X10 neuer first Person Shoter


L12: Crazy
3 Sep 2002
Today we snuck up on Hal Sandbach Project Leader over at Warthog in charge of their recently announced X10 title. X10 is a first person shooter for PC, Xbox, GameCube and PlayStation2. X10 places a gamer as a soldier, who, under strict instructions, must explore the world of X10 and tackle anything the environment throws at them, including political intrigue, military factions and deadly predators. Included are 6 early screens...






Link zum Inzerview:http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=4942
Besonders interesant finde ich diesen teil des Interview

Halo has become the console FPS benchmark, what sets x10 apart from this game?

Like practically everyone else, we've looked at Halo quite a bit. However we're not setting out to be just "another Halo". Indeed, by the time we release x10, I expect Halo2 to have been on the shelves for at least a couple of months. Basically, x10 is going to be less linear than Halo - the player is going to be travelling all over the place. Another difference is that in Halo, the player knew they were a super-soldier, with better abilities than the rank and file troops. x10 places the player as one of the rank and file - they cannot rely on just being bigger, faster and stronger to overcome the tasks ahead. That's where the survival aspect comes into it - the player will have to use their head quite a bit. Although it's not that x10 is going to be slow and boring, far from it! I suppose the biggest difference is that although Halo had some external levels, the player was still quite contained. Our technology allows us to have large, and by that I mean huge, exterior environments that the player can travel freely over.

Hoffe das niemand schneller war als ich mit diesen Spiel und hoffe habe euch was geholfen.
Leute schaut mal hier rein hört sich wirklich interresand an
Also hört sich nicht schlecht an, aber seit dem C&C3 Debakel glaub ich nichts mehr, auser ich sehe mit meinen eigenen Augen am Rechner laufen.
Ist Halo jetzt für den PC draussen? Also ich denke Bungie hat sich was vermasselt, damals als Halo rauskommen sollte, wäre es _der_ Oberhit geworden...

Ein bischen denken muss man auch noch. Nicht schlecht :)


ich mag es wenn man in fps shootern die waffe sieht :lol: :lol:
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