NDS ~~ Tomb Raider DS ~~


31 Dez 2002
As part of SCi Entertainment Group's interim results ending 31 December, 2005, the British publisher has announced Tomb Raider Legend is set to make a debut on the Nintendo DS, GBA and Gamecube platforms later in the summer.

"Tomb Raider Legend is the first version in the Tomb Raider series to be developed by the Group's Crystal Dynamics Studio in the United States. The game, which is based on a completely redesigned engine, has attracted very strong reviews and has been featured on the front covers of over 100 magazines worldwide over the past months.

"The product will be launched with a worldwide TV advertising campaign and extensive outdoor advertising. As well as being available on Playstation 2, Xbox and PC, Tomb Raider Legend will be simultaneously launched on the Microsoft Xbox 360 and, in May 2006, will be available on the Sony PSP.

"With further versions available on mobile as well as the Nintendo DS, GBA and Gamecube platforms later in the summer, this will be the first time that a Tomb Raider product has been available to customers on so many key platforms."

Tomb Raider Legend revives the athletic, intelligent and entertaining adventurer who won the hearts and minds of gamers worldwide. With guns blazing, Lara must use her athletic ability and intellectual wits to explore vast, treacherous tombs, riddled with challenging puzzles and deadly traps.
Tomb Raider? ...

Ich äussere mich mal nicht :rolleyes:

Aber cool wär's schon ;)
Die Tomb Raider Serie hat sich seit Jahren nicht weiterentwickelt.
Mich würde es also nicht interessieren.
Ich wünsche mir eine volles 3D-Remake des ersten Teils!!! :blushed:
Schauder wie sieht das den aus..? Da krigt man ja Augenkrebs. Also bitte. Aber klar der DS kriegt ja besonders viel Lizenzmüll. Warum nicht ein Remake von ersten oder zweiten Teil? Das hätte ja noch besser ausgesehen und warscheidnlich auch mehr spielerischen Inhalt gehabt. Also ich bin extrem entäuscht... So was kann ich einfach nicht unterstützen. Lara wird wieder einmal missbraucht. :(
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