die PS3 ist einfach das Bauernopfer der Gamer.
BluRay ist nicht notwendig, nicht in der nächsten Zeit.

Sony braucht den Gamer nicht!
Sony braucht den Cineasten.

Sony braucht dich nicht.
Du bist nur ein Nebenprodukt.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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