NDS DS - Newsthread (Keine Kommentare)

Tom Clancy's EndWar Coming to Nintendo DS

Following what many thought as a mistake on a ratings website, Ubisoft has now confirmed EndWar will indeed be heading to the humble Nintendo DS , but strangely enough not for Wii just yet.

Developed by Funatics Software and optimised for the handheld platforms, Tom Clancy's EndWar for handhelds allows players to command an elite military force on the ground, in the air and on the seas during World War III. Take control of the elite U.S. Joint Strike Force, European Enforcers Corps or Russian Spetsnaz Guards Brigade and lead your faction to victory in three separate yet interwoven single-player campaigns. Each campaign includes over thirty battle scenarios taking place on real-world battlefields including Paris and London, and features increasingly challenging missions and objectives. Fight against a friend in tense two-player battles in any of the one hundred ready-to-play scenarios or in your own custom-created missions.

Key Features:
-Turn-based strategy with a twist: Simultaneous move and attack phases make the experience as intense and authentic as real-time strategy.

-Three campaigns, one for each faction, with increasingly challenging battle scenarios and objectives.

-Over 20 units and vehicles per faction including ground, air and naval units. Units gain experience in combat, dramatically improving their combat performance.

-Two-player versus multiplayer mode, including additional missions specifically designed for multiplayer battles.

-Easy-to-pick-up mission editor: Create and share your custom battlefields and battle scenarios to play solo or against another player.

-Full stylus control on Nintendo DS.

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Hotel Dusk Creator Back on Nintendo DS
Cing, the makers of Hotel Dusk and Another Code, is back once again on the Nintendo DS, this time under the wing of Tecmo for the release of its new adventure Again: Eye of Providence. The mystery game is currently set for a Spring 2009 in both Japan and the US and gamers take on the role of Special Agent Jonathan Weaver, someone who has the special ability to see things in the past.

Rather than the hand-drawn, newspaper effect used in Hotel Dusk, Again uses video captured real-life models for character portrayal. As Producer Koichi Yamaguchi explained to IGN's DS channel the game is split into two main sections:

"In one you talk with NPCs and gather clues for the investigation of a series of murders that occurred 18 years ago. Yamaguchi recommended we hold the DS vertically like we would a book, and on one side appeared the characters we were talking to and on the other a selection of clues and conversation points.

"Investigation is the other portion of the game. Using the D-pad you'll move Weaver around 3D locations in the game, such as the scenes of crimes. On the right side will be the scene as it appears in the present, and on the left will be the screen as it appeared in the past. Your job is to recognize when the past and present don't match up and then investigate that area. By clicking on objects in the environment, you can trigger flashback sequences to play on the left side of the screen, giving you clues as to how to proceed."

An example includes how viewing an open fridge door in the past could be different from in the present where it is may well be closed, and the story will kick in when the right 'move' has been made, triggering an event that eventually leads to further investigation being required, with clues across both times helping to lead the protagonist towards a suitable conclusion to the mysteries at hand.

With Hotel Dusk performing so well here in Europe, it would be extremely surprising if Tecmo did not come to some agreement, perhaps even with Nintendo, to get the game out over here as soon as possible.


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Nintendo DS Getting Settlers of Catan

A new news report has revealed that following the success of The Settlers on Nintendo DS over in Germany, a new version of the strategy series is heading to the portable in the form of The Settlers of Catan, which is based upon the original strategy board game.

Apparently this DS edition will actually be a port of the mobile phone title 'Catan: The First Island' that hit the airwaves earlier in 2008, although no details have been revealed about how the DS game will be updated. The mobile game has Bluetooth multiplayer, so local wireless on the DS has to be a given, although Wi-Fi play would obviously be ideal. The basic aim of the game is to develop settlements and collect resources, as well as conduct trading over time.

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Official Dragon Quest IX Trailer for Nintendo DS

For those that want to see it in its original format (highly recommended), the direct link is here, whilst a YouTube edition can also be found here.

Original Story - The latest trailer for Square Enix's Dragon Quest IX on DS has now been leaked. Shown off in the Closed Mega Theatre at the company's recent Japanese event, footage has now made its way onto the Internet and the beauty of the Level-5 developed turn-based RPG can now be seen, albeit with the odd silhouetted head obscuring the picture.

Be sure to check out the trailer below:

The animated sequences are thought to purely be for the purposes of the trailer, but considering Level-5's animated sequences in games such as Inazuma Eleven and Professor Layton on DS, it would not be too shocking to see them make their way into the final release, which is due in March 2009 over in Japan.

As a warm-up, readers are actively encouraged to rush out and snap up the recently released Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen, which is by far one of the best RPG experiences on the DS so far.


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More Brain Action on Nintendo DS from Majesco

Majesco Entertainment has announced Left Brain Right Brain 2 for Nintendo DS. Developed by Kokolo Corporation, Left Brain Right Brain 2 helps players develop their ambidexterity by using both hands to play all-new mental training games that have an updated graphic presentation.

The Left Brain Right Brain game series is designed to equally train a player's weak and dominant hands via logic-based mini-games that require players to rotate the DS in book style play. In Left Brain Right Brain 2, players use the Touch Screen in 20 new games based on speed, accuracy, association, recognition, memory and strategy.

The first game was from Taito and released last year by Majesco

Games like Balloon Attack, Block Buster, Cosmic Seesaw and Space Escape, among others, strengthen the left and right hemispheres of the brain by making players switch hands throughout play. Afterwards, players can monitor personal progress and assess improvement by reviewing development percentages for each hand. Gamers can also tailor their favorite mental-training routine in the new Exercises mode, while testing 'good' and 'weak' hands via three random games in Ambidexterity Check. Finally, players can compete with a friend in both single and multi-card multiplayer mode to prove who has the mental skills to be truly ambidextrous.

Left Brain Right Brain 2 for Nintendo DS is expected to release this December.

In Luftige Höhen mit Wind of Nostalgio

Zumindest in der Theorie hört es sich schon einmal gut an: Ein Rollenspiel, das von einem Team erfahrener Videospiel-Veteranen – die unter anderem für Sakura Taisen, Grandia und Tengai Makyo verantwortlich waren – betreut wird. Das Glückskind, welches von derart fähigen Händen geformt wird, hört auf den Namen Wind of Nostalgio und spielt im 19.Jahrhundert.

Spieler schlüpfen in die Rolle von Eddy, einem englischen Abenteurer, der sich zusammen mit einer Handvoll Londoner Bürger auf eine spannende Reise durch London und den Rest der Welt begibt. Ein zentrales Thema in Wind of Nostalgio ist das Fliegen. Wichtigstes Fortbewegungsmittel ist euer Luftschiff, welches auch in den Gefechten keine unwesentliche Rolle spielt und auch Luftschlachten gegen andere Schiffe sind mit von der Partie.

In Japan erscheint der Titel bereits am 06.November 2008 – Termine für die USA oder Europa gibt es derzeit noch nicht.



The Humans

In The Humans ist es eure Aufgabe den Menschen zur Seite zu stehen. Doch eure helfende Hand bedarf auch der Unterstützung besagter Menschen, da nur eine geschickte Zusammenarbeit gepaart mit hinreichender Planung zum Ziel führt.

Während man den Wuselmännern Aufgaben zuweist, gilt es jedoch stets Bedrohungen des friedlichen Lebens im Auge zu behalten. Insgesamt 14 verschiedene Charaktere – von fiesen Stammesbrüdern bis hin zu Säbelzahntigern und Mammuts – tummeln sich in insgesamt 80 Leveln, die sich wiederum auf acht Welten verteilen. Auf der Knobel-Reise macht man zudem mit einigen wichtigen Entdeckungen der Menschheit Bekanntschaft: Feuer, Waffen und natürlich das Rad.

Die humorige Reise durch die Vergangenheit soll noch dieses Jahr in Europa beginnen.




Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry

Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry lautet der Name des von reichlich Magie inspirierten neuen Titels für Nintendo DS, den Konami auf der diesjährigen Games Convention europaweit für das erste Quartal 2009 ankündigt. Schauplatz des Titels ist eine Zauberschule. Aufgabe des Spielers: Die Beherrschung einer Reihe von Zaubersprüchen und magischer Formeln, um eine Magier-Lizenz zu erwerben und schließlich ein Zauber-Meister zu werden. Um dies zu erreichen, schreibt sich der Spieler nun an dieser ganz besonderen Lehranstalt ein, wo er gemeinsam mit mehr als 100 weiteren, voll interaktiv agierenden Schülern Zaubersprüche büffelt und lernt, diese weise und sinnvoll einzusetzen. Während des Schuljahrs muss der Spieler zudem verschiedene Rätsel lösen, die regelmäßig einmal pro Schulwoche von mysteriösen Wesen präsentiert werden. Dadurch erhält er Extragegenstände, die seine Fähigkeiten erweitern und ihm seine magische Ausbildung erleichtern. Entscheidendes Element in Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry ist die Vielseitigkeit des Spiels und seiner Bewohner. Die Zauberschüler gehen zum Beispiel einem Hobby nach, kaufen ein, verabreden sich, schließen Freundschaften mit anderen Schulbesuchern oder machen gemeinsam Musik. Und wie es sich für eine Schule gehört, machen dort natürlich auch regelmäßig Gerüchte die Runde - Klatschgeschichten, die um mysteriöse Veranstaltungen kreisen, um Romantik und die Beziehungen zwischen den Schülern. Die Spieler können ihren Charakter innerhalb eines speziellen "Schüleraustausch-Programms" sogar an Freunde ausleihen. Diese integrieren die Spielfigur dann zwecks Weiterbildung in das eigene Spielgeschehen - was unter anderem dazu führt, dass der Charakter nach seiner Rückkehr von den Erlebnissen in der "Fremde" erzählt. Alle Geschehnisse in Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry spielen sich dank der internen Uhr des Nintendo DS in Echtzeit ab. Die weitläufige Umgebung, eine Vielzahl spezieller Gegenstände und eine sich beständig weiter entwickelnde Spielmechanik machen den Titel zu einer wahrhaft magischen Erfahrung. Dabei stellen sich die Spieler vielen großen Herausforderungen in Sachen Zauberkunst und Magie, bevor sie die begehrte Fünf-Sterne-Klassifizierung und damit die Auszeichnung zum Zauber-Meister erhalten. Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry erscheint für Nintendo DS im 1. Quartal 2009.



Rune Factory 2 hat Gold Status erreicht

Natsume hat für Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon für Nintendo DS den Gold Status erreicht. Das Spiel wird am 18. Novenber in den USA veröffentlicht. In Europa wird das Spiel 2009 erscheinen.


Frisches Material zu Gamelofts Guitar Rock Tour

Holt die Klampfe raus und stimmt ein in die Freudenchöre - ja, es gibt tatsächlich wieder neues Bildmaterial von Guitar Rock Tour, mit welchen ihr Songs aus eurem Leben auf dem Nintendo DS nachspielen könnt. Selbst wenn Mitmenschen bei Liedleistungskontrollen förmlich vor euren melodischen Fehltritten flüchten, so braucht ihr hier lediglich im richtigen Takt die Knöpfe des DS` zu drücken, um einen wahren musikalischen Meisterwerk nachzuempfinden. Wie das gehen soll? Nun, das seht ihr am besten selbst in den neu erschienen Screenshots aus dem Hause Gameloft.

Für die vorgegebenen Stücke stehen euch sowohl Gitarre als auch Schlagzeug zur Verfügung, um im richtigen Rhythmus zu spielen. Mit am Start sind dabei Lieder wie Michael Jackson – Beat It, The Rasmus – In the Shadow, Avril Lavigne – Girlfriend, The Police - Message in a bottle, Blink 182 - What's My Age Again, The Scorpions - Rock you like a Hurricane, Deep Purple – Smoke on the Water, Sum 41 - Underclass Hero, Van Halen - You Really Got Me, Good Charlotte - The River, Nickelback - If Everyone Cared, Pink - Who knew, und viele mehr. Selbst ein Mehrspielermodus hat auf dem Modul Platz gefunden.

Fühlt ihr nun die Musik in euch? Dann dürft ihr gern den 13. November in eurem Kalender mit kleinen Noten und Taktstöcken verzieren, denn dann wird der rockige Ableger hierzulande erscheinen.

Deep Silver launches official website for Professor Heinz Wolff’s Gravity

Deep Silver, the games label of Koch Media, announces that the international website for the upcoming puzzle game Professor Heinz Wolff’s Gravity is online as of now at http://gravity.deepsilver.com. The page, available in five languages, provides visitors with all the relevant details on the game, which will be released for Nintendo DS™, Wii™ and PC.

The ‘Game Info’ category contains a brief description of the game along with its most important features. Interested gamers can also check out the ‘Biography’ to find out more about the various stages in Professor Heinz Wolff’s career, and his achievements. The ‘Downloads’ section holds screenshots from the different platforms, as well as stylish wallpapers and an appealing gameplay trailer. And if this has whet your appetite for Professor Heinz Wolff’s puzzling fun, just head over to the ‘Shop’ and preorder a copy for your favorite platform.

The aim of Professor Heinz Wolff’s Gravity is to place various building blocks correctly in each level, in order to move a ball to a given target point. To that end, players must take the force of gravity into consideration and cleverly place differently shaped objects, so that their physical connection will trigger forces of leverage and chain reactions. The steadily rising learning curve introduces PC and console puzzlers to the easy-to-learn, entertaining principle of the game, and helps them to familiarize themselves with physical and mechanical effects. Various possible solutions and beautiful hand-illustrated themed backgrounds make for plenty of variety.

Gravity was created with the expert help of Professor Heinz Wolff. Born in Berlin, Germany, Heinz Wolff has been a professor in England for almost 50 years. He coined the term “bio-engineering”, among other things, and is well-known through his TV and radio appearances. In Professor Heinz Wolff’s Gravity, he accompanies players as a virtual character, providing helpful hints and tricks throughout the game.

Destiny Links to the DS

The creators of the 'Tales of' series, Namco-Bandai, will be bringing another RPG to DS, a brand new title named Destiny Links. First Trailer inside.

Destiny Links will be an Action Role-playing Title, in isometric 2D like the two Tales games already on the system, and will allow for up to four players over Nintendo WiFi Connection.

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