Musik 3.Was hört ihr gerade?

Ist mir auch absolut unverständlich aber ok, ich finde eher seinen Comment einfallslos als die Mucke.
Rhythm is a dancer
It's a soul's companion
You can feel it everywhere
Lift your hands and voices
Free your mind and join us
You can feel it in the air
Oh-oh, it's a passion
Oh-oh, you can feel it in the air
Oh-oh, it's a passion
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Rhythm is a dancer
It's a soul's companion
You can feel it everywhere
Lift your hands and voices
Free your mind and join us
You can feel it in the air
Oh-oh, it's a passion
Oh-oh, you can feel it in the air
Oh-oh, it's a passion
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Rhythm, you can feel it, you can feel it
Rhythm, rhythm is a dancer
Rhythm, you can feel it, you can feel it
Rhythm, rhythm is a dancer
Let the rhythm ride you, guide you, sneak inside you, set your mind to
Move to its' pulsation, bass vibrations, synth sensation
Pause is not a place in mind and body must be free to
Please take it all in, nothing to lose, everything to win
Let it control you, hold you, mold you back to order
New touch, it taste, it free your soul and let it face you
Got to be what you wanna, if the groove don't get you, the rifle's gonna
I'm serious as cancer when I say rhythm is a dancer
Rhythm is a dancer
It's a soul's companion
You can feel it everywhere
Lift your hands and voices
Free your mind and join us
You can feel it in the air
Oh-oh, it's a passion
Oh-oh, you can feel it in the air
Oh-oh, it's a passion
Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh
Rhythm, you can feel it, you can feel it
Rhythm, rhythm is a dancer
Rhythm, you can feel it, you can feel it
Rhythm, rhythm is a dancer


Call him Mr. Raider call him Mr. Wrong
Call him Mr. Vain
Call him Mr. Raider call him Mr. Wrong
Call him insane
He'd say: I know what I want
And I want it now
I want you cause I'm Mr. Vain
I know what I want and I want it now
I want you cause I'm Mr. Vain
Call me Raider call me Wrong
Call me insane call me Mr. Vain
Call me what you like
As long as you call me time and again
Feel the presence of the aura
Of the man none to compare
Loveless dying
For a chance just to touch a hand
Or a moment to share
Can't deny the urge that makes them
Want to lose themselves to the debonair one
Hold me back the simple fact is
That i'm all that and i'm always near
One sexy can't perplex me now
You know who's raw
As if you didn't know before
I know what I want and I want it now
I want you and then I want a little more
Call him Mr. Raider call him Mr. Wrong
Call him Mr. Vain
Call him Mr. Raider call him Mr. Wrong
Call him insane
He'd say: I know what I want
And I want it now
I want you cause I'm Mr. Vain
I know what I want and I want it now
I want you cause I'm Mr. Vain
Girls are all over the world
They hope and pray and die for men
Like me cause I'm the one
Begotten son that breaks the mould
Get a look at male epitome
Style has never seen
That makes you want to grab and hold
And squeeze real tight
Whose gonna be the one to save
You from yourself
When you wanna take a bite
Please oh baby please
You beg you want you say
You got to get some caught
Up in the charm that I laid on thick
And now there's nowhere
To run
Just another fish to fit the
Worm on the hook of my line
Yeah I keep many females
Longing for a chance to win my heart
With S E X and plenty

Ähm, beantwortet das deine Frage?!?.

Nur weil du es so empfindest ist es noch lange kein Fakt.

das beantwortet nur eine frage die ich nie gestellt habe, nämlich: kannst du meinen postings folgen?

deshalb noch mal: es ist etwas anders arrangiert und hat andere lyrics. ansonsten sind die stücke nahezu gleich.

um das zu widerlegen postest du die texte der beiden lieder. :uglygw:

guck mal, ich will die ja den spass an mr. vain nicht verderben, aber das die beiden lieder extremst ähnlich sind ist keine geschmacksfrage.

1 jahr zuvor klang das lied noch so:

gott war der ganze eurodance kram einfallslos.
Wow... ist ja echt fast der gleiche song, nur mit minimalem unterschied, etwa im tempo xD

Ist ja so ähnlich wie damals bushido, der einfach ein riff aus mourning palace von nem dimmu borgir song nahm, es schneller abspielte, zigfach wiederholte und dann seine grütze drüber rapte xD
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