f-zero modes @ ign

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L08: Intermediate
22 Apr 2003
Nintendo's upcoming GameCube racer, having received the official name of F-Zero GX just recently, has also, apparently, received a set of official modes to be revealed in the upcoming round of Japanese magazines.
The game will apparently include five main modes of play:

Street Mode: Clear a series of missions with Captain Falcon

Practice Mode: Up to 30 vehicles can race at once

Gran Prix Mode: 30 vehicles race. Each pilot has her own ending movie. :)

Versus Mode: For two players, you can chose vertical/horizontal split screen. Four players can also race using four-way split screen.

Time Attack Mode: In this mode, you can race against a five-minute ghost racer based off your own driving data.

quelle: ign

tja, weitestgehend standard-modes. :rolleyes:
sorry, irgendwie komme ich mit dem board noch nicht zurecht. :cry:
Zeelich schrieb:
Das kommt schon noch! Gibt halt 'ne Menge Newsposter hier, da muss man erstmal was aktuelles finden. ;)

aber hallo, in meinem alten forum bin ich als newsposter bekannt gewesen. ich werde mich hier schon noch entsprechend einfügen. :)
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