Big Mutha Truckers nun auch für GC!

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L13: Maniac
5 Okt 2002
The English firemen have been widely criticised for moonlighting. Now, Ma from Hick State County seems to be getting in on the act. Will this woman never stop?

Ma, from the legendary Big Mutha Truckers game is working as a call girl in the London area, [and is] advertising her wares by way of illegal postcarding in phoneboxes around the European Capital. She is quoted as saying "Now I is retired, I need sorting to keep me'selfs oiled up. Them long winter evening are slow in this cold capital, so I may as well keeps me Deep South warm and moist."

Chris East Head of Marketing & PR for Empire Interactive Europe Limited was less than happy about Ma's extra curricular activities, upon finding out, he looked tearful, and blurted "I though she was only for me, she lied to me and said I was the only one who drove my truck through her tunnel. First Gareth, now this, I'm leaving her."

Big Mutha Truckers will be released Q1 2003 in Europe for the GameCube, where it will no doubt cause a stir in the trouser department of thousands of young men due to the mythical Ma nude cheat....


Developed by Eutechnyx, proven developers in the racing genre with titles like Le Mans 24 Hours and F1 World Grand Prix 2000 under their belt.

Over 30 Mission based levels to truck through or a 60 day trading free for all.

Get your hands on the steering wheels of 4 'Big Mutha Trucks'.

Full damage model on all vehicles, involving deformation, animation and detachables.

Truck and trailer customisation with custom Paint Tool.

Truck repairs, upgrades and accessories.

Reputation and notoriety system.

Player interactive with varied game world characters.

Hear Pigs squeal regularly, and see more of Ma's assets.
Och, das Spiel hört sich nicht schlecht an. Es gab' vor einiger Zeit mal ein Trucker-PC-Spiel (ich glaube von irgendeiner deutschen Spieleschmiede... Ascaron, vielleicht?) und das war gar nicht schlecht.
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