Preview zu Pacman GCN

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L17: Mentor
31 Jul 2002
5475 6122 1625
Seek and Hide (auch "Verstecken" genannt) auf dem Cube. Könnte wirklich ein Multiplayer Hit werden, aber lest selbst:

May 09, 2003 - Well, here it is -- that "baffling game" that you've heard IGNcube rumoring about. Nintendo insiders have confirmed that the company is working with Namco to bring an all-new Pac-Man title to GameCube. And guess what? A running demo of the odd creation will be shown at the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2003. Keep reading.
So what is it? It's a bit hard to explain. Insiders allege that, unbeknownst to Namco, designer Shigeru Miyamoto and a team at EAD began work on a Pac-Man demo for Game Boy Advance. After 30 days or so on the project, the team had created a full remake of the title, at which point it was shown to amazed employees at Namco. Afterward, it was decided that making a GameCube version, which could be linked to the GBA build could heighten the experience further. So one was created.

What's the big idea? Once the GBA title is linked with the GCN version, all sorts of unique things start to happen, say sources. First, the experience has been designed with four players in mind: one player -- with the GBA, controls Pac-Man, while three GameCube players control three separate ghosts. The person playing with the GBA can see the action on the handheld's screen in classic Pac-Man form. However, the GameCube players can't. Instead, the action on the television screen is split into three play circles -- each showing an isometric 3D view of the Pac arena; no GameCube player can see the full maze. Because GCN gamers can't see the whole maze, the search for Pac-Man is made all the more difficult and entertaining.

The title is so far still being described by sources as little more than a "full-blown demo." Pac-Man for GameCube is said to have simple, cute graphics.

IGNcube will have more on the game from E3 2003. Stay tuned.


Ich stelle mir das total lustig vor. 3 Spieler suchen einen und können ihn nicht so richtig sehen. :D
spike schrieb:
...with the GBA, controls Pac-Man, while three GameCube players control three separate ghosts. The person playing with the GBA can see the action on the handheld's screen in classic Pac-Man form.

Das hört sich echt gut an!!! :D
Nintendo's version of Pacman is perhaps the best videogame to encorporate GCN to GBA connectivity. Finally Nintendo's Dream of using GCN to GBA has been revealed. Although Nintendo's Pacman is just a project that started small that ended up with Shiggy getting addicted to, the game has come a long way.

In Nintendo's Pacman, which is what I'm gonna start calling it from now on, is a 4-player Pacman where 3 players are the Ghost and the other player is Pacman for the time being. The three players who are the Ghost each have a small circle shaped viewing area while the player controller Pacman use the Gameboy Advance playing the retro version of Pacman.

When the player who is controlling Pacman gets eaten by one of the ghost, the player who is Pacman and the player who is the ghost exchanges controllers all while the game keeps tracks of the points that each person has. You get points either by; if being Pacman: eating ghost, eating the pills, or the fruit; if playing by the Ghost you get points only by eating Pacman. You can also loose points by being eaten by a Ghost if you are Pacman.

The game plays great while using simple 3d like graphics on the Gamecube and the retro graphics are intact on the Gameboy Advance.

One thing that I wonder about how far can this game go? It will get boring really fast, unless some new gameplay action is shown later. I believe this game will somehow only be a never released demo or an extra for an upcoming game between Namco and Nintendo :).

On a side note, I won alot of GBA SP carrying cases that Nintendo was giving away to the winners of the Pacman games on the floor.
Hab keine Lust, mir extra deswegen nen GBA zu kaufen :neutral:

Die sollten sich lieber nicht zu stark auf diese Link-Funktion konzentrieren,
und auch sonst mal was anständiges liefern.
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