Interessante & informative Dokus und Sendungen aus der Fernseher- und Internet-Welt

weiss nicht ob das so sauber hier reinpasst,

aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher dass dieses Video für jeden nützlich ist, sehr charmant präsentiert :-D

How America became a superpower
From a colony to a superpower in 200 years - With over 800 military bases around the globe, the US is easily the most powerful nation on earth. But it wasn't always this way. The US once played an insignificant role in global affairs. In this 8-minute video, you can see the transformation.


How streets, roads, and avenues are different
There's a method to the madness of classifying roads. - A street is a road but a road isn't always a street. A road can also be an avenue or a boulevard—it's the general term for anything that connects two points. From there, the names of roads can be shaped by their environment and/or the form of the road. A drive is a long winding road that can be shaped by mountains or a lake. Place is a narrow road with no throughway. And just as there is no rule book to building a city, these roads and other don't always correspond with their described classifications.


Harry Potter and the translator's nightmare
Translating the Harry Potter books written by J.K. Rowling, in over 60 languages around the world, was not for the faint of heart or vocabulary. Translators didn't have advanced copies of the books to get a headstart and these books could take months to adapt from English. They also had to be clever in their solutions because the books are filled with wordplays, invented words, puns, British culture references, riddles, and more. The longest book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, at 870 pages was published June 21, 2003. The first translation of it was ready July 21, 2003. Translators had to work day and night to have them ready for eager readers. Even then, fans still banded together to create illegal translations of the series.

The Truth About Ecstasy: High Society
British people statistically take more MDMA in one session than any other country on the planet. And not just a little bit more: on average, Brits take 420 milligrams per session. To put that in perspective, Germans, the same people who invented minimal techno and nightclubs that stay open for 60 hours – take only 200 milligrams.

It’s still one of the safest drugs to take, but last year, ecstasy-related deaths reached their highest level in a decade, and now it’s back in the headlines. Some people say it’s drug dealers’ responsibility for selling pills that are dangerously strong and cut with adulterants. Other people point to the government, who have failed to reduce the supply of ecstasy and are refusing to embrace harm reduction strategies that have worked in Europe.


The Rise of Demon Exorcism in Mexico
VICE travels to Mexico City to explore the rapidly growing Santa Muerte cult and the increasing rate at which exorcisms are being performed by religious leaders throughout the country. We follow pastor Hugo Alvarez as he conducts his exorcism ceremonies and hear from the possessed.


Magic Eye: The optical illusion, explained
The science behind the stereogram craze of the 1990s. You might have remembered when sterograms appeared on Seinfeld. Learn about how these images trick the brain.

The short documentary ‘Find My Phone’ follows a stolen phone’s second life by means of using spyware.
After my phone got stolen, I quickly realized just how much of my personal information and data the thief had instantly obtained. So, I let another phone get stolen. This time my phone was pre-programmed with spyware so I could keep tabs on the thief in order to get to know him. However, to what extent is it possible to truly get to know someone by going through the content of their phone?

In the Netherlands, 300 police reports a week are filed for smartphone-theft. Besides losing your expensive device, a stranger has access to all of your photos, videos, e-mails, messages and contacts.

Yet, what kind of person steals a phone? And where do stolen phones eventually end up?

The origin of the ’80s aesthetic
The design phenomenon that defined the decade


Why people keep watching the worst movie ever made
Many people consider The Room to be the worst movie of all time. So why do thousands of people flock to midnight screenings of it every month?


Grime: London's latest music export
t's definitely not hip-hop.

Baby Driver's opening car chase, mapped
On location in Atlanta, Georgia. - Director Edgar Wright choreographed scenes in Baby Driver to specific songs, with carefully-timed stunts to match. This dance played out on the streets on downtown Atlanta, Georgia, with very little CGI added.


The high cost of free parking
The cities we live in are shaped by the way we get around them. Over the past 60 years, with more and more people opting to drive cars, the need for parking spaces has increased with the boom in driving. To accommodate that demand early on, cities and towns started requiring developers to include parking with their new buildings after World War II. These policies, known as mandatory parking minimums, set precise standards for parking spaces for each building. And these parking spaces don't come cheap.


Im Netz der Lügen - Der Kampf gegen Fake News
Wie einfach lässt sich eine Falschmeldung im Internet verbreiten und damit politisch Stimmung machen? Das will ein Team von Forschern für die Doku herausfinden. Sie setzen eine Fake News in die Welt: Wie schnell verbreitet sie sich?

Earthlings kann ich auch empfehlen. Wer danach noch Fleisch isst, der hat mein Respekt, weil er sich wenigstens darüber informiert hat.

Earthlings ist schon erschütternd, ich kann es mir nicht ansehen.
Wenn wir schon dabei sind empfehle ich auch noch Cowspiracy (Einfluss von Massentierhaltung auf die Umwelt).

Eine sehr gute Doku über Einsteins harten Weg zum internationalen Erfolg.
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