RE4 GUIDE: CHAPTER 1 PART 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Start by walking up the path ahead of you and through a small group of crows. You'll see a truck to your right and a house to the left. Enter the house through the front door and, as you make your way around the corner inside, get ready to shoot down a not-zombie. After it's down, three more not-zombies will appear outside the housebefore confronting them, head up the stairs in the back of the building, grab the ammo from the table, and then jump through the window nearby.
You'll land right in the middle of the three not-zombiesquickly run away to put some distance between you and the enemies before attempting to take them out. When they're taken care of, run down the path that the truck was previously blocking (it's gone now) and inspect the nearby shed for items and a save point.
Head up the path a little further and you'll run into a dog that's been caught in a bear trap. Approach the wounded animal and you can save itdo it! You'll be happy later. Continue along the path, but be on the lookout for other bear traps scattered about. At the base of the slight hill are a couple of dynamite traps. Either disable the traps (by shooting them) or just walk around them, and then continue up the hill. At the top is another not-zombie to worry abouttake him out and continue along the path.
You'll find another small shed on the left side of the path, and inside are a few items you should grab. You'll need to watch out for the two not-zombies just past the shed, howeverwhen you enter the shed they'll be alerted to your presence, so get in and out as quickly as possible. When the coast is clear, cross the bridge just ahead.
A third shed is visible just ahead, but don't rush inside. There's a not-zombie standing inside, and you can peg him with a shot or two through the window to flush him out. Grab the items from the shed and continue up the path and through the door ahead.
Just down the path you'll be prompted to peer ahead through your binoculars. You'll spy on a village that's swarming with not-zombies. You'll have to take them on eventually, but for now you should stock up on supplies. On the left side of the path is a narrow branch that goes around the north end of the village. You can pass behind a couple of buildings without being seen. Before you pass behind a woman not-zombie that's shoveling hay, turn right and jump through the window of a building to enter inside and grab the items.
When you've cleared the building of items, get ready for a mad dash. You should run around the village, avoiding the not-zombies and collecting the numerous items around town. There's ammo and health to grab, but avoid entering the northeast building until you're done scavenging for items. When you're stocked up, enter the northeast building.
A huge swarm of not-zombies will rush the building, and Leon will automatically push one piece of furniture in front of the door. When control is returned to you, push the shelving to the right in front of the window that a few not-zombies are trying to break through, and then collect the items under the stairs. When you've got those, rush up the stairs and be sure to grab the shotgun from the wall. When you've got all the items from upstairs, jump through the window to the west (not the one that's already broken).
You'll land on a shoddy rooftop. Turn right and run around the corner to prepare yourself for a fight. Tons of not-zombies will come towards you and, as long as you make sure there are no ladders behind you, you'll have a great position to start popping them off as they attack. If you get swarmed with not-zombies, quickly equip the shotgun and blast 'em away, but otherwise try to stick to your pistol. That is, of course, unless the chainsaw not-zombie appears.
The chainsaw not-zombie isn't very much affected by normal pistol fire, so you'll need to quickly equip the shotgun and blast him down before he gets too close. One shotgun blast will knock him down for a while, but he'll eventually get back up. Switch between weapons as needed and keep holding off the enemies from your perch. Eventually, a bell will ring and the not-zombies will disperse.
When the coast is clear, you can drop back down to the ground and continue searching the village. Once you're satisfied, head up the path to the northeast to continue on to the next area.
You'll see a number of villagers working around the farm just up the road. Try to stay near the beginning of the path and get their attention with a shot or two to lure them towards you. There are two not-zombies to the left, and to the right (behind and inside the barn to the south) are three more.
When the not-zombies are dead, walk around the farm and collect items. There's a blue piece of paper you can find that'll put a sub mission on your mapshoot all fifteen of the blue circle pieces and you'll be rewarded. There are just seven of the fifteen medallions in this farm area. Locate them on your map and then look around for them (they're often placed high, tucked near rooftops and on tree branches). When you've got all seven, continue down the path to the southeast and go to the next area.
Before you leave, however, there's an interesting jewel you can get. To the north, overhanging a stagnant pool of water, is a pendant. If you shoot the pendant it'll drop into the water, where you can grab it. However, if the pendant drops into the water it becomes soiled (and worth less). To get the most of the jewel, knock out the small dowel that's propping up the large board. The board will then drop, giving you a clean surface to drop the pendant onto.
Just a bit further down the path you'll be presented with a new situation; a group of villagers shove a large boulder off a cliff, and it's rolling your way! Rapidly mash the action button and get ready to press two random buttons together to finally dodge the boulder.
Continue through the tunnel ahead (there are some gems you can shoot off the ceiling) and the path opens up to another building. Inside the building are a couple of not-zombies that'll toss dynamite sticks your way (there's another not-zombie that'll also toss dynamite at you from the north, though if you hang out just west of the shack he won't be able to hit you). If you stay far west you'll be able to draw the attack from the dynamiter in the house, but you'll be far enough that they won't damage you. Take aim and shoot one of the dynamite sticks before it leaves the not-zombie's handsyou'll blow him up, and the other not-zombie in the building with him.
When you've got those two dead, take aim for the not-zombie that's just northeast of the shed to your left. Take him down before he can nail you with dynamite, and then run around to the south end of the house (watch out for the bear traps). You can hop through a window on the east wall, giving you a shot at another not-zombie that's in the building.
Once you've cleared the area, head down to the house to the east. You'll have to kick the door about four times to break through the lock and get inside. Watch out for the explosive traps that are in the halls, and push the large armoire away from the door to get access to the back room. In the room is a larger armoire that you can inspectdo so and you'll let loose an ally, and end the level.
As you exit the small shed you're in, you'll see through a window a mysterious figure. Exit the shed and run around to the back of it to meet up with a merchantif you've got some cash to spare, consider picking up some items and upgrading weapons. Though a word of warning: upgrading your shotgun and pistol right now is not a very good idea. You'll be replacing them entirely soon enough.
What you should get, however, is the rifle. As you explore the area in front of the building you're near, a sweeping camera shows off the village and its many inhabitants. Don't open the gates that lead out right awayinstead, take a spot behind the breaks in the wall and snipe as many of the not-zombies as you can. When they're all cleared out, open the gate, take out the not-zombie to your right, and walk forward to see a flood of not-zombies pouring towards you from multiple directions.
Your best bet is to retreat back behind the gate and let the mob of not-zombies file in through the narrow doorway. As they open the door you can greet them with a shotgun blast or a grenade (a grenade will take out an entire group of not-zombies in an instant). When the flow of enemies seems to have stopped, step back through the gate to see another group (smaller) come at you. Hold your ground, and the flood of not-zombies will eventually cease.
Exit the compound and turn right down the stairs that lead to a narrow, precarious walkway. Almost immediately, you'll reach a fork in the pathtake the path to the left to enter a building to the north. There's some ammo inside, and another door on the other side of the small room. Just beyond the door are two not-zombies. Lure the enemies through the doorway and lay 'em out.
Further in the small shed (around the corner) is a third not-zombie that's waiting for you. When the shed is clear, step outside through the east window and shoot down the not-zombie that's sitting atop the roof. Climb up a ladder to reach the rooftop and collect the Emblem (Right half) from the small chest.
Hop down from the rooftop and approach the structure to the northwest. As you do, another stream of not-zombies comes at you from behind! Run behind the structure and position yourself so that no one can come at you from behind and start laying the not-zombies to wastetwo groups in total. Once they're dead you won't have to worry about not-zombies anymore.
The second half of the Emblem can be found in the southeast area, up on the walkways from where the first group of not-zombies came. Grab the Emblem (Left half) and approach the locked door to the north. Combine the two emblem pieces and fit them into the doorway to unlock it, and then continue on to the next area.
Enter the building ahead. Through the door to the south are a couple of not-zombies that you can lure towards you by kicking open the door. When they're gone, step through the door and watch out for two more not-zombies that are at the end of the hall to your left. Once you've finished them off, head down the hall and jump through one of the windows to your rightyou'll enter a large open room with four not-zombies on the other side! As two of the not-zombies march towards you, simply take cover behind the large red dumpster. The other two not-zombies will hurl dynamite sticks towards you, blowing up the first two not-zombies and letting you focus your efforts on the two dynamite chuckers. You can either pick 'em off or try to shoot the dynamite at the very moment it leaves their hands to cause and explosion that'll take out both not-zombies.
When the first four not-zombies are taken care of, start making your way towards the back of the room. Watch out for the bear traps that litter the floor (there are some on the other side of the sandbags, so don't jump over them), along with the two not-zombies that come through the door to the left. You can also get some extra items from the two furnaces on your right before stepping through the doorway behind the sandbags.
Just through the door, to your left, is a boarded up window. Use your knife to break down the boards and hop over the ledge to find a valuable item, and hop back through the window. Step through the doorway at the other end of the room to exit the building, and walk down the steep hall. After turning left and then right again, you'll see a not-zombie very close by. Nail him, and hop down the ladder to the left to get some items (and some free health if you shoot a fish). Climb up the higher ladder and you'll exit the area.
There are a couple items to get in the area, along with a couple of traps to avoid. Watch out for the bear traps and the dynamite rigging on the trees nearby as you make your way down the path and into the building ahead. A door just around the corner has a small puzzle to solve: twist the sphere around so that the pattern of the sphere matches the patterns on the doorway (twist up twice, then left once).
Inside the room, you'll find the glowing Insignia key, along with a few more items. Once you step through the doorway left of the bed, the level will end.
There are a few items scattered around the inside of the house, but no not-zombies to worry about...yet. As you step outside, you'll see a trio of not-zombies (including one with a chainsaw) just around the corner to the left. Waste no time taking out the chainsaw not-zombie and continue down the path, where you'll run into two more not-zombies.
A bit further down the path is a shed to your right, and in a couple of trees you can see pink objects that you can target. Shoot them down and you'll get some valuables before bumping into another group of not-zombies. Lay 'em out, and continue through the doorway at the end of the path to return to the village.
As soon as you enter the village again, a hoard of not-zombies rushes towards you from the center of town. Quickly take refuge in the small building to your left and use your shotgun to blast away multiple not-zombies as they file in through the narrow doorway.
When all the not-zombies are dead, return to the center of town. There's a doorway to the southeast that you can open using the Insignia key. There are also two not-zombies standing on the rooftops to the northyou can ignore them if you want and just quickly run to the doorway to continue on to the next area.
There are a couple of items in the small building, and thankfully no not-zombies. You can get an extral jewel by shooting down the lamp that's hanging in the back room before you open up the hatch in the floor and drop down to an underground tunnel.
Again, you won't have to worry about any not-zombies. There are some jewels that are stuck in the ceiling of the small cavern that you can shoot out. You'll also find the merchant lurking in this underground tunnel. Deal with him as you please, and then step through the next door to find a ladder that leads to the graveyard area.
Walk up the path leading to the cemetary and, as you pass through the shoddy gate, turn right to take out the first not-zombie. There's a small shed behind her with some items inside, and another not-zombie on the south side of the graveyard.
When the base of the graveyard is clear, start making your way towards the church on the hill to the east. As you do, three more not-zombies will come at you, and one of them has dynamite! Clear them out to get access to the church. In one of the trees is an item you can shoot down, but be careful: if you hit the bell behind the tree, three not-zombies will come up at you from the west side of the graveyard.
It's also worth noting that the remainder of the blue medallions can be found in this graveyard. Once you've shot at least eleven of them, you can return to the merchant to claim a free weapon (it's basically a replacement for your current pistol).
The church is locked for now, so run around to the back of the building. In a small courtyard you'll see two not-zombies, and one of them is armed with explosives. Quickly turn around and run away when you see the dynamite light and the blast should take out both not-zombies for you.
Behind the two not-zombies is a pedestal with a strange mechanism you can operate. You need to light up the three symbols that match the symbols of the twins' gravestones in the main graveyard. The trick, however, is that you can only move the dial in increments of three and four, and whatever symbol the dial stops on will automatically light up (or go out). To properly light up the three symbols, turn the dial in this order: three increments (3), four increments (4), three increments (3), three increments (3), four increments (4), three increments (3), three increments (3). When all three symbols are lit, the mechanism will open up and give you a valuable jewel you can combine with another jewel (the Beerstein).
Continue along the path that leads past the church (east). You'll reach a bridge with a not-zombie that'll call over two more. Clear the path and jump over the gap. To the left is a small shed with a note inside (and a booby trap), and further down the path is another gap you'll have to leap across. Just around the corner is another not-zombie, and a door that leads to the next area.
There are a few items to collect in this next area, along with a flock of crows you can shoot at for even more goodies. To the northeast is a locked door, and to the east is a hallway with two doors. Head through the door to the south and you'll enter a new area with a save area and another merchant. Power up your weapons as desiredyou're going to need all the help you can get.
When you're done here, climb back up the ladder and return to the previous area. This time, head through the doorway to the west.
There are a couple of items to get from the shed to your right. Grab 'em, and then continue down the hill ahead of you. You'll get to another sprint event where you must rapidly mash the action button to avoid the rolling boulder. Again, you'll have to dodge the boulder at the last second.
Follow the path down towards a dock, and take out the not-zombie that's standing in front of a dynamite trap (you can blow up the trap to take him out). There are a number of other not-zombies around the docks that you can take out with sniper fire. After taking out about five of them, a rush of not-zombies will run down the hill behind you. Position yourself on the dock so that the long stretch of dock that connects to the first beach acts as a funnel, forcing all of the not-zombies to come at you from one side. You can snipe them as they come, though you'll have to quickly switch to other weapons to deal with them once they get close. When that rush of not-zombies is dead, a second group will come. Deal with them the same, and then continue to make your way eastward.
There are a couple more not-zombies throughout the docks. As before, try to take them out with sniper fire from afar, and watch out for the explosive traps set up in the area. As you finally reach the eastern beach, be mindful of the not-zombie lurking in the shed to the left. Continue up the hill and through the door to the next area.
There are a couple of items to find in the area, and no dangers for the time being. Run up the hill to your left to find a red herb, and then run down the other path to find a save point. Outside the shed is a boat near a dockhop on the boat and get ready for a battle.
Drive the boat out towards the center of the lake. As you do, a giant sea monsterthe "Del Lago"appears, and gets stuck on the end of your anchor. As the Del Lago pulls you around, you'll have to maneuver the boat to dodge both the monster and the floating tree hazards while harpooning the beast with the limitless supply of harpoons at your side.
Right away, the Del Lago pulls you towards some floating tree hazards. Pull the boat wide right to get around them. When you've passed the hazards, the monster will dive underwater for his first attack. Pull the boat hard either left or right to dodge the beast as it surfaces and bites at your feeble boat. There will be a number of attacks just like this throughout the battle, and they can all be dodged the same way. Put down the harpoon and just pull hard in one direction (don't hesitate) and you should be fine.
After dodging this attack, the Del Lago will start pulling you again, with its back sticking out of the surface of the water. Use this opportunity to lodge a harpoon or two into the beat's back, while dodging any hazards that get in the way. When the Del Lago dives underwater again, put the harpoon down and pull away to dodge his upcoming attack.
Sometimes, however, you won't be able to put the harpoon down, and instead of the Del Lago surfacing nearby, the scene will seem still for just a moment while Leon holds the harpoon. Eventually, red arrows will point you towards the Del Lago as it resurfaces in the distance. Very quickly take aim at the Del Lago and throw one harpoon to nail it just as the monster surfaces. Then ready another harpoon, and you can quickly get off a second shot just before it reaches you. If you can successfully hit the monster twice during this attack, the Del Lago will dive under you, causing no harm. However, if you don't hit it with two harpoons, you'll be struck by the sea monster as it barrels towards you.
If you do get knocked out of the boat, you'll have to rapidly mash the action button to swim back to safety. Also be mindful of another action-button-mashing sequence that occurs at the end of the fightwe won't spoil what happens, but you'll need to stay alert, even during the ending cutscene.
rest später
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Start by walking up the path ahead of you and through a small group of crows. You'll see a truck to your right and a house to the left. Enter the house through the front door and, as you make your way around the corner inside, get ready to shoot down a not-zombie. After it's down, three more not-zombies will appear outside the housebefore confronting them, head up the stairs in the back of the building, grab the ammo from the table, and then jump through the window nearby.
You'll land right in the middle of the three not-zombiesquickly run away to put some distance between you and the enemies before attempting to take them out. When they're taken care of, run down the path that the truck was previously blocking (it's gone now) and inspect the nearby shed for items and a save point.
Head up the path a little further and you'll run into a dog that's been caught in a bear trap. Approach the wounded animal and you can save itdo it! You'll be happy later. Continue along the path, but be on the lookout for other bear traps scattered about. At the base of the slight hill are a couple of dynamite traps. Either disable the traps (by shooting them) or just walk around them, and then continue up the hill. At the top is another not-zombie to worry abouttake him out and continue along the path.
You'll find another small shed on the left side of the path, and inside are a few items you should grab. You'll need to watch out for the two not-zombies just past the shed, howeverwhen you enter the shed they'll be alerted to your presence, so get in and out as quickly as possible. When the coast is clear, cross the bridge just ahead.
A third shed is visible just ahead, but don't rush inside. There's a not-zombie standing inside, and you can peg him with a shot or two through the window to flush him out. Grab the items from the shed and continue up the path and through the door ahead.
Just down the path you'll be prompted to peer ahead through your binoculars. You'll spy on a village that's swarming with not-zombies. You'll have to take them on eventually, but for now you should stock up on supplies. On the left side of the path is a narrow branch that goes around the north end of the village. You can pass behind a couple of buildings without being seen. Before you pass behind a woman not-zombie that's shoveling hay, turn right and jump through the window of a building to enter inside and grab the items.
When you've cleared the building of items, get ready for a mad dash. You should run around the village, avoiding the not-zombies and collecting the numerous items around town. There's ammo and health to grab, but avoid entering the northeast building until you're done scavenging for items. When you're stocked up, enter the northeast building.
A huge swarm of not-zombies will rush the building, and Leon will automatically push one piece of furniture in front of the door. When control is returned to you, push the shelving to the right in front of the window that a few not-zombies are trying to break through, and then collect the items under the stairs. When you've got those, rush up the stairs and be sure to grab the shotgun from the wall. When you've got all the items from upstairs, jump through the window to the west (not the one that's already broken).
You'll land on a shoddy rooftop. Turn right and run around the corner to prepare yourself for a fight. Tons of not-zombies will come towards you and, as long as you make sure there are no ladders behind you, you'll have a great position to start popping them off as they attack. If you get swarmed with not-zombies, quickly equip the shotgun and blast 'em away, but otherwise try to stick to your pistol. That is, of course, unless the chainsaw not-zombie appears.
The chainsaw not-zombie isn't very much affected by normal pistol fire, so you'll need to quickly equip the shotgun and blast him down before he gets too close. One shotgun blast will knock him down for a while, but he'll eventually get back up. Switch between weapons as needed and keep holding off the enemies from your perch. Eventually, a bell will ring and the not-zombies will disperse.
When the coast is clear, you can drop back down to the ground and continue searching the village. Once you're satisfied, head up the path to the northeast to continue on to the next area.
You'll see a number of villagers working around the farm just up the road. Try to stay near the beginning of the path and get their attention with a shot or two to lure them towards you. There are two not-zombies to the left, and to the right (behind and inside the barn to the south) are three more.
When the not-zombies are dead, walk around the farm and collect items. There's a blue piece of paper you can find that'll put a sub mission on your mapshoot all fifteen of the blue circle pieces and you'll be rewarded. There are just seven of the fifteen medallions in this farm area. Locate them on your map and then look around for them (they're often placed high, tucked near rooftops and on tree branches). When you've got all seven, continue down the path to the southeast and go to the next area.
Before you leave, however, there's an interesting jewel you can get. To the north, overhanging a stagnant pool of water, is a pendant. If you shoot the pendant it'll drop into the water, where you can grab it. However, if the pendant drops into the water it becomes soiled (and worth less). To get the most of the jewel, knock out the small dowel that's propping up the large board. The board will then drop, giving you a clean surface to drop the pendant onto.
Just a bit further down the path you'll be presented with a new situation; a group of villagers shove a large boulder off a cliff, and it's rolling your way! Rapidly mash the action button and get ready to press two random buttons together to finally dodge the boulder.
Continue through the tunnel ahead (there are some gems you can shoot off the ceiling) and the path opens up to another building. Inside the building are a couple of not-zombies that'll toss dynamite sticks your way (there's another not-zombie that'll also toss dynamite at you from the north, though if you hang out just west of the shack he won't be able to hit you). If you stay far west you'll be able to draw the attack from the dynamiter in the house, but you'll be far enough that they won't damage you. Take aim and shoot one of the dynamite sticks before it leaves the not-zombie's handsyou'll blow him up, and the other not-zombie in the building with him.
When you've got those two dead, take aim for the not-zombie that's just northeast of the shed to your left. Take him down before he can nail you with dynamite, and then run around to the south end of the house (watch out for the bear traps). You can hop through a window on the east wall, giving you a shot at another not-zombie that's in the building.
Once you've cleared the area, head down to the house to the east. You'll have to kick the door about four times to break through the lock and get inside. Watch out for the explosive traps that are in the halls, and push the large armoire away from the door to get access to the back room. In the room is a larger armoire that you can inspectdo so and you'll let loose an ally, and end the level.
As you exit the small shed you're in, you'll see through a window a mysterious figure. Exit the shed and run around to the back of it to meet up with a merchantif you've got some cash to spare, consider picking up some items and upgrading weapons. Though a word of warning: upgrading your shotgun and pistol right now is not a very good idea. You'll be replacing them entirely soon enough.
What you should get, however, is the rifle. As you explore the area in front of the building you're near, a sweeping camera shows off the village and its many inhabitants. Don't open the gates that lead out right awayinstead, take a spot behind the breaks in the wall and snipe as many of the not-zombies as you can. When they're all cleared out, open the gate, take out the not-zombie to your right, and walk forward to see a flood of not-zombies pouring towards you from multiple directions.
Your best bet is to retreat back behind the gate and let the mob of not-zombies file in through the narrow doorway. As they open the door you can greet them with a shotgun blast or a grenade (a grenade will take out an entire group of not-zombies in an instant). When the flow of enemies seems to have stopped, step back through the gate to see another group (smaller) come at you. Hold your ground, and the flood of not-zombies will eventually cease.
Exit the compound and turn right down the stairs that lead to a narrow, precarious walkway. Almost immediately, you'll reach a fork in the pathtake the path to the left to enter a building to the north. There's some ammo inside, and another door on the other side of the small room. Just beyond the door are two not-zombies. Lure the enemies through the doorway and lay 'em out.
Further in the small shed (around the corner) is a third not-zombie that's waiting for you. When the shed is clear, step outside through the east window and shoot down the not-zombie that's sitting atop the roof. Climb up a ladder to reach the rooftop and collect the Emblem (Right half) from the small chest.
Hop down from the rooftop and approach the structure to the northwest. As you do, another stream of not-zombies comes at you from behind! Run behind the structure and position yourself so that no one can come at you from behind and start laying the not-zombies to wastetwo groups in total. Once they're dead you won't have to worry about not-zombies anymore.
The second half of the Emblem can be found in the southeast area, up on the walkways from where the first group of not-zombies came. Grab the Emblem (Left half) and approach the locked door to the north. Combine the two emblem pieces and fit them into the doorway to unlock it, and then continue on to the next area.
Enter the building ahead. Through the door to the south are a couple of not-zombies that you can lure towards you by kicking open the door. When they're gone, step through the door and watch out for two more not-zombies that are at the end of the hall to your left. Once you've finished them off, head down the hall and jump through one of the windows to your rightyou'll enter a large open room with four not-zombies on the other side! As two of the not-zombies march towards you, simply take cover behind the large red dumpster. The other two not-zombies will hurl dynamite sticks towards you, blowing up the first two not-zombies and letting you focus your efforts on the two dynamite chuckers. You can either pick 'em off or try to shoot the dynamite at the very moment it leaves their hands to cause and explosion that'll take out both not-zombies.
When the first four not-zombies are taken care of, start making your way towards the back of the room. Watch out for the bear traps that litter the floor (there are some on the other side of the sandbags, so don't jump over them), along with the two not-zombies that come through the door to the left. You can also get some extra items from the two furnaces on your right before stepping through the doorway behind the sandbags.
Just through the door, to your left, is a boarded up window. Use your knife to break down the boards and hop over the ledge to find a valuable item, and hop back through the window. Step through the doorway at the other end of the room to exit the building, and walk down the steep hall. After turning left and then right again, you'll see a not-zombie very close by. Nail him, and hop down the ladder to the left to get some items (and some free health if you shoot a fish). Climb up the higher ladder and you'll exit the area.
There are a couple items to get in the area, along with a couple of traps to avoid. Watch out for the bear traps and the dynamite rigging on the trees nearby as you make your way down the path and into the building ahead. A door just around the corner has a small puzzle to solve: twist the sphere around so that the pattern of the sphere matches the patterns on the doorway (twist up twice, then left once).
Inside the room, you'll find the glowing Insignia key, along with a few more items. Once you step through the doorway left of the bed, the level will end.
There are a few items scattered around the inside of the house, but no not-zombies to worry about...yet. As you step outside, you'll see a trio of not-zombies (including one with a chainsaw) just around the corner to the left. Waste no time taking out the chainsaw not-zombie and continue down the path, where you'll run into two more not-zombies.
A bit further down the path is a shed to your right, and in a couple of trees you can see pink objects that you can target. Shoot them down and you'll get some valuables before bumping into another group of not-zombies. Lay 'em out, and continue through the doorway at the end of the path to return to the village.
As soon as you enter the village again, a hoard of not-zombies rushes towards you from the center of town. Quickly take refuge in the small building to your left and use your shotgun to blast away multiple not-zombies as they file in through the narrow doorway.
When all the not-zombies are dead, return to the center of town. There's a doorway to the southeast that you can open using the Insignia key. There are also two not-zombies standing on the rooftops to the northyou can ignore them if you want and just quickly run to the doorway to continue on to the next area.
There are a couple of items in the small building, and thankfully no not-zombies. You can get an extral jewel by shooting down the lamp that's hanging in the back room before you open up the hatch in the floor and drop down to an underground tunnel.
Again, you won't have to worry about any not-zombies. There are some jewels that are stuck in the ceiling of the small cavern that you can shoot out. You'll also find the merchant lurking in this underground tunnel. Deal with him as you please, and then step through the next door to find a ladder that leads to the graveyard area.
Walk up the path leading to the cemetary and, as you pass through the shoddy gate, turn right to take out the first not-zombie. There's a small shed behind her with some items inside, and another not-zombie on the south side of the graveyard.
When the base of the graveyard is clear, start making your way towards the church on the hill to the east. As you do, three more not-zombies will come at you, and one of them has dynamite! Clear them out to get access to the church. In one of the trees is an item you can shoot down, but be careful: if you hit the bell behind the tree, three not-zombies will come up at you from the west side of the graveyard.
It's also worth noting that the remainder of the blue medallions can be found in this graveyard. Once you've shot at least eleven of them, you can return to the merchant to claim a free weapon (it's basically a replacement for your current pistol).
The church is locked for now, so run around to the back of the building. In a small courtyard you'll see two not-zombies, and one of them is armed with explosives. Quickly turn around and run away when you see the dynamite light and the blast should take out both not-zombies for you.
Behind the two not-zombies is a pedestal with a strange mechanism you can operate. You need to light up the three symbols that match the symbols of the twins' gravestones in the main graveyard. The trick, however, is that you can only move the dial in increments of three and four, and whatever symbol the dial stops on will automatically light up (or go out). To properly light up the three symbols, turn the dial in this order: three increments (3), four increments (4), three increments (3), three increments (3), four increments (4), three increments (3), three increments (3). When all three symbols are lit, the mechanism will open up and give you a valuable jewel you can combine with another jewel (the Beerstein).
Continue along the path that leads past the church (east). You'll reach a bridge with a not-zombie that'll call over two more. Clear the path and jump over the gap. To the left is a small shed with a note inside (and a booby trap), and further down the path is another gap you'll have to leap across. Just around the corner is another not-zombie, and a door that leads to the next area.
There are a few items to collect in this next area, along with a flock of crows you can shoot at for even more goodies. To the northeast is a locked door, and to the east is a hallway with two doors. Head through the door to the south and you'll enter a new area with a save area and another merchant. Power up your weapons as desiredyou're going to need all the help you can get.
When you're done here, climb back up the ladder and return to the previous area. This time, head through the doorway to the west.
There are a couple of items to get from the shed to your right. Grab 'em, and then continue down the hill ahead of you. You'll get to another sprint event where you must rapidly mash the action button to avoid the rolling boulder. Again, you'll have to dodge the boulder at the last second.
Follow the path down towards a dock, and take out the not-zombie that's standing in front of a dynamite trap (you can blow up the trap to take him out). There are a number of other not-zombies around the docks that you can take out with sniper fire. After taking out about five of them, a rush of not-zombies will run down the hill behind you. Position yourself on the dock so that the long stretch of dock that connects to the first beach acts as a funnel, forcing all of the not-zombies to come at you from one side. You can snipe them as they come, though you'll have to quickly switch to other weapons to deal with them once they get close. When that rush of not-zombies is dead, a second group will come. Deal with them the same, and then continue to make your way eastward.
There are a couple more not-zombies throughout the docks. As before, try to take them out with sniper fire from afar, and watch out for the explosive traps set up in the area. As you finally reach the eastern beach, be mindful of the not-zombie lurking in the shed to the left. Continue up the hill and through the door to the next area.
There are a couple of items to find in the area, and no dangers for the time being. Run up the hill to your left to find a red herb, and then run down the other path to find a save point. Outside the shed is a boat near a dockhop on the boat and get ready for a battle.
Drive the boat out towards the center of the lake. As you do, a giant sea monsterthe "Del Lago"appears, and gets stuck on the end of your anchor. As the Del Lago pulls you around, you'll have to maneuver the boat to dodge both the monster and the floating tree hazards while harpooning the beast with the limitless supply of harpoons at your side.
Right away, the Del Lago pulls you towards some floating tree hazards. Pull the boat wide right to get around them. When you've passed the hazards, the monster will dive underwater for his first attack. Pull the boat hard either left or right to dodge the beast as it surfaces and bites at your feeble boat. There will be a number of attacks just like this throughout the battle, and they can all be dodged the same way. Put down the harpoon and just pull hard in one direction (don't hesitate) and you should be fine.
After dodging this attack, the Del Lago will start pulling you again, with its back sticking out of the surface of the water. Use this opportunity to lodge a harpoon or two into the beat's back, while dodging any hazards that get in the way. When the Del Lago dives underwater again, put the harpoon down and pull away to dodge his upcoming attack.
Sometimes, however, you won't be able to put the harpoon down, and instead of the Del Lago surfacing nearby, the scene will seem still for just a moment while Leon holds the harpoon. Eventually, red arrows will point you towards the Del Lago as it resurfaces in the distance. Very quickly take aim at the Del Lago and throw one harpoon to nail it just as the monster surfaces. Then ready another harpoon, and you can quickly get off a second shot just before it reaches you. If you can successfully hit the monster twice during this attack, the Del Lago will dive under you, causing no harm. However, if you don't hit it with two harpoons, you'll be struck by the sea monster as it barrels towards you.
If you do get knocked out of the boat, you'll have to rapidly mash the action button to swim back to safety. Also be mindful of another action-button-mashing sequence that occurs at the end of the fightwe won't spoil what happens, but you'll need to stay alert, even during the ending cutscene.
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