NDS Hero's Saga Laevatein (SRPG)


L14: Freak
17 Nov 2004


Seitdem ich FFTA2 spiele, habe ich wieder richtig Lust auf SRPGs. Hier sehen die Artworks super aus. Die normale Grafik ist ganz k. Es ist so nur die Frage ob es im Westen erscheint.
Das Monster auf Scan 2 erinnert ganz schön an Blue Dragon, pink anstatt blau, ganz schön dreist ^^
erste Infos + neue Bilder:

"Heroic armed" is the power of Remembrance weapons in this film which is the only person who can deal with it and called a hero. The important thing is for the heroic armed occupation and armed by the hero's abilities and skills in a major change of use. Armed hero, a hero on the battlefield to determine the role of the elements.

Heroic fighter armed with a large impact on the outcome of the line. Line in the "assault" and "checks and balances" and "defensive" and other types of the impact of each unit is different. Line to change depending on the situation, going forward, fighting to its advantage.

Outbreak is a hero to untold Remembrance of armed force to free the killer technique. This technique can be used only hero to use the killer knows the outcome of separate elements.


Es erinnert mich an einen Mix aus Spectral Force und wegen dem Monster aus BD.
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