Erste Giftpia Eindrücke


L13: Maniac
19 Dez 2002
Von jemandem aus dem GA Forum:

Just got and played the game for a little while, I'm not one to write impressions but I'll write up some of my thoughts anyway:

Play time: 2 hrs
Memory Blocks: 6~
Genre: Play more like an adventure game than a RPG so far

Graphics: Well you've seen what it looks like. Wacky. I think it looks very unique and artistic though, while all the characters all look full of personalities. I think it's 30 fps but still smooth enough and doesn't affect the game at all. Some of the character's eyes are a bit blurry and have unrealistic shadows though, but that's a minor complaint. Nice and unique intro too.

Sound: Sound effects and speech so far are ok. I dunno what language the characters are speaking though, it's not Japanese that's for sure. I think some speech sounds exact the same thing although in different contents. Wacky language I would say, but I'm getting used to it and should not be an annoyance. Actually they all sound kinda funny. The funny thing is the sound effects when you get the red heart, it sounds very similiar to Zelda. Same thing to the sound effects when you get a treasure.

Music: So far so good. It seems that all the background music in the game so far comes from the radio station thingy. The music gets louder when you get closer to it. And sometimes announcement shows up about what song it's playing today. Kinda like the announcement thingy in Mario Sunshine. Catchy music too.

System: Seems like there's a lot of items to get in the game. 5 categories of items are food, tool, photo, crystal, and other. Food are for restoring HP(Hunger point in the game?), and seems like if you keep the foods for too long they'll turn bad and become useless. Don't know what the other categories do yet.

There's a time limit of what you can do in each day because you need to sleep. When the sleeping time is near, a fairy comes out and fly around you, and if it touches you some of your money or items will be taken away. Seems like you can do more stuff in each day when your level gets higher. As your lvl indicates your progess approaching an adult, so getting closer and closer to an adult means your active time in each day becomes longer. Nice ideas I would say.

Plot: Don't wanna spoil anything but it's surprisingly intersting so far. Seems like the goal is to earn money for now. And it seems like there's MANY different ways to earn it. So it's a very nonlinear game. I like that. Many restrictive areas that I can't go in yet either. I would recommend people who are REALLY interested to import the game, but make sure you can read Japanese in order to enjoy the game fully because or else you won't know what to do next and lose out a lot of the game's charm. The game reminds me of Animal Crossing where you get to do many various stuff, but MUCH more fun and interesting IMO. NoA really REALLY needs to bring this game over here, rather than Animal Crossing anyday.

Anyway it seems it's a good game with many new ideas, so I'm very pleased with it so far. I would like to play more but Harvest Moon GBA is the game I'm busy with right now. GCN and GBA both rocks so much
Schade ich dachte schon es wäre importfreundlich, aber anscheinend kann der Kollege ja Japanisch. Bleib wohl nur die Hoffnung auf ein US-Release.
Hört sich jedenfalls sehr gut an. Und wenn es besser als AC ist.. WOW! :o
Zeelich schrieb:
Schade ich dachte schon es wäre importfreundlich, aber anscheinend kann der Kollege ja Japanisch. Bleib wohl nur die Hoffnung auf ein US-Release.
Hört sich jedenfalls sehr gut an. Und wenn es besser als AC ist.. WOW! :o

Wieso auf ein US-Release warten? Japanisch scheint es auch nicht zu sein, was dort gesprochen wird!

I dunno what language the characters are speaking though, it's not Japanese that's for sure.

PS: :P
Bloodflower schrieb:
Zeelich schrieb:
Schade ich dachte schon es wäre importfreundlich, aber anscheinend kann der Kollege ja Japanisch. Bleib wohl nur die Hoffnung auf ein US-Release.
Hört sich jedenfalls sehr gut an. Und wenn es besser als AC ist.. WOW! :o

Wieso auf ein US-Release warten? Japanisch scheint es auch nicht zu sein, was dort gesprochen wird!

I dunno what language the characters are speaking though, it's not Japanese that's for sure.

PS: :P

Aber der Text wird wohl in Japanisch sein.. :P
Plot: Don't wanna spoil anything but it's surprisingly intersting so far. Seems like the goal is to earn money for now. And it seems like there's MANY different ways to earn it. So it's a very nonlinear game. I like that. Many restrictive areas that I can't go in yet either. I would recommend people who are REALLY interested to import the game, but make sure you can read Japanese in order to enjoy the game fully because or else you won't know what to do next and lose out a lot of the game's charm. The game reminds me of Animal Crossing where you get to do many various stuff, but MUCH more fun and interesting IMO. NoA really REALLY needs to bring this game over here, rather than Animal Crossing anyday.

Jup, leider gibts noch die Sprachbarriere. Das wird wohl das 2. Spiel werden, dass ich mir aus den USA importieren werde, denn ein Release vor 2004 hier in PAL Gefilden ist wohl eher ein Wunschdenken.

Watashi wa Spike. ;)
Kochira koso!

Hab mir gestern ein Buch gekauft um japanisch zu lernen. Ist ziemlich genial. Vielleicht hol ich mir das eine oder andere einfache japanische Spiel. Vielleicht Naruto, oder Soul Calibur, wo nicht so viel Text vorkommt. Mit einem Spiel wie Giftpia wäre ich aber vollkommen überfordert.
Ein Playtest:

April 25, 2003 - Look out, Nintendo freaks! Pikmin and Animal Crossing probably struck you as being just a bit off center from the gaming norm. Made in Wario (Wario Ware) probably made you look at that Nintendo label differently than before. But GiFTPiA, which just arrived to Japan this week, is the clincher. Nintendo has gone completely batty.

Everything about this game suggests that during its development, development team Skip was under the influence of something we'd like to get our hands on. Just check out the premise. It's a special day on Nanashi Island -- the day that island resident Pokkle becomes an adult. But something is amiss. In addition to an unseasonable typhoon, Pokkle is nowhere to be found. Eventually, once all those waiting in attendance at Pokkle's coming of age ceremony have given up and gone home, Pokkle shows up, having merely overslept. This doesn't please the mayor one bit, and Pokkle finds himself in prison for treason.

The mayor gives Pokkle a way out of jail by allowing him to do volunteer garbage-collection, but there's still the sticky matter of the missed coming of age ceremony. Without attending such a ceremony, Pokkle is doomed to remain a child forever. A fancy coming-of-age ceremony is pricey, though, and this time around the mayor insists that Pokkle pay the required 5,000,000 moneys ("money" is the currency on the island).

In GiFTPiA, you play as Pokkle and attempt to earn 5,000,000 moneys. There are numerous ways to do this. You can collect pineapples that grow about the island and sell them at the convenience store. This will earn you 30 moneys a pop. Alternatively, you can go fishing in one of the three legal fishing grounds on the island. A big fish can get you 1,000 moneys, assuming you're lucky enough to catch one.

But the best way to earn moneys is to take up part time jobs, listings for which are posted on a billboard in the city hall. The first job we took up was easy enough. The unseasonable typhoon had destroyed signposts throughout the island, and the mayor asked us to replace the destroyed signposts with new ones. Doing so took just a few minutes and earned us 5,000 moneys. Now we just need to do that a thousand times and we'll have enough for the ceremony.

There are other ways to earn moneys, including some that are more directly related to the story. Moneys that you've earned can be stored in an account using your cash card and the ATM machine located in the city hall.

You're not free to go about endlessly taking on jobs and earning moneys, though. Pokkle is a kid, so he can't stay out all night. When playing the game, a counter slowly counts down how much time you have remaining before you have to return home and go to bed. When your remaining time gets low, spirits appear around your head. Run out of time, and you're sent home and penalized. Currently, we can stay out for just a few minutes before having to rush back home. This limitation will apparently disappear as Pokkle grows up and is allowed to stay out more.

Rules, such as your curfew, seem to be big on Nanashi Island. Pokkle, beause of his heinous crime, starts the game out attached to a chain ball and with his face blurred out (because it's apparently illegal to show the face of underage criminals). Now over an hour into the game, the chain is gone but Pokkle's face is still blurred out. Plus, Pokkle is under the constant supervision of Mappo, the NPD (Nanashi Police Department) police robot. Mappo makes sure Pokkle goes only where he needs to go and also offers up occasional advice. He's also the first to jump in whenever you break a rule such as being too loud in the city hall library.

While not so much a rule, you have to also keep track of Pokkle's energy level. Moving around consumes calories, slowly emptying Pokkle's heart containers and slowing him down. To continue merrily about the game, you have to eat food, from pineapples to fish that you've caught. You can also collect new heart containers which, as in Zelda, increase your life (the game even plays the little chime that Zelda plays when you get a heart containiner).

That seems to be the gist behind GiFTPiA. There seems to be much more complexity on offer down the road, though. You can purchase an array of items from the convenience store, whose purpose is unclear to us at this point -- perhaps there are some puzzles in store (hopefully involving the toilet paper on sale at the shop). The game also locks off much of the island, only offering up the immediate surroundings of Pokkle's home and the city hall from the get-go. We presume that as the story progresses we'll gain access to other areas, including the hot spring, beach and mountainous areas that are shown in the instruction manual.

If the premise isn't enough for you, wait until you see how it's all implemented. Cell shading has been done quite well on the GameCube before, and it's used just as well here to paint Nanashi island as a bright, colorful place. The game is fully voiced, but not in Japanese or English. Instead, the developers have cooked up a special language which sounds like a mix of Japanese, Vietnamese and maybe an African language-or-two. The exaggerated animation of the oddball characters as they speak in the language is enough to keep things interesting, even if you can't read the Japanese subtitles.

Best of all is the soundtrack which has influences, believe it or not, in Sega's Jet Set Radio. Nanashi Island has its own radio station whose broadcasts are blasted throughout the island and serve as the background music for the game. Songs played by the station include happy, bubbly gaming tunes, alternative rock, R&B and even French songs! The game's instruction manual actually has a list of twenty bands whose music is featured on the station. Bet you never expected to hear the finer selections of "Redneck Trio" and "Fuzz Proposal" in a Nintendo game.

We stopped playing GiFTPiA (remember to keep your i's lower case, kids) because we were stuck, unable to find a new part time job. However, we can't wait to go back and try more of the game in order to see what other peculiarities Skip and Nintendo have cooked up. Who knows, maybe we'll eventually earn the requisite 5,000,000 moneys and make Pokkle into an adult.

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