Fasa Studios is closing and good riddance.
After years of substandard management (Mitch) and bad hiring decisions (Evan). Many of its employees (my friends) left to greener pastures because of the reasons stated earlier.
It seems that someone finally took notice and decided to cut the tumor that is Fasa studios from the body of Microsoft.
The Shadowrun game offers nothing new in the aspect of first person shooters and that it looks visually uninspiring and mediocre. Save your money for Halo3
Verdammte scheisse, es gibt noch einen Gott. YEAH!!!!! Bitte.... MS... wenn ihr Klug seid lasst ihr Bioware ein Shadowrun RPG für euch machen.
Das die meisten Programmierer aber auch Blind sind. Wir Spieler sehen sowas ja schon vorher. ^^