Dragon Quest IX - more details
- Traveling Performer class has a Technique called “Breathe Fire“
- perform gestures by pressing the B button + directional pad
- you may be able to learn more than 5 gestures
- view city maps on the top screen
- talk to townfolk to obtain quests
- possible quests: run an errand, get an item, fight off monsters
- specific quest: A character named Dulio asks you to steal an item from a Metal Hunter. If you succeed, you can join ‘Dulio’s Thieves’ Guild’. Access your quest log to see where the Metal Hunter is
- first quest: Maron asks you to retrieve a (Spotted) Spider’s web.
- another quest: Irohon asks you for “Magic Fairy Water”. If obtained, he gives you a delivery quest
- strange quest: A character is told that he looks like a Tensk (a monster from DQVI). This hurts his feelings, and he requests that you go out and kill 10 Tensks
- Tows: Beksaria Village, Wolro Village, Katekota, Sanmaro and more
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