3DS Corpse Party: Blood Covered …Repeated Fear


1 Mai 2007
Xbox Live
Kiera Salter
Corpse Party for PC launches April 25, 3DS version coming to North America this summer

XSEED has officially announced that it will release the 3DS remaster of Corpse Party in North America, and that the PC version of Corpse Party will finally launch via Steam, GOG.com, and the Humble Store on April 25 for $14.99.

The 3DS version will launch this summer in $29.99 digital and $49.99 limited “Back to School Edition” physical releases. The physical release includes high-quality miniature figurines of characters Naomi Nakashima and Seiko Shinohara, as well as a soundtrack CD containing nearly 80 minutes of music from the game not previously featured on the “Songs of the Dead” compilation, including three tracks exclusive to the 3DS version.

Get details about both versions of the game below.

3DS Version

Remastered from the 2011 PSP game, the Nintendo 3DS rendition of Corpse Party will feature redrawn, high-resolution character sprites, newly arranged music tracks, and 3D art stills, as well as four new Extra Chapters exclusive to this version that provide insight into lesser-shown characters and plot elements previously left unexplained. This title has been rated “M for Mature” by the ESRB.

PC Version

Localized directly from the original independent PC version, which was previously never released outside of Japan, the worldwide Windows PC release of Corpse Party will feature all the original art and voice-acting, as well as a bevy of new features exclusive to this version. Among other inclusions, such as multiple endings and scenes that differ from the PSP and upcoming Nintendo 3DS releases, this version boasts four bonus chapters on top of the game’s five main story chapters, one of which is a PC-exclusive retelling of the “Tooth” story from Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, recreated with added content in classic Corpse Party adventure style. Players seeking to complete every ending will find that this version also contains a speedy fast-forward function for seamless replayability. The Windows PC version of Corpse Party is not rated by the ESRB.

View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.




Da ich die Serie mag werden beide gekauft, den 3DS Teil würd ich vlt nochmal spielen^^
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