Heute ist das letzte Game eingetroffen, somit sieht mein Endstand 2016 wie folgt aus:
Und 2017 mache ich sicher nicht mehr mit. War mir zuviel Arbeit die Liste ständig zu pflegen :v:
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders (PS4)
Alien Breed (PS-Vita)
Aragami (PS4)
Armikrog (PS4/PSN)
Batman Arkham Knight (PS4)
Beyond Two Souls (PS4)
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel (PS3)
Borderlands 2 (PS-Vita)
Corpse Party Blood Drive (PS-Vita)
Crimson Gem Saga (PSP)
DanganRonpa 2 Goodbye Despair (PS-Vita)
Die Muppets Filmabenteuer (PS-Vita)
Dead Rising (PS4/ US-Retailversion

Deponia (PS4)
Deus Ex Mankind Divided (PS4)
Dishonored 2 -Das vermächtnis der Maske - Limited Edition (PS4)
Doktor Lautrec und die vergessenen Ritter (3DS)
Doom (PS4)
Dragons Age Inquisition - GotY (PS4)
Dragon Fantasy - The Black Tome of Ice - SE (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Dragon Quest Builders (PS-Vita)
Dragon Quest VII - Fragmente der Vergangenheit (3DS)
Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime (NDS)
Dragon Quest Heroes - The World Tress´s Woe and the Blight Below (PS4)
Dungeon Travelers 2 - The Royal Library & The Monster Seal (PS-Vita)
Dying Light The Following (PS4)
Earth Defense Force 4.1 - Shadow of New Despair (PS4)
Elder Scrolls Online (PS4)
Etrian Odyssey Untold - The Millennium Girl (3DS)
Exiles End (PS4)
Fat Princess (=Inhalt der Compilation "Best of Playstation Network (PS3")
Farcry 4 - Complete Edition (PS4)
Farcry Primal - Sonder Edition (PS4)
Firewatch (PS4 / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Futuridium EP Deluxe (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams (PS4)
Godzilla (PS4)
Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4)
Heavy Rain (PS4)
Hitman GO (PS4/PS-Vita/SEN)
Hotline Miamie 2 Wrong Number (PS3/PS4/PS-Vita/ SEN)
Inside (PS4/SEN)
Kholat (PS4)
Legends of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter (PSP/PS-Vita)
Lego Chima - Laval´s Journey (PS-Vita)
Lego Dimension Starter Pack (PS4)
Lego Jurassic World (PS4)
Lego Ninjago Nindroids (PS-Vita)
Lego Star Wars - The Force Awakens (PS4)
Life is Strange (PS4)
Lifeless Planet - Premier Edition (PS4/Sen)
Little Big Planet Super Hero Edition (PS-Vita)
Lost in the Rain "aka Rain" (PS3 Asien/engl. Retailversion) - da aber bereits digital im Besitz nicht gezählt
Lost Sea (PS4 / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Lumo (PS-Vita / SEN)
Mad Max (PS4)
Malicious Rebirth (PS-Vita)
Mario & Luigi Paper Jam Bros. (3DS)
Metal Slug 1 (PSP/ = Inhalt der MS Antohology Edition)
Metal Slug 2 (PSP/ = Inhalt der MS Antohology Edition)
Metal Slug X (PSP/ = Inhalt der MS Antohology Edition)
Metal Slug 3 (PSP/ = Inhalt der MS Antohology Edition)
Metal Slug 4 (PSP/ = Inhalt der MS Antohology Edition)
Metal Slug 5 (PSP/ = Inhalt der MS Antohology Edition)
Metal Slug 6 (PSP/ = Inhalt der MS Antohology Edition)
Metal Slug XX (PSP)
Mind Zero (PS-Vita)
Moe Chronicle (PS-Vita / Asien english Version

N.E.R.O. - Nothing Ever Remains Obscure (PS4)
Oceanhorn - Monster of Uncharted Seas (PS4/SEN)
Octodad Daliest Catch (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Oddworld New ´n´tasty Abe´s Oddysee (PS4+PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition
)- da aber bereits digital im Besitz nicht gezählt
One Way Heroics - Mystery Chronicle (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Onechanbara ZII Chaos (PS4)
Poncho (PS4 / SEN)
Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
Ray Gigant (PS-Vita)
Resident Evil (PS4 / Teil der Resident Evil Origins Compilation)
Resident Evil Zero (PS4 / Teil der Resident Evil Origins Compilation)
Rez Infinite (PS4 / Retailversion

Risk of Rain (PS4/PS-Vita / PSN)
Rocket Knight (PS3)
Saturday Morning RPG (PS-Vita)
Senran Kagura - Estival Versus (PS-Vita)
Senran Kagura - Shinovi Versus (PS-Vita / Let´s Get Physical Edition

Severed (PS-Vita/PSN only)
Shadow Complex (PS4 / / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Shadow of the Beast (PS4 / engl. Retailfassung

Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Directors Cut (PS4/SEN)
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Directors Cut (PS4 / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Shantae and the Pirate´s Curse (PS4 / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Sherlock Holmes - Crimes & Punishments (PS4)
Sherlock Holmes - The Devils Daughter (PS4)
Shiftlings (PS4)
Shiren the Wanderer- The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate (PS-Vita)
Shovel Knight (PS-vita / Retailfassung

Singstar Ultimate Party (PS4)
Slain (PS4/PS-Vita/SEN)
Snoopy´s Grand Adventure (PS4)
Söldner Final Prototype X 2 (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Soma (PS4)
Song of the Deep (PS4/ Gamestop Retailfassung

Sound Shapes (=Inhalt der Compilation "Best of Playstation Network (PS3")
Star Ocean V - Integrity and Faithlessness (PS4)
Star Trek (PS3)
Star Wars Battlefront (PS4)
Stealth Inc. A Clone in the Dark - Ultimate Edition (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition
SteamWorld Heist (PS4/PS-Vita / SEN)
Stories: The Path of Destinies (PS4/SEN)
Summon Night 5 (PSP/ engl. Retailfassung

Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz (PS-Vita)
Sword Art Online - Hollow Fragment (PS-Vita / engl. Asia Version

Tales of Xillia 1 + 2 (PS3)
The Crew Wild Run Edition (PS4)
The Bridge (PS3/PS4/PS-Vita / PSN)
The Deadly Tower of Monsters (PS4/digital)
The Legend of Heroes - Trails of Cold Steel - Lionhead Edition (PS-Vita)
The Legend of Legacy (3DS)
The Little Acre (PS4/SEN)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (PS4/SEN)
The Walking Dead - Season Two (PS-Vita / engl. Retailfassung

The Witcher III - GOTY (PS4)
Thomas was Alone (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Titan Souls (PS4/PS-Vita/SEN)
Tokyo Jungle (=Inhalt der Compilation "Best of Playstation Network (PS3)")
Transformers Devastation (PS4)
UnEpic (PS4/SEN)
Volume (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Watchdogs Complete Edition (PS4)
When Vikings Attack ! (=Inhalt der Compilation "Best of Playstation Network (PS3)")
Willkommen in Gravity Falls - Die Legende der Zwergenjuwulette (3DS)
Xeodrifter (PS-Vita / Limited Run pyhsische Edition

Zero Time Dilemma (PS-Vita)