3DS Nazo Waku Yakata [Capcom]


12 Mai 2004
Interessanter neuer Capcom Titeln für'n 3DS angekündigt
Capcom has a new 3DS title on the way called Nazo Waku Yakata, or "謎惑館" in Japanese. (I got the Romanization from a trademark that came up when I did a Google search.)

Famitsu's first look this week reveals that you don't use your hands to play. Everything is controlled through voice, gyro controls and touch. The game will also apparently support 3D sound through your headphones or via your PC.

So what kind of game is Nazo Waku Yakata? No clue yet, but it does seem to be a pretty big title, as it has character designs from Tadahiro Uesugi and a scenario from Yukinori Kitajima. It's being directed by Minoru Nakai.


Bin mal auf Bilder gespannt. Stark wie Capcom auf den 3DS setzt. Hört sich nach nem innovativem Titel an.
Neue Infos bezüglich Nazu Waku Yakata :
Solid details on Capcom's new 3DS title Nazo Waku Yakata have surfaced via Sokuho @ Hokanko. Here's what Famitsu had to say about the new game this week.

Nazo Waku Yakata is a "sound adventure" game where you explore a mansion called Nazo Waku Yakata (or maybe just "Nazo Waku" -- Yakata is Japanese for mansion). The mansion has lots of rooms and some strange residents.

The game has a unique control system that does not make use of buttons. The action is shown on the 3D screen, but you can touch icons on the bottom screen to investigate areas of the rooms. You can look at the rooms via gyro controls, where you tilt the 3DS in the direction you want to see. You'll also be able to speak into the system's mic. The mansion residents will react to your comments in various ways.

Examples of the rooms and your interactions include:

Massage Room: where you touch a girl who's wearing a bathing suit.
Fire Place Room: where you light a fireplace.
Insect Room: a hornet (or possibly the sound from a hornet) will suddenly enter your ear.
Fireworks Room: where you attempt to hold the system as steady as possible to keep the fireworks from lighting up.
Nazo Waku Yakata is being directed by Minoru Nakai and has character designs from Tadahiro Uesugi and a scenario from Yukinori Kitajima.

Speaking with Famitsu, Nakai made note of the game's use of 3D audio. This is being done through a technology called Optophonics. Through this technology, the game will offer 360 degree sound. Nakai says that you'll be able to hear the 3D effect even through cheap headphones.

There are apparently a lot of secrets behind the Optophonics technology, and the staff was not fully detailed on it, so they had a special Optophonics technician assist with the recording process.

As an example of the 3D sound use, Nakai mentioned the sound of the insect in the insect room coming into your year, the sound of a maid blowing on your year, and the sound of tape being wrapped around you. He suggested that players use headphones and play in a quiet room.

Moving on from the sound technology, Nakai describes Nazo Waku Yakata as a game that allows you to experience horror, suspense and even comedy. The residents of the mansion, while strange, are definitely not bad. The mansion is the kind of place that you'll want to visit again because you enjoyed yourself.

The focus appears to be on short experiences in the rooms. Each room will be played for between 3 to 5 minutes, or at most 7 - 8 minutes for longer rooms. Once cleared with one room, you'll move on to the next.

Development on Nazo Waku Yakata is at 60%. A release is due for summer.

Quelle : http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/03/23/capcom_3ds_sound_adventure_game/
Das hört sich verrückt an, Release auch schon diesen Sommer in Japan ? Ich brauche Screens, vorher kann ichs nicht bewerten.
irgendwie hatte ich beim lesen der Infos dauernd Resident Evil (1) im kopf. ich hoffe, dass wird ein atmosphärisches spiel :-)

Edit: achja, Capcom :goodwork: :win:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Find diese 3D Sound Geschichte interessant - wird hoffentlich auch in Resident Evil Revelations genutzt.




Interessanter Stil.
der stil ist anders als ich erwartet hab. muss aber garnicht negativ sein, erinnert mich nämlich an Ghost Trick^^
Erster Trailer ( Kopfhörer anziehen :v )

Der 3D-Sound ist interessant. :) Zeigt nur, dass 5.1 Headsets sinnlos sind. :kruemel:
Neuer Trailer

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