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Portable Video Gamer recently had the opportunity to chat with Renegade Kid, the developers responsible for the upcoming Nintendo DS game, The Ward. We spoke with owner and Creative Director Jools Watsham and co-owner and Art Director Gregg Hargrove about their experiences working on this title. Renegade Kid is currently seeking a publisher for their first effort on the Nintendo DS.
PVG: What attracted you to the survival-horror genre, and why did you decide to focus on the Nintendo DS for this title?
Jools: There were two things that attracted me to the survival-horror genre for the Nintendo DS; it is different, and it is difficult. Not many developers are creating this type of content for the Nintendo DS right now, and I believe there is a substantial audience out there of young adults who want an engaging and scary experience for their Nintendo DS. Renegade Kid intends to help fill that void. The survival-horror genre is a challenging genre to tackle, and we like challenges.
Gregg: Ive always liked the horror genre (barring that little Exorcist mishap when I was little) but have never had a chance professionally to work on that kind of content. So when it came up as a possible road to take, I personally jumped at the chance. As far as the DS is concerned, I like my DS and want to play games like this on it!
PVG: The screenshots we have seen so far look fantastic. How have you managed to squeeze so much out of the DS? What has been the biggest challenge in terms of bringing your vision to life on this platform?
Jools: Thank you PVG! Aside from the fact that we have an experienced and talented Art Director and Technical Director, we are able to squeeze so much out of the Nintendo DS because we have studied the Nintendo DS hardware and we respect it. The Nintendo DS is a very powerful platform, but like every platform, it has limits. It is our job at Renegade Kid to know the limits of the Nintendo DS and design a game that fits within those limits. It is an easy theory, which is difficult in practice; it takes discipline. The Ward is tailor-designed for the Nintendo DS; every step you take in Redmoor Hospital maximizes on the capabilities of the hardware. If we were developing The Ward for a different platform, the game would be very different. The biggest challenge in developing The Ward for the Nintendo DS was creating the creepy atmosphere.
Gregg: Thanks a lot! My whole career up to this point, if nothing else, has been dedicated to trying to get the most out of whatever system I was working with. The trick is making it look like youre doing more than you are and thats true for every system but it takes a lot of planning and forethought. It also helps to have a great Technical Director doing the kinds of things hes doing with the system. Im consistently surprised at what we can do with it.
PVG: Has your team considered producing a game for the PSP? Some of our readers would like to know, because they are still waiting for a solid FPS on their system. In a broader sense, what sort of future do you see for handheld gaming?
Jools: We are currently focusing all of our efforts towards the development of Nintendo DS games. However, the PSP is a great candidate for a solid FPS, and should an opportunity to develop a FPS for the PSP arise we would certainly consider it.
Gregg: We are definitely focusing on the DS for now but were always interested in exploring the challenges of working with the different systems. I think that hand-held gaming will continue to evolve and will coexist nicely with the home console market. There is a need for portability and affordability that I dont believe will ever really change. Its just another aspect of a gaming society.
PVG: Lets talk plot line (if you can). All that we know so far is that our character awakes to find themselves trapped in some sort of insane asylum. Can you share anything else about the story, such as what we might have been doing in an abandoned mental hospital in the first place?
Jools: Youre better off not knowing. One of the important aspects of the survival-horror genre is suspense and the unknown.
Gregg: Im disappointed that I know! I like being terrified to turn the next corner or that the next room I enter may be the death of me. Discovering whats going on is the whole point and were trying our best to make it worth the ride.
PVG: Can you tell us a little bit about the experience of finding a publisher for your title? I know that you had a positive response at this years GDC, but what is the next step in terms of getting your game on the shelves?
Jools: I met with 13 publishers at GDC, and each of them were very positive and helpful with their feedback. There is a lot of interest in seeing The Ward published for the Nintendo DS, which I am very grateful for. The next step is for the publishers to get a hold of the current build of The Ward and scrutinize it. Theyll be looking at it from a gameplay perspective as well as from a marketing and cost perspective. When they tally the numbers and see that theres a market for this type of game on the Nintendo DS well all be getting our Mont Blancs out and signing contracts.
Gregg: All that stuff Jools just said and we just keep moving forward.
We were happy for the chance to talk to Gregg and Jools, and we wish both of them and the rest of Renegade Kid success with The Ward. Keep an eye on Portable Video Gamer for more coverage of this promising title in the coming months.
daspferd schrieb:TRAILER ZU THE WARD!!!!!!!!
OK nur 12sec. lang aba trotzdem![]()
s4scha schrieb:Das wird aber sicher nicht die Spielegrafik werden. Da fehlen die sichtbaren Pixel.Naja vielleicht ists das Intro.
daspferd schrieb:Jo der Ds bringt so ne Leistung nicht mal beim intro zusammen.
Hat schon werden Link ausprobiert den ich davor gepostet hab?
Der funzt bei mir nämlich nicht!![]()
While the annual Game Developers Conference is great for the keynotes, speeches, and panels, it also gives us a chance to check out games that have yet to be signed, as many developers attend the show to sell publishers on their games. Such is the case with The Ward, a first-person survival horror game from new developer Renegade Kid.
Yes, you heard that right -- a Mature rated game on DS. It doesn't happen often, but could be a good fit with the expanding DS audience. At its core, creative director Jools Watsham describes the game as "Silent Hill meets Doom 3." You wake up in the mental ward of a hospital with your heartbeat meter (a.k.a. health) on the bottom screen and the game engine up top, and have to figure out what's going on.
In the early demo version we played, the gameplay consisted mostly of navigating the environment (with movement on the D-pad and aiming using the stylus), finding items, unlocking doors, and attacking enemies with a club and a shotgun. Like Doom 3, you can only hold one item at a time, so if you want to use your flashlight, you have to pocket the gun.
SCREENS: Okay, so no 3D DS game looks good in huge screenshots, but trust us that The Ward looks pretty slick running on the DS itself.
In the final version of the game, there will be plenty more options, with machine guns and sniper rifles, and some enemies late in the game will be sensitive to light, so the flashlight won't just replace the firepower.
Apart from aiming with the stylus, the game uses the touch screen functionality for certain puzzles -- you can take notes by drawing on a notepad to remember key codes, or press keys on a piano to play music. And though it probably won't be playable online, the game will offer local deathmatch play.
As Renegade Kid just got its start in November, don't expect to see The Ward until the end of this year at the earliest. In this early state, however, the tech and movement controls are already quite impressive, and if the story can manage to be compelling, there's a lot of potential here. We'll let you know as soon as there's word on a publisher or release timeframe.
daspferd schrieb:@Tyrant
Schon mal das QuakeDS VIdeo gesehn?
Und da sagt noch wer der DS hätte nichts drauf!
Dassieht genial aus!
Bei Homebrew kenn ich mich ned so aus.![]()
Was muss ich tun um so'n Spiel zocken zu können?
Downloadn. schon klar aber wie bring ich das dann zum laufen?
Einfach auf ne SD Karte speichern o. was?![]()
Weiß nicht ob wir jetzt beide von derselben Quake Version reden aba das find ich nicht so.IMO überholt MP Hunters Quake (Original Version) um längen
daspferd schrieb:Danke!
Weiß nicht ob wir jetzt beide von derselben Quake Version reden aba das find ich nicht so.
Tyrant_Onion schrieb:der Programmierer der Quake und Doom-Engine interessiert sich dafür ein DS Spiel zu entwickeln.
daspferd schrieb:Meinst du ein Original Spiel . nur ein Homebrew?