3DS Etrian Odyssey V


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Neues Etrian Odyssey für 3DS angekündigt

Noch gibt es nicht viel dazu, allerdings schonmal einen ersten Trailer:

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Neues Etrian Odyssey für 3DS angekündigt

Noch gibt es nicht viel dazu, allerdings schonmal einen ersten Trailer:


Sehr geil, warte schon seit Ewigkeiten auf Infos zu EOV :aargh:

Die Remakes sind ja schön und gut, ein neuer Hauptteil aber was ganz anderes.
Bin gespannt zu sehen was sie für Neuerungen bringen werden. Werden schon wie im Artwork zu sehen ist auf EO4 & 3 aufbauen mit grosser World Map :D

Hoffe auch dass die Story nicht so aufgesetzt präsentiert wird wie in Untold.

Plattform ist aber noch nich bekannt, könnte evtl auch New3ds features haben oder vielleicht für WiiU xD

Ein EO x Mystery Dungeon Crossover wurde hingegen heute für den 3ds angekündigt!!

Hier wird zumindest von 3DS gesprochen. Vielleicht wurde es im Anschluss in besagtem Live Event erwähnt, weiss nicht. Wurde auch noch ein Crossover angekündigt zwischen EO und Mystery Dungeon. Aber die Hauptserie hielt ich erstmal für wahrscheinlicher, dass sie hier erscheint ^^

Seh grad hast selbst schon geschrieben ^^
Jo wäre die beste Lösung, wenn sie den klassischen Modus anbieten dann wäre ich schon zufrieden, Story gibt es ja auch bei diesem Modus, aber nicht in der Art und Weise wie im Story Mode. Mochte diese in Untold nicht, vor allem spoilert der Story mode dort das ganze spiel xD
nice, die Reihe ist göttlich :aargh:

hoffentlich wieder für den 3DS, DIE RPG-God-Plattform diese Gen (nachdems letzte der DS war) :win:
Etrian Odyssey V story outline, first screenshots

The first direct-feed screenshots, Japanese box art, and story outline for Etrian Odyssey V: The End of the Long Myth, Atlus’ recently detailed 3DS sequel, have hit the internet via the game’s newly listed Amazon Japan product page.

The dungeon RPG is set in a new land called “Arcadia,” where four races exist—the Arslan, Lunaria, Cerian, and Brani. Players can customize their own character and choose from at least 22 different character voices. Read more here.

Here’s the official story outline:


“Arcadia,” a land dominated by swords and magic. A huge tree from ancient times called “Yggdrasil” exists here and is to be the reason that peace visits the world.

There is a legend about that World Tree. If you can manage to reach its untrodden summit, it is said that your dreams will come true.

“The power to dominate the world.” “The most powerful.” “The world’s mysteries.” “Expensive treasures.”

Although there are four races that live in this land, each has a different legend, but no person has been able to confirm them.

From the city “Aolith” at the bottom of Yggdrasil, the official orders are issued. In pursuit of the legend, the courageous adventurers who will challenge Yggdrasil gather in Aolith. You’re one of the adventurers in response to the official orders.

Whether it’s for wealth and honor, or to satisfy your sense of adventure, you’ll challenge the labyrinths and aim for the top of the World Tree.

Etrian Odyssey V is due out for 3DS in Japan on August 4. A Niconico broadcast this Friday, March 5 at 21:00 Japan time will feature the first trailer.

View the screenshots at the gallery. You’ll also see the first-print bonus, which is the “Rough Sketch” version of the game’s soundtrack, and the collector’s edition, which includes a copy of the game, special box package, character and world art book, and a downloadable content code set for something that will be useful in the game.




Schaut extrem gut aus! Etrian Odyssey ist so eine Reihe, die ich immer schon mal spielen wollte... Zumal ich so eine Art von Game, wie man sie ja auch aus alten Might & Magic-Teilen kennt, noch nie so wirklich probiert habe.
Etrian Odyssey V ‘Warlock’ class and ‘Master and Titles’ system trailers

Atlus has released a new set of trailers for Etrian Odyssey V: The End of the Long Myth introducing the “Warlock” class and “Master and Titles” system.

The Warlock is a back-row attacker-type, and user of ancient magic handed down from olden times. It can manipulate the attributes of fire, ice, and lightning to attack enemies. Read about some of their skill types here.

When you clear certain conditions, you’ll be acknowledged as a “Master.” When you become a master, you’ll have the option to select from two titles, through which you’ll learn “Master Skills” and gain increased stats. Each class has two titles to select from. In the case of the Fencer class, you can choose between “Phantom Swordsman,” which specializes in evasion, or the “Thunderclap Swordsman,” which specializes in combo attacks.

Etrian Odyssey V is due out for 3DS in Japan on August 4.



Kann man denn bei dem Teil noch mit einem EU-Release rechnen? Lebt der 3DS noch so lange?
Kann man denn bei dem Teil noch mit einem EU-Release rechnen? Lebt der 3DS noch so lange?

das problem ist nicht die lebenszeit des 3ds, sondern atlus, die ja sowieso andauernd probleme mit eu releases haben.
ansonsten scheren sich doch gerade nischenpublisher kaum ob eine plattform noch lebt, da deren fans ja eher hardcore zocker sind.
Etrian Odyssey V ‘Reaper’ and ‘Necromancer’ class trailers

Atlus has released a pair of new Etrian Odyssey V: The End of the Long Myth trailers introducing the “Reaper” and “Necromancer” character classes.

The Reaper is a front-row weakness-inflicting attacker. It sickens and weakens its opponents with a mysterious power called miasma, and possesses a unique style reaping its scythe.

The Necromancer is an all-purpose summoner type. It is a summons master able to call upon the dead, known as spirits, and use a variety of skills that deal in offense, defense, and support.

Etrian Odyssey V is due out for 3DS in Japan on August 4.

Watch both trailers below.



Etrian Odyssey V first DLC plans announced

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals first downloadable content plans for Etrian Odyssey V: The End of the Long Myth in Japan.

Here’s the game’s currently confirmed DLC at a glance:

August 4

- New Adventurer 1 (300 yen) – Choose a “School Uniformed Boy” during character creation.
- New Adventurer 2 (300 yen) – Choose a “Sailor Uniformed Girl” during character creation.
- New Adventurer 3 (300 yen) – Choose a “Sweater Wearing Girl” during character creation.
- New Adventurer 4 (300 yen) – Choose an Etrian Odyssey 1 Paladin New Illustration” during character creation.
- New Adventurer 5 (300 yen) – Choose an Etrian Odyssey 1 Medic New Illustration” during character creation.
- Adventurer Training Plan (300 yen) – Take on the “Adventurer Training Plan” quest at the bar. (On top of the fact that you get a lot of experience points for clearing the quest, you can also obtain an accessory that multiplies your acquired experience by three.)
- Adventurer Good Luck Plan (300 yen) – Take on the “Adventurer Good Luck Plan” quest at the bar. (On top of the fact that you’ll get a lot of en for clearing the quest, you can also obtain an accessory that makes the availability rate of materials without drop conditions of enemies 100 percent.)

Still to be Dated

- FM Sound Source Addition (800 yen) – Adds a Frequency Modulation Sound Source version as a BGM option, which can be switched from the options menu.
- New Adventurer 6 – Contents, release date, and price to be announced.

Etrian Odyssey V is due out for 3DS in Japan on August 4.

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