wird der preis des gamecube gesenkt? schön wäre es, aber lest die news von gamesindustry.biz selbst:
Stateside price cut rumoured for Cube
Rob Fahey 13:25 28/11/2002
Nintendo plotting $100 GameCube for Xmas?
Nintendo may be planning to land a major blow on Sony and Microsoft in the Christmas console sales battle in the USA, with rumours from across the pond suggesting that the company will cut the price of the GameCube to as little as US$100 within the next few weeks.
The rumour originated from popular gaming website Gamers.com, which reported that a $100 price point was imminent for the console and would be announced shortly after Thanksgiving (which is today). The veracity of the rumour was called into question somewhat, however, by the claim that the PS2 and Xbox would both see cuts to the $150 region - despite Sony's recent announcement that it is not planning any price cut until next year in the US.
A story on Nintendo news site Nintendophiles today seems to substantiate the rumour somewhat however, with the site reporting that leading retailer Wal-Mart is printing up flyers for its Canadian outlets which advertise the Cube at 150 Canadian dollars - which is indeed roughly equivalent to US$100. These are allegedly set for distribution in December.
The site goes on to speculate that the price cut could be at least some part of Nintendo's so-called "megaton" announcement, which it has promised will massively boost hardware sales of GameCube when it is unveiled later this year.
Quelle: www.gamesindustry.biz
Link: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?section_name=ret&aid=994
tja eine preissenkung auf 100 USD wäre natürlich toll, weil das selbe auch für europa geschehen könnte. da der euro ja jetzt genau gleich zum dollar ist könnten wir hier auch mit einem preis von 100-130 rechnen.
Stateside price cut rumoured for Cube
Rob Fahey 13:25 28/11/2002
Nintendo plotting $100 GameCube for Xmas?
Nintendo may be planning to land a major blow on Sony and Microsoft in the Christmas console sales battle in the USA, with rumours from across the pond suggesting that the company will cut the price of the GameCube to as little as US$100 within the next few weeks.
The rumour originated from popular gaming website Gamers.com, which reported that a $100 price point was imminent for the console and would be announced shortly after Thanksgiving (which is today). The veracity of the rumour was called into question somewhat, however, by the claim that the PS2 and Xbox would both see cuts to the $150 region - despite Sony's recent announcement that it is not planning any price cut until next year in the US.
A story on Nintendo news site Nintendophiles today seems to substantiate the rumour somewhat however, with the site reporting that leading retailer Wal-Mart is printing up flyers for its Canadian outlets which advertise the Cube at 150 Canadian dollars - which is indeed roughly equivalent to US$100. These are allegedly set for distribution in December.
The site goes on to speculate that the price cut could be at least some part of Nintendo's so-called "megaton" announcement, which it has promised will massively boost hardware sales of GameCube when it is unveiled later this year.
Quelle: www.gamesindustry.biz
Link: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?section_name=ret&aid=994
tja eine preissenkung auf 100 USD wäre natürlich toll, weil das selbe auch für europa geschehen könnte. da der euro ja jetzt genau gleich zum dollar ist könnten wir hier auch mit einem preis von 100-130 rechnen.