Nintendo kauft Aktien

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L17: Mentor
31 Jul 2002
5475 6122 1625

Nintendo Buys Back Own Shares
More than $728 million spent.

June 26, 2003 - Nintendo Co. Ltd. today announced that it had successfully repurchased 7.95 million (or about 5.6% shares outstanding) of its own stock. The company spent $728 million in the re-acquisition.
The move, which was set into motion last June, was made by Nintendo in an attempt to ward off the possibility of a hostile takeover by another company.

More as it becomes available.


Wow, das ist viel Geld! :o Damit zeigt Nintendo, dass sie auf jeden Fall alleine in dem Business bleiben wollen. Weiter so! :goodwork:
da fehlt übrigens ein "t" :) oder findest Du Nintendo sollte noch mehr Aktien kaufen? :)

aus einem anderen Forum darüber...

"Nintendo's stock is so hated right now that nobody wants to touch it. It's a good idea for Nintendo to do a buyback to demonstrate they're serious. Not that anybody cares with PSP looming."

"While it is probably true that nobody was actively trying to take over Nintendo, their recent losses of stock value, coupled with MS's previous buyout offers does make for a shaky situation for Nintendo.

The fact was they were vulnerable, and a hostile takeover could have happend for a lot less than the $25 billion that MS previously offered Nintendo for a buyout."
Hat das vielleicht mit der netten Anfrage seitens Microsoft, die an einer "Partnerschaft" sehr interessiert sind? ;)
Einerseits ganz gut wg. Unabhänigkeit, Andererseits: überlegt mal was man für das Geld alles hätte entwickeln können... (zB MP3 für GC3, vernünftige Online-Strategie...).
Schon besser als wenn sie geschluckt werden würden. People Soft würde sich auch gerade ganz stark wünschen 50%+ zu haben ;)
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