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L05: Lazy
2 Okt 2001
Dies stammt aus dem Loftboard von The Dragon und scheint beweißt wohl wie unglaublich sich im Moment der NGC in den USA verkauft obwohl er nebenbei noch dioe XBOX und PS2 als Konkurenten hat:

Ich habe mal ein paar Statements von amerikanischen Konsolenfans zusammengewürfelt.

"Ok, a lot of people didn't get their cubes near me, it sold out fast. There was a lot of turmoil in line, everyone was butting in line and argueing."

"Here where I live, Dubuque, Iowa. Almost all the stores are sold out except for the "bundle" stores that want you to buy a crap load in order to get a cube. But the local Target, Walmart, Shop-Ko, K-mart, and others are all sold out, and what's funny is that the x-crap and gaystation 2 are still sitting behind their little glass houses waiting to be adopted."

"GC shipped 200,000 more units than playstaion 2. Playstaion 2 also had no direct competion ecxept for dreamcast. Nintendo has to compete with Microsft and Playstaion 2. I don't really expect tehm to sell all 700,000 units on the first day."

"Man, like everywhere here it was all sold out of absolutely EVERYTHING by at the most an hour after launch (some places 15 min!). Lines were all at least 50+. Plenty of lonely X-Box's sitting around on the shelves though..."

"My Electronics Bouttique sold out all of their pre-orders weeks ago, and today, at Toys R Us by the time it was 11:00 (Opening time) there was at least a 60 person line outside the store in 50 degree weather. I was number 11, but I was the first to score a Cube cause everyone ran to the wrong section and I sprinted to the counter."

"SOLD OUT here in the San Fernando Valley, CA"

"The toys r us that I work for recieve over 300 gamecubes. By the time I left there were about 20 purple gamecubes left and all the black gamecubes sold out. Even the controllers and star wars sold out. I went to work at 8am to see a long line of over 50 people, all wanting the gamecube. The r zone was like a war zone today."

"I got mine this morning before the crowd, and there were alot of crowds in Sac. people were waiting in line yesterday afternoon waiting for cubes."

"If they sell 501 thousand units today they would have broken the PS2 US launch day sales record. With 700k shipped, you would still see some around even if they outsold the PS2 on day 1. Wait till the numbers come in. I think the XBOX and PS2 fanboys are in for a little suprise!"

"Wow, everyone else said the shelves were wiped clean."

"man, toys r us r zone really was a war zone today, i have never seen people pushing and shoving for anything like i saw today, and they only let 20 people in at a time. it was crazy"

"At Wal-Mart in Olathe, KS, they had 41 systems. By 10:00 p.m., there were 80 some people in line."

"All stores here in Lacrosse, WI are sold out. That includes k-mart (16 units) three shopkos (probably 16 apiece) wal-mart(48) target(24) and best buy (60) although best buy may have a few left. pretty good if you ask me."

"There were enormous lines of people everyway I went. Alas, I wound up empty-handed.
GCN definately sold out today. Not one store in my area has it in."

"I went to Best Buy, EB, Software Etc. & KB Toys and the only place that didn't sell out was KB Toys they had two left, as for accessories they were all sold out on everything except mem-cards and a few controllers."

"I am not kidding here in my area on Toys R´US . There was a lot of people near 100 in only 30 minutes because there were 300 available . That Was Amazing but I have mine right here at my side My Gamecube Jet Black , 4 controlers Jet Black , 1 memory card WR and RL"

"We sold out pretty much everywhere here. There were lines at every major store. I went to K-Mart to get my stuff... About 12th in line and 40 or so cubes at the store.
And a guy right in front of me purchased FOUR GameCubes! But then I got my Jet Black one with a memory card, RL2, LM, and THPS3!"

"Where I live gamecubes sold out in under 30 minutes at the first two stores i went to. Luckily, toys r us had a little more than 100 and i was 55th in line with 10 minutes until opening. I got a gamecube, 1 extra controller, memory card, and 2 games. I'd say all of those gamecubes were all gone less than 30 minutes- 1 hour after i left, based on the amount of people left and how long it took to get one."

"i live right dab smack in the middle of san francisco and our toys r us had about 200 people in line. they let everyone in and it was a mad house. lol, there were plenty of games to go around (sold out of memory cards) but the only game that sold out is...... get this, super monkey ball.
anyway, i'm wasting time here, i gota get back to rogue leader."

"At my wal mart in houston they had 96 and they sold out in an hour. All the controllers and memory cards were also gone. One thing that I have noticed was that alot of the gamecube games have been selling out and xbox have not. All the stores I go to there are alot of xbox games left. The only one that sold was Halo. All those xbox fanboys said nintendo had weak launch titles. Looks like they were wrong."

"I was at Electronic Boutique when they opened. They sold out in FIVE minutes! FIVE MINUTES!!!!!"

"ummm i dont know if any of your toys r us are as important as mine is...its like the major store in the bronx for electronics...well i got to see the shipment and the guy told me the exact amount they got in...and they got in 600 gamecubes
and im not kidding....only 100 were left when my friend got his at 1pm today.
just thought id keep you updated about whats going on up here"

"here in Farmington hills(suburb of detroit) the shelves are cleared even all the 3rd pparty acceories. I tried to get a cube at 1:00 p.m. Check about 10 stores and everything was gone even the cables!"

"I went to Circuit City. There was a line of maybe 15 people standing outside. I went in and got my Black Cube, 2 controllers, and a memory card, but they didn't have Super Monkey Ball, so we decided to look in Toys R Us. It was a mad house. There were about 60 people in line. SMB was sold out. We went to best buy, where they were sold out of the system, but had SMB. I also picked up Madden and a memory Card because it needs its own."

"The stores I've checked, they had everything Gamecube cleaned out. All that was left were copies of Gamecube games and a few RF Modulators. The Target I checked had at least 6 Gamecubes left when I walked in but they sold 2 of those in the 10 minutes I was there (can't find a damn memory card!)."

"Pretty good, and hopefully Nintendo can manage to get more cubes to the stores before supply dries up. The biggest surprise I saw was that Super Monkey Ball was sold out at both stores. Ironicially, Sega is going to have their first big 3rd party hit on a Nintendo System! Now, why didn't Sega think of that strategy earlier?"

"Well buddy, you should live where I live. Not many people like the Playstation2 around here. At BestBuy it was crazy and at ToysRUs dont even bother showing up at that place. Around 50 people were in line but ToysRUs only had about a dozen Gamecube's."

"No offense, but Nintendo picked a crappy day to launch(Sunday). I bet tomorrow you will see much more people.."

"STOP BUYING CUBES. The PAL release date depends on how many 'Cubes America needs."

Der Gamecube scheint sich wirklich sehr gut zu verkaufen, einige wenige waren zwar noch zu haben, aber das ist bei 700.000 ausgelieferten Einheiten wohl zu verzeihen.
Naja, weiß nicht ob ich mich darüber freuen soll, das letzte Statement trübt irgendwie meine gute Laune.

Ich freu mich für den kleinen Wunderwürfel und kann es kam noch erwarten bis ich ihn in meinen Händen halte.
Bye Eni
Könnte man es nicht auch so sehen, dass wenn sich der CUbe in USA so gut verkauft, dass Nintendo dann in großer Euphorie auch den Launch in DE vorzieht und sich denkt: Wird sich wohl auch dort so gut verkaufen?
Ich versuche optimistisch zu sein, klappt aber auch nicht immer.
Diese blöden Gerüchte, wegen Lauch Ende 2002, gehen mir echt langsam auf die Nerven.
Ich glaube nie im Leben das Nintendo so bescheurt ist und das tatsächlich durchzieht.
Wenn Nintendo nicht spätestens Ende März rauskommt, dann kaufe ich mir die PS2. Dass verspreche ich euch!

Rose speichere diese Nachricht ab und erinnere mich an mein versprechen, spätestens Ende März! ;-)
Ja klar Meta, als wenn du das so haargenau wüsstest, 'ne?? :lol: :lol: Schon die News gelesen?? Ich denke mal, da ist nix dran, aber bei Nintendo weiß man nie.... :(
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