WiiWare Discipline [MMV x Kazutoshi Iida]

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Soetwas muss man unterstützen :aargh: :ugly:

Schickt es an die Newshunter :aargh: (ich muss jetzt weg :( )
Nach Äonen von WiiWare-Jahren beglückten uns die Götter mit der Verkündung neuer Weisheit über Discipline. Ihre Worte waren gewaltig und die Weisheit ihrer Botschaft unergründlich und so stand da nun geschrieben:

(...)Such results are having an impact in Japan, with a number of developers finding challenges in this relatively new field. One of them is Kazutoshi Iida, who is developing a new IP adventure game called Discipline - Tyouritu Teikoku no Yabou.

Iida-san has been releasing new types of games in new genres ever since Aquanaut's Holiday was released for the original PlayStation in 1995, and the platform for his new title is Wiiware, working with the publisher Marvelous Entertainment. It's a game that will be released in May in Japan, and will follow later in North America and Europe, but for Iida-san the reasons for looking at digital distribution don't just come down to numbers alone.

The game is set in a mixed residence cell in a maximum security prison, run by a private security firm at the request of certain country's government. The player takes the role of one of the prisoners, and the aim of the game is to communicate with other prisoners and get them to confess to you - although you don't know whether the other prisoners are really criminals or not, while the identity of the player's character is also something of a mystery.

Iida-san said the game is influenced by writer Philip K Dick, the movie A Clockwork Orange and the work of director David Cronenberg, with seven development staff scheduled to have spent 10 months in total creating the title. I had the chance to take a look at a preview version of Discipline recently, and I felt that some of the characters on-screen were familiar. One seemed to be the former executive officer of Oum Shinrikyo, a cult religious community which spread Sarin in an underground train in 1995, while another looked like the suspect in last year's indiscriminate knife attacks in Akihabara, both residents of the cell that your character is in.

Iida-san declined to comment on those similarities, but it seems certain that his ideas are taken from real cases: "Crimes are actions of one side of a human being expressed in extreme form. If we want to represent real humans even in games, we should not avoid these themes," he told me.

"Even in the Grand Theft Auto series, the event in the prison is omitted. I'm in conflict as to whether I can deal with it in a game, but you are dealing with it naturally in literature or film. Somebody must develop it so that a game is accepted as culture."

Iida-san told me that he had a plan to develop games in which we can experience events normally hidden from society, for adult gamers who grow weary of Brain Age and its ilk. The target platform was to have been the Nintendo DS, but it's too hard for original titles with difficult content to succeed in the regular package retail market, because there are too many big titles already out there.

Instead, he's decided to look to digital distribution and WiiWare. "I want to deliver the game to the user as soon after completion as possible," he said. "The judgment of difficult content titles should be made by the user directly, not by the retailer. In order to get a judgement, the price had better be low, and in the packaged retail environment these challenges are difficult." (...)

Hab ich das richtig verstanden das es um eine Art Sherlock Holmes, auf Basis von Philip K.Dick's Romanen, geht der in einem Gefängnis die Gefangenen befragt und herausfinden will ob sie unschuldig sind oder nicht?
Also nach dem Teaser hätte ich irgendein Sci-Fi Game erwartet:lol:
"It's a game that will be released in May in Japan, and will follow later in North America and Europe..."
Das erstaunt mich jetzt jedoch wieder umso mehr. Also nächste Woche in Japan und vielleicht schon im Juni/Juli bei uns wenn auch Crystal Defenders und Co. erscheinen.
Puh, das wird wohl richtig teuer...
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