Leider wurde es gecancelt, oder vielleicht besser so? 
Unter der Quelle findet ihr auch Concept Arts zu God: The Game

Big Huge Games used to be THQ's baby. Now they're on the chopping block. What got them to that stage? Maybe it was these two games, recently canned, that the company were working on.
One was for the Wii, and was called God: The Game. Taking elements of Zelda, The Settlers and...Animal Crossing, it looked pretty cute, even if some of the art below looks a little too Zelda and a little too Animal Crossing.
The other looked more ambitious. Called Ascendant, it was intended to be an epic fantasy RPG title for the PC, 360 & PS3. It appears Ascendant was a little further along than God: The Game, since it has screenshots and even a rough, rough cut of a trailer (which you can see below), but like the Wii title, it looks to be clutching its visual inspiration - in this case Fable - a little too close to the chest.
With the studio either up for sale or on the verge of closure, though, both of these projects have been cancelled. You can take a look at the art assets and screenshots below.
On the subject, we've heard from sources that several companies are in discussions to purchase the studio from THQ, in a move that would save Big Huge from closure. While most remain undisclosed, we heard that one of the companies in the running is 38 Studios, retired baseball star Curt Schilling's development house.
When contacted for comment 38 Studios stated that "it does not comment on rumors".
Unter der Quelle findet ihr auch Concept Arts zu God: The Game