PS4/PS5/Vita The Games of PLAYSTATION

Es gibt neues zum 1UP Megaton heute^^

It is good news for the PS3. You'll see a lot more of a game that you haven't before plus some other really cool tidbits. Now that it's wrapped, I can tell you it's a really great show.
OMG Heavy Rain?^^

Oh und was zu Jaffes Zukunft^^

"Ever since David Jaffe hinted at a big announcement on Friday I've been chewing at my nails, trying to figure out what it is. Sorry, I'm just one of those people you can't say that you've got a secret to tell them... tomorrow.

I haven't been able to completely nail it down, but I have multiple sources confirming several aspects of Jaffe's big announcement. The tip of the iceberg is that Jaffe is forming a new studio with Sony Computer Entertainment of America's backing and that the studio will, among other things, develop Playstation Network titles. This new studio will be mainly peopled by the team that worked with him on Calling All Cars. I suspect, though no one has confirmed this, that the games he works on will lean very heavily toward episodic titles.

More to come, all official like, tomorrow."
Wenn er dazu Lust hat, gute Network Titel zu entwickeln, warum nicht? Find ich gut.
Mysterious Sony Event on August 9th and 10th?

So, today on Gamespot's videoshow "On the Spot," they were showing a calendar of upcoming events in August. One of the events they mentioned was a SCEA private event running from August 9th-10th. I found this rather odd, because Leipzig is at the end of the month and another event seems rather redundant.

And so, I come to you, GAF, for answers. Does anyone know what this event is? Should we start up the GAF hype and speculation train? Is this a HOME open beta launch party? Is this a pre-Leipzig bomzelldroppen party? Will the new firmware with XMB access in-game be announced/released?

Hmm die ownage geht weiter^^
Wenn er dazu Lust hat, gute Network Titel zu entwickeln, warum nicht? Find ich gut.

Er hatte doch, wenn ich mich nicht irre, schon bei der Entwicklung von God of War gesagt das er keine Lust mehr die Entwicklung solcher großen Titel.
Da scheint er in der Tat mit PSN die perfekte Platform gefunden zu haben, aber vielleicht fängt er sich irgentwann mal wieder :-D
Er hatte doch, wenn ich mich nicht irre, schon bei der Entwicklung von God of War gesagt das er keine Lust mehr die Entwicklung solcher großen Titel.
Da scheint er in der Tat mit PSN die perfekte Platform gefunden zu haben, aber vielleicht fängt er sich irgentwann mal wieder :-D

na hoffentlich kommt da beim nächsten mal was cooleres als CAC bei raus:neutral:
na hoffentlich kommt da beim nächsten mal was cooleres als CAC bei raus:neutral:

Vielleicht hat er auch irgentwann die Schnautze voll weil er bei den PSN Titeln nichts richtiges hinbekommt und alle auf ihn rumhacken, dann trommelt er sein altes Team zusammen und lässt seine ganze Wut und Haß in ein neues vollwertiges Projekt fließen, und zack, bumm, steht ein neues Kaliber eines God of War vor der Tür.
Beinahe so in der Richtung ist ja God of War auch entstanden ;-)
Es ist offiziell...

FOSTER CITY, Calif., July 27 -- Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) today announced an exclusive game development deal with Eat, Sleep, Play(TM), a new software development company formed by legendary game creators David Jaffe and Scott Campbell. Under the agreement, Eat, Sleep, Play is signed on for a multi-year, multi-title deal to create titles for the PlayStation family of products, with the first slated for release in 2008.

Based in Utah, Eat, Sleep, Play is a newly formed company founded by David Jaffe, a former creative director for SCEA's Santa Monica Studios; and Scott Campbell, the founder of Incognito Entertainment, a dedicated development studio also under the SCEA Santa Monica Studios banner. Jaffe is perhaps best known as the co-creator and game director behind the multi-million PlayStation(R) platform franchises Twisted Metal(R) on PS one(R) & PlayStation(R)2 and God of War(R) on PlayStation 2. Campbell, a long-time collaborator with Jaffe and co-creator of the Twisted Metal titles, is currently receiving industry praise for Incognito's PLAYSTATION(R)3 (PS3(TM))-exclusive online air and ground combat game Warhawk(TM). Additionally, Jaffe and Campbell recently collaborated efforts on Calling All Cars(TM), a popular exclusive downloadable title for PLAYSTATION(R)Network.

In addition to the multi-year, multi-title deal to create titles for the PlayStation family of products, the company will also be creating Twisted Metal(R): Head On for PlayStation 2, which is scheduled to be released this winter. Twisted Metal: Head On will feature lost levels from the never released Twisted Metal: Black(R) Part II and a documentary on the series.

"We are extremely pleased to be working with David and Scott and supporting them in their new endeavor," said Shuhei Yoshida, senior vice president, product development, SCEA. "Through hit after hit, they have established themselves as two of the most talented individuals this industry has ever seen, and I look forward to seeing what kind of further gaming innovation they can bring to the PlayStation brand through our new development deal."

In conjunction with today's news, SCEA confirmed that the core members of the Incognito team responsible for Warhawk will remain within the SCEA Santa Monica Studios fold, headed up by Dylan Jobe, and will continue to produce content for this highly-anticipated title. Jobe, game director for Warhawk, is known for his work on the popular hit titles War of the Monsters(TM) and Twisted Metal: Black(R) for PlayStation 2.
SOURCE Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
ist doch schön, das er sein eigenes studio hat. Ist ja immernoch Sony exclusive^^
ist doch schön, das er sein eigenes studio hat. Ist ja immernoch Sony exclusive^^

PSN und scheinbar macht er nen TM für die Ps2 xD

Sam Kennedy gibt weiteres von sich...

There were two surprises that I was referring to, and unfortunately, one is not going to make it into the show -- it was something that both PS3 and 360 fans would be into though. I hate to do this, but you'll just have to wait a bit longer for it. I think you'll still really, really enjoy the show, and I do hope you like the one big new look we lined up, but I'm sorry we couldn't deliver on everything I'd referred to.

And to anyone thinking that this was some lame attempt at building up hype and then not delivering, trust me, it wasn't -- that does us absolutely no good. All I can say is, stay tuned for some cool stuff in the next few weeks. There's a really big game coming sooner than you think.

Nen Ps360 Game...Ninja Gaiden 2 (?) ;)
Gibts Videomaterial zu MGO?

und was ist aus dem MEGATON geworden :-?
Und wann genau nächste Woche?
Wird es Speziell etwas mit der PS3 zu tun haben oder PS3 und XBox 360?
Weiss man denn schon irgendetwas - Spekulationen?
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